>he still doesn't believe in climate change
>he thinks 97% of climate scientists are lying
>"the climate always changes!"
Lmao god I fucking hate you people
He still doesn't believe in climate change
Other urls found in this thread:
>Muh planet
>Muh animals
>Muh nature
No, the only reason we would have to try and fight """climate change""" is for selfish reasons. Only humanity would suffer from climate change. If we were to die out the rest of the planet would still continue as normal, adapting and overcoming whatever it throws at it.
I believe it's changing, I just don't believe the anti-white "solutions" offered are the appropriate way to address it.
I'm not joking when I say that climate change deniers are the only reason I vote D instead or R. I fucking hate every single social issue that dems in America advocate for but I'm not a fucking boomer retard who thinks I can just ignore the problem away. If republicans ever decide to learn how to accept observable scientific facts then maybe I'll consider giving them my vote but until we find a way to make human life on earth sustainable that's not an option for me.
It shouldn't be a matter of belief.
If 97% of climate scientists can't convince people, there's something really wrong with their communication strategy.
>"We need to prevent the planet from ecological collapse"
>"Wow I never knew you HATED WHITE PEOPLE!!!!!"
what the fuck?
They're not lying. Shit's just not peer-reviewed enough/properly.
A professor from my uni got fired because he asked the climate scientists to show the same rigour as physicists
What year will doomsday come if we don't do anything? I want to come back to your reply when it happens
>reducing carbon emissions is anti white
>he thinks the end result of global warming is a calendar date where all of a sudden things get real bad
If I tell you it's next month can I get you to kill yourself before it happens?
I just love how all these supposedly "bigbrain" climate activists don't even understand the main source of criticism for anti climate change policies.
It's not a matter of not wanting to reduce emissions, it's a matter of cost VS effectiveness.
>he still believes in man made climate change
what's it like being retarded?
its doesnt matter what we think it only matters what we do. We're tipping the climate over the edge with no survivors
death to normies
No, if 97% of scientists tell you something and you still refuse to believe it, it's not their fault. You're just an idiot. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them think.
So instead of making the world unliveable because of the climate, you're gonna make it unliveable because of the faggotry?
>it's a gradual decline, user!
>I can't put a date on when things get unlivable
Guess it's not that big of a deal then
>yeah we could potentially save the entire planet but is it worth it if America drops from #1 to #2?
Well, the models created by 97% of those scientists have always been inaccurate. They said 40 years ago that climate change would fuck us up within 20 years.
they're all theories, and many of them agree that human impact is miniscule on climate change, hence why people think man made climate change is bullshit, which it is.
stop being scared into voting green/left parties, fag
The scientists say we have about 10-12 years before shit starts becoming irreversibly fucked. For all you guys who don't like Muslims and Africans, you better get ready for the coming flood of them. Their countries are soon going to be uninhabitable.
Do you really want the chinks to be #1 instead? They will be the last ones to do anything about climate change. And don't forget the fact that Africa is up and coming as well. Do you think those niggers give a shit about climate change?
Anything the USA and Europe can do is largely insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
they have been saying the same for half a century, retard
why do you let the jews scare your feeble mind so, user
I actually do believe
I just don't care
I have no stake in the future
Everyone can fucking burn and starve for all I care I don't give a fuck
get educated and you won't have to believe, either
>he thinks everything is fine
Just a year or two ago, the whole South was underwater because of weekly hurricanes. The west coast is burning down. Texas was hitting records with how cold it was. Africa now has water gangs, instead of selling drugs, they sell water because they're running out. We're having earthquakes in places we shouldn't. Imagine being so unaware of the world around you.
the climate always changes but we contribute now more than ever but insanely believe only america and western europe caused it and can save the planet alone while india and china keep pumping shit and will continue to pump shit from FAR more people.
someone put this on one of those picardia memes
/watergang/ rise up
But wasn't it called global warming? Why do you change narrative every year?
>wow, the weather was slightly extreme in some past years, in some specific areas, it's global warming!!!!!
seriously, what's it like being this low IQ?
Yes and shit has been getting worse for half a century but you're so unaware of your surroundings that you don't see it.
god hates you faggpt
>well China isn't doing anything, that means WE don't have to
No one is saying America and Europe are causing it alone but America only has control over America.
no it hasn't, are you retarded or just lying?
Because climate change is more accurate since it's doing more than heating.
thats because it's a natural cycle of earth, humans contribute virtually nothing to it
First it was global warming, now it's climate change.
>Texas was hitting records with how cold it was.
The narrative gets adjusted each and every time. Don't you see what they're doing? How can you be so blind to the bigger picture?
That's the worst thing about all these climate activists, they think they're woke, but they're actually extremely blind.
Why do you think only young people care so much about climate change? Protip: It's not because old people don't give a fuck about the future. It's because they got to see first hand that climate change doesn't exist.
839 million people in the US and EU and are trying to reduce pollutants for decades.
1.4 billion Chinese not doing a goddamn thing and in the cities people have to wear a fucking mask.
1.3 billion India that wouldn't poo in a loo it you set it under them and even if they did it would pump right into a river.
>It's because they got to see first hand that climate change doesn't exist
He thinks climate and weather are the same
Yeah, California's just burning and Miami is going underwater just because. An earthquake in Georgia has nothing to do with what we're doing.
Really? But didn't 97% of these super smart scientists say we would be death by boiling in melted icecaps water in 20 years, 30 years ago???
Any user that still believes in climate change the way it's portrayed in the media after watching this video is a brainlet.
But the US and the EU are and have for decades and agree we can do more but to guilt trip us while remaining blind to those that aren't trying is insane. My point is we could return to the stone age and stop using fire and Asia and Africa still burn this motherfucker up.
Even if your conservative in theory there's no point supporting a candidate whose base loves them because they ignore facts.
those things have happened centuries ago as well, why do you choose to be blind?
>don't vote drumpf he doesn't have facts
>fails to convince a forum of crusty neets about climate change
oh i am laffin
Climate change is real and i look forward to seeing this world gradually go to shit. Though i'd probably have blown my brains out before anything major happens
it's going to go to shit but not because of climate change
You're just an ignorant faggot. You might get over it.
People like you almost make me hope we never start clearing up the environment.
Here's a free insight into something your completely clueless about. The other sides opinion.
We do see that the climate is changing the same way you do...
Fuck the environment, this world should BURN.
Millions of africans have already been displaced directly caused by climate change. Do you follow any non american news??
I'm really heartened by all the nuclear deregulation lately because it would cause so much less suffering for us to be wiped out with those than through climate change.
Nothing you do or say will affect climate change in the slightest which makes you a fucking retard if you give a shit about it.
Personally, I've got a plethora of more immediate concerns in my life than "u gona die in ??? years dumdum".
>wow that 50 year old boomer has lived for 50 years on a 4 billion year old earth
>he must be woke to the truths of the earth's climate change
Yes compare emissions by fucking total population.
People on Jow Forums arent climate experts retardm
This can't be bait, you can't make this shit up!
I wish the climate all around the globe would get really cold and kill all the niggers. How do we do that? Can it be done?
Fuck the climate. Here is the solution to all our problems.
Take blood sample of faggot animals and clone them in 200 years when there is terraforming
>It's getting hotter in some areas.
>It's getting colder in some areas.
>extreme weather
don't build houses out of cardboard
>mass migration
shoot them at the border and place sea mines
>rising water levels
The dutch already figured it out.
climate is controlled by the weather man
Yes because shitholes like India and China have been pressed so hard to limit their emissions.
Face it retards every white person on the planet could be genocided the trend would be the same.
>humans believe they are significant enough to have lasting effects on their little ball of rock in their tiny ass galaxy
You humans are such a meme species.
>megafaunal animals have been going extinct for the past 10,000 years or more
>habitats stratifying
>climate rapidly cooling and warming throughout several ice ages
>it's obviously because of the past 100 years of industrializing that the same climate change that wiped out the whooly mammoth, whooly rino, giant ground sloth, Neanderthals, mastadons, shortfaced bears, etc. is occuring today
We *are* damaging the environment in many tangible ways across the globe. But to blame it on the climate is a autistic arguement. The U.S. and European countries have rapidly begun to repair any damage they've caused. You don't see people shitting up the Mississippi river now do we. The only reason climate change is postulated as the greatest environmental issue is because it exists to excuse China and India (among others) for steamrolling some of the most diverse environments on the face of the earth (like they currently are)
>Facebook image file
>Reddit language
Checks out
No actually, thats a lie pedaled by conservatove pundants. the projected figures were wrong, the climate is changing faster than they predicted.
Climate change is global warming. The situation has gotten so much worse that we are facing the results of global warming: climate change.
Speaking of, can someone explain to me how we know that CO increase is man made rather than from oceans heating up?