How true is this?

How true is this?

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memes aside high protein diets activate pathways that accelerate aging in the body. im hoping i can reach my goal body and coast on a low-protein diet.




Fuck off basedboy, lifting has been linked to living longer but ONLY if you do farmer's walk

lifting is good for you, but high protein diets are not. they lower nad levels. not surprisingly, the longest living populations like the okinawa eat low protein diets.

its 1g not 3

Never say anything bad about protein on this board, everyone is too emotionally attached to it due to supplement marketing

>The picture below summarizes the literature. As you can see, 1.8g/kg (0.82g/lb) is the point at which additional protein intake ceases to yield any benefits.

Mike Mentzer ate 60g protein when bulking for the 1980 Olympia.

like noodles and sushi? seems low fat not low protein, everyone knows pescetarians are the master race anyway

lol nice source faggot

>Mike Mentzer ate 60g protein when bulking for the 1980 Olympia.
And where did he place?

85% of their caloric intake is sweet potatoes

> certain groups of genetically similar people live longer than others
> it must be there diet!

why do people do this

read nutrition and physical degeneration by weston price

>wanting to live past 100 as a dyel


>wanting to live to 70 as a real man

I chose the latter.

I don't actualy count grams of protein per kg.
During training I'm burning about 80-100 kcal/kg/day anyway, so reaching my protein goal isn't something I have to worry about.
So unless the ratio is worse than 2g protein/100 kcal, I'll reach it anyway.

Why are you guys even drinking protein shakes or eating high protein food.

it's david sinclair who works in a harvard research lab on anti-aging
it's consistent with the science on how protein interacts with the body though. that makes it noteworthy dumbass.

read the most recent literature on anti-aging instead of a 20th century book by some dentist that you only like because it confirms your priors

you could theoretically just build lots of muscle mass with a high protein diet then maintain it by eating maintenance calories with less protein

1g/1 lb
If you're using kg for body weight this is fine

Their diet was only mostly carbs when WW2 ended and all their pigs died. Now they're back to more meat and fat.

Higher # than ur mom

if you don't think he was robbed I don't know what to tell you. But the point is not that 60g is optimal for muscle growth, it's just that it's enough to build a lot of muscle.

What the fuck are you talking about

It's simple
>burn 80-100 kcal per kg bodyweight per day when training
>eat at maintainance
>food has about 5 g of protein per 100 kcal
>therefore eat 4-5 g protein/kg
Like how do you even end up with less than 2 g protein per kg when working out?
Do you guys drink sugar water, lard or something?