Getting kicked out, i have no money no job no friends or help. Should I go to a homeless shelter, any advice?

getting kicked out, i have no money no job no friends or help. Should I go to a homeless shelter, any advice?

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Kicked out where?

parents house

A house specifically?

Just sleep on the damn front lawn till they let you back in or call the cops.

they will call the cops if i do that

Then you have night 1 covered. A jail isn't the best at all but it's likely better than no shelter right now

Then go to jail and sleep there.
Your first priority should be to find a place to sleep and get your head together.

ignore these two chucklefucks
Do you have any friends/family in state you can crash with even for a little while? if not do you have a place you can store your things? Do you have a car? what state/country are you in?

Also if parent do in fact call the cops be sure to respect the shit out of them when they show. Flat out tell them you have no place to sleep that night and so you had hoped parents would relent but since not you are set in going to jail UNLESS cop can help you would with the shelter issue in which case you'll comply and leave

Something like that

im in the uk there is no way to go with family and i have no friends like i said. I have a computer, bike and some clothes thats about it.

Oi shit you might be fucked m8. I don't know nothing about the streets across the water, I know a lot about them in the U.S.

I would recommend looking into a shelter. Do you have enough money that you could buy a sleeping bag?

yeh i think i will go to a homeless shelter, i managed to book an appointment to get benefits (welfare)

alright, well then you should be all set. Hope you find better times friend

>alright, well then you should be all set.

Assuming he actually gets benefits.

I really don't know how else to help the guy, he's in the UK. I could try and provide general street wisdom for how to survive sleeping outside but he didn't respond when I asked him if he had enough for a sleeping bag so I was kinda like "welp"

You won't go to jail like the other user said but you'll get locked up for the night and let out in the morning and they'll probably give you a list of phone numbers to call for crisis accommodation

He's got a computer, there's a million ways to make money with a computer.

oh grate one share your knowledge with us mere mortals

ahahaha, you have got to be kidding me dude. I am not trying to be rude, like I'm a total weirdo NEET but I actually lived a full life and like explored the world and worked tons of jobs and stuff.

What you said reminds me of those moments in a tv show where the nerd says something that shows he just doesn't understand. Like did you think about the logistics at all? He (presumably) has no money right now, he has a bike some clothes and a computer and (presumably) days before he's on the streets. You expect him to come up with enough liquid capital to buy a decent sleeping bag in that time? Especially when he doesn't already have a revenue stream?

same lad how long do you have. Think i got like 2 weeks to find somewhere.

>getting kicked out,


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nigga fuck you. I was never a NEET until long after I had left my parents' house, and now I'm quietly enjoying my retirement. Get back to work!

Scam stupid people out of their money. It's literally that simple. You're homeless, you have literally nothing to lose. Even going to prison for scamming counts as a win.

I hope to god you are underage b& and if you aren't it is funny as fuck imagining what kind of sperg-lord you are.

What's the worst that could happen? You get caught and go to prison? Then you have a roof over your head and three meals a day. PROBLEM SOLVED.

Either you're retarded or this is "trolling" in which case pic related

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>getting kicked out and being NEET
ha must be total shit to be so shit

I was never getting kicked out of anywhere. I'm a different NEET. It must suck to have no reading comprehension.

Don't go to that fuckhouse. If I were you I would either kill myself or find a relative that cares about me

t. got kicked out because his parents were sick of his worthless ass

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t. angry wagie

Did they just spring this on you or did you have time to prepare?
When I got kicked out they gave me 4 months to get my shit together
In that time I got a job, saved up for a rent deposit and found a place to rent, been living on my own since October of last year
If you had time to prepare then you have nobody to blame but yourself

become a highwaymen and rob unsuspecting village folk

Move to countryside, find a shelter there

>Either you're retarded or this is "trolling"

Neither, I'm just trying to help OP survive on the streets with the resources he has. He has a computer, that's already more than the average homeless person has. And literally anyone can scam people on the internet, you're telling me OP can't do what half the third world does for a living?

I get that you're trying to play dumb but it doesn't work. The fact that you're still trying after "I was only pretending" was posted is just sad.

You can't get evicted in such sort notice. Spend you next 2 weeks trying to find a job.
If you have savings, buy a car. It makes homelessness so much easier.

I'm genuinely not trolling, and while I'm no Harvard graduate, I'm not retarded either. Can you explain exactly what is so wrong with my idea? Again: OP doesn't have anything to lose. And if the benefits thing doesn't pan out he needs a backup plan.

I guess you didn't read my post. OP gave limited information and more limited responses. So it leads me to assume he has no time or money. Benefits ARE a backup plan. The streets or a shelter are in OP's immediate future and when I tried to ask a question to see if he might want advice for sleeping outside it seemed like he wasn't interested.

The idea of scamming people out of money a la nigerian prince etc. is not entirely invalid, but it is long and drawn out and requires multiple phones, bank accounts etc. You also run a lot of risks in losing the money that I'm not even going to go into, but in short it is not a good way to get quick liquid capital. Which is basically what it sounded like he needed. I was trying to make sure he had equipment necessary to survive living outside assuming he had a couple days to get it and you were like "lol scam people on the computer"

Sorry if I was overly caustic, I thought you were genuine at first and so I was amused but the more you persisted I assumed you had to be a troll. If you are genuine I don't mean to be rude but you need to get some more life experience. The only leg your argument has is "he has nothing to lose" and you could use that as justification for any action. There's no demonstration of why it would be a worthwhile or profitable action.

I really hope you're not an adult.

Get gym membership to shower. Get car to sleep in. Use public library to browse internet all day

I'm just saying, I'd take prison over homelessness any day.

jesus christ, you need life experience. I was typing this out the first time but decided you must be a troll. You obviously don't even know the difference between jail and prison and have been to neither so how the fuck would you know which you prefer?

You are a victim, a very very sad victim of the Dunning-Kruger effect. You are not smart enough to properly assess the fact that you are an idiot. If the world were as easy to succeed in as you believe it is, someone with your moderate abilities would already be a millionaire. But that inconsistency doesn't even occur to you.

i'll never understand parents who kick their kids out (unless you're 25 or just a plain lazy fuck who doesn't want to change his own situation)
how the fuck can you kick be so inconsiderate? why not just make your kid work for you if possible, or if it's depression or anything else, actually help and try to get him decent treatment
i know teaching and leading the way to independence is the greatest thing you can do as a parent but im sure theres other ways around it other than making your kid homeless

What if the parents cant afford the kid anymore or he is abusive? Its arbitrary but at 18 we consider our kids adults. At that point you can still love each other and do favors but its not wrong to treat each other like adults