Showering after gym

Is it incredibly unhygenic to not shower immediately after my workout? I lift right before work (finish lift 20 mins before clock in) and I cook at a restaurant so I don't feel the need to spend time getting all clean when i'm going to be getting food all over me anyways and have to take another shower after work. I just wipe my ass and nuts down with some wipe and spray some axe

Would the general public view this as gross?

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You’re disgusting

So what you're saying is everybody who lifts before work takes 2 showers a day?

right on man, soap robs our skin of natural oils and grime designed to protect us from the elements

Does that thot not take showers?

>having a job where you have to clock in

Obviously, otherwise how would posting her be in any way related to the topic?

*sniffs eagerly*

Prove you’re not underage and actually lift

not gonna contribute to your fap folder fag


I lift after work and I still take at least 2 a day, sometimes 3.

You don't? I cant even imagine what my pussy would smell like if I didn't shower after working out.


After the gym I'll usually just change my shirt because it's covered in sweat. I only shower in the mornings before work. I don't shower on the weekends.

Hey body looks like it would break if you railed her hard. That gives me the big peepee

it is not incredibly unhygenic to not shower immediately after your workout, however, it is incredibly unhygenic to not shower after a workout if you work in a kitchen YOU DISGUSTING FUCKING PIG.

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im not sure but i love her fake lips and would love to break her in two, then break her into smaller pieces

I wash my hands like 300 times a day, it's not like i'm rubbing my large sweaty gym testicles all over food

everyone around you knows you’re a stinky, greasy bag of shit but doesn’t tell you because they feel bad about your crippling autism
seriously, fucking wash yourself you pig

listen fool, i am unironically a cumbrain and i dont give a mother. fuck. every picture of a fine ass bitch just revamps my motivation to keep going a little bit more. because they ARE out there and i CAN have one. ive had em before and i can have em again. this shit never gets old, hot bitches never get old, fucking never gets old, cuddling never gets old, kissing never gets old, being hugged never gets old, et fucking cetera

im gona show up to the yard with my paperwork hooped and go straight up to the motherfucking shotcaller and throw that shit down. my driver's license is legit, my shit checks out, and my game is tight.

im gona hit the bars, hit the burpees, hit those fucking dips, get the heart pumpin and throw down a sick workout every fucking day. fools out here are gona respect my program, respect my dedication, and when shit pops off, i'm gona put in work for my people.

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General public views any form of prolonged dedicated exercise as gross. So long as you try to keep to a plan or program, people will continue to try to find ways to tear you down or make you feel insecure. Pheromonemog the shit out of them with your musk. Fuck not showering after the gym - just stop showering completely. Then they'll learn.

That's weird because people say I smell good cuz I spray myself with axe or old spice after I work out. I walk into work and they say "you smell good" cuz I just sprayed it

Post body

I lift before work. I wake up, go to the gym, lift, shower, go to work.

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Yes you fucking pig, one in the morning before work and another one in the evening after workout. It's not that hard.

sounds like a waste of water/deodorant/hair product/bodyspray/cologne. Are you a stripper or something where you have to look good at work?

based wes poster

ay where you from what they call you homie


lmao learned my lesson after doing that here.

i shower like two times a week, but i wash my hair everyday because of a dandruff problem i have.
i probably smell bad as fuck on the gym because of this but i really don't care.

what restaurant do you work at? asking so I can avoid at all costs.

tell us about your surgery

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you're fucking with your skin hydration doing that. Shower once after lifting

Why is no one asking the important question? Do cold showers kill gains? It's know that cold showers are anti inflamatory, but muscle growth happens because of inflamation after a workout, so am I killing my gains if I cold shower right after my workou?

both have benefits
cold showers are just better for t gainz

It's kinda gross for most jobs, but you work in a fucking kitchen. That's unacceptable I hope the health department goes medieval on your ass. Fucking go 20 minutes earlier than usual and take the time to shower afterwards you disgusting retard

It's fine as long as he washes his hands. What should resturant workers have to leave work and take a shower every time they take a shit or take the trash out while on the clock too?