Hypothetical questionn

If females liked sex what would the world look like?lets say you wake up tomorrow and suddenly females like sex like men do. What would change in the world?

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They already want sex like men do. Thing is, not with you.

this. They like sex like me do, but just with Chad

as a femanon i can confirm we do, just not with fucking degenerates on r9k

huge cope,they hate sex. They exchange sex for resources

gigantic cope,they hate sex. They exchange sex for resources

there is no such thing as femanon. Fuck outta here

>huge cope,they hate sex. They exchange sex for resources
Exactly why an average woman has less sex than an average man. Bud, as someone who's fucked women in their own apartments without paying for anything (and I got fed for free), a lot of women (and definitely most of them) fuck because it's pleasure+fun. Gold diggers and prostitutes/escorts are a small minority.
>there is no such thing as femanon. Fuck outta here
This cope. This COPE.
Can you please post a foot/collar bone/whatever with a time stamp that would identify you as a female and shut this incel down?

>gigantic cope,they hate sex. They exchange sex for resources
virgin spotted

women cant feel pleasure because they have no prostate. Their genitals are not sensitive at all because naturally there is no need for that. Men raped women in the jungle for thousands of years. Consensual sex is a very recent social construct. BTW men who have fucked women without paying dont exist in r9k. Stop LARPing faggot

>women cant feel pleasure because they have no prostate
Oh, you're just a faggot. Buddy, if you were not, you'd know that women get orgasms the same way men do, by stimulation of clitoris (and man's top of the penis is the clitoris analogue).

there's a wide literature demonstrating men have a higher sex drive by a factor of 4 or so. read baumeister for more about this. it's also obvious, given men have 8x the level of androgenic hormones and testosterone + its analogues directly increase sex drive.

Jesus Christ you are so fucking delusional. Go outside and talk to some people you virgin

talking about sex is a huge taboo where i live. In general sex is a huge taboo

You're the one with the cope you idiot. Girls don't want you, but since you won't accept that girls only want chad you tell yourself that girls don't want sex at all

Whoops sorry, meant for . And a waste of double dubs too

More and more women are frigid boors

Lemme guess..India?

Why are men so obsessed with sex? I am a guy and I just don't see the point.

Once you get a job and a life, sex is just secondary. It's great to have sensual experiences with another human being, but only after you get to know them.

Sex like a dog is just pathetic. You guys are sickening.

no but you are close. Germany.

>wagecucking for Mr.Shekelberg is satisfying and in fact more satisfying than sex

Lemme guess,you are circumcised?

I get more of my pleasure from simply existing, why would I need sex? Sex only feels great if you do it once in a blue moon. It makes it more special. Sick of the vile degeneracy of our times.

Good god havent read nothing that retarded for a long time

Ey bruder keine ahnung ob ru auf der alm lebst... Aber nicht in dem deutschland in dem ich lebe

Thank you. Jesus Christ!

My gf begs for sex from me twice a day and makes her own resources.

I have a shitty job and no life
I just want to blow my brains out but I have to wait until I can afford to
Until then I need something to occupy my time

I'm not obsessed with sex, but nothing comes even close to the feeling of having a girl edge you for an hour until you can finally explode deep inside her pussy. You just need to find a good gf who loves sex too

Sometimes I think I'm pretty far gone but then a guy like this shows up.

>talking about sex is a huge taboo where i live
Nigga you wot. I talk about sex with all my friends.

>if women liked sex like men do
t. virgin, you clearly know nothing about women do you user?

Come to Odessa Texas and be my selectively sexual GF. I make 140k as a drilling engineer at Halliburton and you can spend it turning me into your dream BF.

>they hate sex they exchange it for resources
yep, this is Jow Forums allright

bruh, how tf do people wind up like you? like seriously?! who the hell have you been listening to?

Do they not have sex ed in Germany or are you a Muhammed?

they like sex just now with you men have sex with whom they can and women have sex with whom they want therefore chad fucks them all

What do you expect from a bunch of retarded teenagers?

We would have reached blade runner levels of overpopulation and pollution. Dont forget humans are all slaves to our evolutionary biology. The comparatively low sex drive of women is most likely for the purpose of population control.

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>the best part is he'll still think he's right and "redpilled" after all this retardation and there's nothing we can say to change that

you are such a retard. sex feels good no matter the frequency, and if you have healthy test levels, you can't get enough until your balls are drained of the last drop. fucking weak faggot

You can sure tell when normalfags are this board. This is why Jow Forums sucks in the afternoon

Ich lebe in einer grossstadt. Ka wo du lebst,im rotlichtviertel vielleicht? spoiler alert: prostituierten moegen geld.

>a woman begging for sex
they dont beg even the chaddiest chad that ever chaded. Prove it or else fuck off

nigga, men dont count

i know everything about them user

sexual education is cringey american bullshit,we dont have that here but even if we had that shit,do you think we would learn whether women like sex or not?sexual education was made to teach retards how to use condoms and decrease AIDS and other gay diseases

no, you don't. i'm going to assume you are MGTOW

no,i m incel by choice of women,not by my own choice. MGTOWs supposedly choose it by themselves but they are delusional,women choose their destiny too

Sex is only in the back of your mind because you're used to it. When you can never have sex because you're an ugly autist it becomes one of the things you want the most.

>sexual education is cringey american bullshit,we dont have that here
Ich bin Deutscher du Dolm. Natuerlich gibt es bei uns Aufklaerung, vielleicht hast du sie verschlafen.

i didnt go to german school but in general all european countries have similar education


I woke up to hearing my upstairs neighbor having sex. I heard her cum too.

So you are a Muhammed? That explains the lack of knowledge.

incel is a state of mind my dude. and yes we agree that MGTOWs are delusional

Youre retarded. I dont need to prove that women have hormones and beg