Tell me Jow Forums, why is /gfd/ such a comfy fetish?
Gentle femdom
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Because you're a closeted faggot.
all robots, especially you, deserve to be lovingly held and given headpats by a girl.
Even me? Like in all honesty even my ass that studies cartoons trying to learn fluidity in animation?
of course, user. artsy robots are the purest of them all.
because you had no positive male role model growing up
because we're all touched starved and are too autistic to be the lead in a relationship. Too bad /gfd/ gfs dont exist.
>tfw no gf taller than me who is into gentle femdom
Do you think toxoplasmosis could be causing so many men to be sexually submissive?
Sad thing is I'm not artsy. Not unless writing counts.
writing -> literature -> art.
of course you count silly
Well thank you very much! I'll get back to writing my short stories then.
Because legitimately nice and caring girls are rare.
>Like in all honesty even my ass
Especially your ass.
Just, like, get a shorter gfdgf and a chair for her to stand on.
Gentle femdom isn't femdom
we all just want someone else to take care of us desu
Its an effeminate fetish
If you can't control a guy without whips and chains you aren't much of a dominant desu.
I'd say GFD is peak comfy because there's a lot of affection involved, and I reckon there's a lot of affection starved robots here, myself included.
god how much i wish this were true...
kek, that's actually cute.
Most of us do not Ben know what we would do with a woman if we were able to attract one. Gentle femd is popular here because it is easy, you get the human contact and physical touch, except you do not have to put in any effort. It almost seems like the perfect trade-off.
Because it is people expressing their love and affection in a very wholesome way.
Something many people, including myself, are starved for.
>tfw every fucking girl in my piece of shit country is a 100% sub
>tfw don't even want a girl to do anything dominant in the relationship, just inside the bedroom from time to time
Is spanking gentle?
Only if you do it to help him grow as a person and learn from his mistakes, and let him cry on your chest afterwards while you comfort him.
From reading r/9k/ I have deduced that guys are a lot more sensitive on the inside than outside. Giving him a round of red marks on the butt is probably less hurtful than telling him "no!" in an angry voice.
Because you can finally trust someone, and have someone trust you, and neither of you will be let down. Finding a gfdgf let's you finally have an outlet for everything you've had to keep to yourself all your life, and know that you aren't alone in your beliefs. It's all about being able to truly trust someone so much, you're willing to put yourself in their care.
gentle is an attitude
you can spank someone gently
Aftercare following abuse is the best thing in the world.
Then you obviously know nothing about us, the reason there are so many men on here, talking about personal issues and their feelings is only because its anonymous.
Men don't get to talk about themselves, and cry, and demand emotional support, and attention whore, because they don't have a vagina.
No one would give a fuck about you in the real world if you didn't have a vagina, no one would listen to your problems and your whining and bitching, they wouldn't give a fuck about your feelings, try to comfort you, they wouldn't listen to how your day went, they'd ostracize you for acting unmasculine.
And nobody would care if you fucked off and died.
You're expected to live independently and not rely on anyone for anything. Thats why men come on here to share some feelz, because this is one of the only places they can open up.
Gentle Femdom is a fantasy, where women actually reciprocate some of the caring behaviors
men always provide women, even women they don't even know.
Is it me or has their been an explosion in this type of stuff on Jow Forums in the last few weeks?
>No one would give a fuck about you in the real world if you didn't have a vagina, no one would listen to your problems and your whining and bitching, they wouldn't give a fuck about your feelings, try to comfort you, they wouldn't listen to how your day went, they'd ostracize you for acting unmasculine.
This is what we call "toxic masculinity", I wish people would stop pretending it is a bad thing.
Are mommies the best type of Gentle fdom?
gentle femdom has no pegging based retard
why is everyone either a tranny or a beta that wants to be dominated by a girl on this board
worst, fuck your oediopus shit
It is weak. you weak ass punk boy!
HARD femdom is where its at. You fags always go with the soft shit like this and findom
No it's just fucking weird.
People on here are more in touch with their feminine side you goon
you should try it sometime gramps. its 2019 pops
I think gfd is more aligned with being mothered than dominated. I imagine it's popularity here is something to do with the only affection most anons have ever received from a girl is from their mother, and they don't really know how to respond or feel comfortable with anything else.
Findom is just retarded desu, I can see gentle femdom tho.
I should know. I used to be savage like you
Used to jerk it to boring ass missionary and become hard like missile when I saw a naked lady in porn
tits and ass would make me hard like missle. but then I got bored of the same shit, I'm not fucking only watching
So I moved on to futas and more cultured tastes. Its all about what can get you harder since its more R A W
The more fucked up and outer space it is, the more hot. We're leagues past boring missionary or even women porn
go fuck yourself toasty roasty
>is 19
thank you
You do hard femdom things and still be gentle about it.
>wants to date a girl thats like his mother
ok Oediopus
its not the problem, gender roles are not the problem, my point is that women shouldn't take this for granted, and maybe act a bit more caring to men, instead of constantly shamelessly demanding it and receiving it, because of a fucking flesh pouch.
Not even if I was reborn as female would I ever even consider manipulating and attention whore myself, like this.
"Toxic Masculinity" which is really just the indifference of the "Real World", that women are just protected from. However, even if you fucks eliminated the concept of "Masculinity" I would purposefully seek out isolation because I don't want to be treated like a fucking child, I only want one person who loves me for who I am, and I love for who they are. And I know I'll never find it.
Gentle Femdom is this fantasy, where my love for a girl who doesn't exist is reciprocated.
>From reading r/9k/ I have deduced that guys are a lot more sensitive on the inside than outside.
I'd rather face a thousand cuts on my flesh, then have a woman get close, and give me one in my heart.
>why is /gfd/ such a comfy fetish?
Because you get to see how she's driven by her sexual urges.
I had a gf that used to push me back on the bed and stick her pussy in my face and tell me that she needed me to lick it. Seeing her sex drive in action like that was awesome.
I don't want a woman to be just a passive human fleshlight. I want her to have urgent sexual needs that are so difficult for her to control that she sometimes gets a little aggressive.
>tfw 6' 2" and thick meaning I tower over 99% of women
>because of this I'll never have a gf who's taller than me
>having a short mommy gf wouldn't feel right
Fuck I wish gfd was real
There's a girl at my school who is taller then everyone except for one 6' 7" kid who's giant, so it's possible in theory but unlikely you'd find one who is into that stuff.
How is findom not hard femdom? Only the most pathetic men imaginable get off to it
Not true
I'm assertive in real life and want my gf to be submissive when it comes to everything other than the bedroom sometimes
user, you just proved that i'm right
>i'm not beta, i just want to be submissive in the bedroom
he only wants it sometimes
Posting some more gfd
>tfw 6'6 huge guy
People expect me to be manly (which i am mostly) but i would like at least, maybe once a year, to be cuddled and have my head be patted by a woman who genuinely love me and not just the social prestige she can get out of dating me.
Choose your gfd gf
I want to be a girl's gaming chair
another user jumping in here. what you are describing sounds an awful lot like an issue of gender roles. why do you not think they are too narrow?
>tfw 6'2 so any female taller than me is a freak so no taller than me gfd gf
men literally only fucking want one thing and it's fucking disgusting
I ain't that huge, but I'm still taller than most girls here.
Love it.
This, I could smell a girls ass and puss all day.
If your definition of beta is anyone that wants to be dominated then
>why is everyone either a tranny or a beta that wants to be dominated by a girl on this board
doesn't make any sense.
You literally said: why is everyone beta who is beta
What is and isn't masculine is subjective. This kind of behaviour is only considered masculine because women find it attractive.
Yes, what is and isn't masculine is decided by what women think is attractive.
Can I ask you a question?
Are you retarded?
Masculinity is how it has always been, Femininity has changed.
The fag who's post I first replied to, was calling men "sensitive".
My post was meant to illustrate that men are not "sensitive". However I got carried away and it turned into a rant.
I have no problem with gender roles, in fact the opposite, I believe they should return to being strict and traditional.
I have no problems with Masculinity, I get excited at the thought of being drafted. And I happily would go off to war to fufill my traditional gender role, If I felt my sacrifice, and myself was valued and respected in the society I live in.
Which brings me to the issue of the Draft. Why do y'all think men have since the formation of our species, been the hunters and warriors who go out and spend their lives for the tribe/country?
It's because the overwhelming amount of males are worthless, and thus expendable to society.
I have NO problem with this, all I want Is a little goddamn respect for men. I'm tired of feminists trying to destroy gender roles because it and men are oppressing.
You people complain that Gender roles are oppressing us too, "toxic Masculinity"
I have not seen a single person claiming to be male on the internet, complain about masculinity. Not have they ever claimed to be victims because of it. I recognize that I am of more use to this society dead than alive, but I'm not a victim. That's the way the world is, small groups of people who complain that not themselves but the entire rest of human civilization since the creation of mankind is wrong, are fucking retarded.
>video sums up what I'm trying to say.