Tfw you realize your crush literally has poop and gas in her butt right now

>tfw you realize your crush literally has poop and gas in her butt right now

Attached: 1546317004892.png (250x202, 39K)

must be nice to be under the ago to drink energy drinks

why? are you an ebin oldfag?

Yes, and I would like to add my gooey white cum into that mix. Thanks.

add it to my mix too pls

That literally sounds incredibly gay somehow

>That literally sounds incredibly gay somehow


Yeah that's a good way to tell whether or not you're in love

I honestly don't even know. It just sounded really gay.
Oh well

are you a girl (female)


huh, thats weird, well I'm gonna go suck you off, see ya later

So do I user.
Don't you fart and poop?

Attached: knuckles eggsman.png (226x444, 93K)

>Don't you fart and poop?


op is a sheltered fagit lol

Attached: 1502978360656.png (956x538, 331K)

>op is a sheltered fagit lol

nope, kys lmao

>tfw you realize there are guys who would love their crush dump her poop squarely on their faces as she squats over them

Attached: 3V9wt.gif (540x360, 748K)

>reddit spacing
go back there you underage faggot

>le leddit lacing


>hurr durr durrrr

Attached: lyvrn8tbrsr21.jpg (540x960, 83K)

lmao is this from ur phone?

>he doesn't want to be his crush's personal human toilet

Obstipation aint no joke user.
Go to the doctor.