What would you buy with extra money

Hey Jow Forums I am a 30 year old NEET who lived a good full life, working jobs, (don't hate me) fucking bitches, and hanging with buds. Then I had a schizophrenic episode that lasted 3 years (I was on the streets for the last year and a half of it) and now I'm weird as shit and get disability.

Anyway, I normally don't have much but I recently inherited a of change and I've already bought everything I wanted. What is some cool shit to buy? I'm just looking for stuff to get with this money

Attached: kitty arms.jpg (480x480, 36K)

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I'd just buy more video games, maybe get up to date on my One Piece manga collection

I'd say don't buy any bullshit with that money. Invest it to receive passive income to help you in your life

Either invest it or save it for any emergencies that pop up.

this is the smartest thing to do
personally i would buy tons and tons of anime stuff and video games. but OP for your sake i would recommend marijuana to stabilize your mind

Cats are liquid.

cats IN liquid

Attached: underwater kitty.jpg (480x360, 24K)

Liquid in liquid?

Attached: liquid-cats-2.jpg (605x452, 22K)

can't tell if srs but you def don't wanna smoke weed if you had a schizophrenic episode

how much money was it user? you can spend some on stupid shit but you should learn how to invest in stocks and do internet shit (dropshipping)

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why not? weed does not cause hallucinations nor does it make you hyper

Here is my amazon wishlist... Tried being a cam hoe for money but gave up


You forgot the caption!

Better still, use kiva.org to invest it in a way that will help others as well as yourself.

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are you a trap or a roastie? might buy you something if you actually have a dick

Im a virgin girl if that counts!

pic of intact hymen? I'll get you the switch if you can pull the pic off

But we're not allowed to post photos of ourselves on this board...

Here is a drawing of one

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-25-12-37-21-1.png (540x731, 31K)

post your discord and I'll add you, pic of intact hymen with timestamp and I'll buy you the switch.

intactpussei #0361

sent my dear unpunctured darling

rent cabin in woods and be comfy for a while

i bought one of these with some of my disability money. schizoaffective here

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>I had a schizophrenic episode that lasted 3 years
How does stuff like this even happen? I don't assume out of the blue. Did you do drugs that have caused it and how did you notice you were schizophrenic? Really curious to know.

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search aliexpress for "sperm extractor"
you're welcome fren

You could spend it on making your apartment comfier than it is, with flower designs everywhere. The best way of spending it would be on worthful books.