Why does Western society continue to allow black "people" to dictate popular culture?
Why does Western society continue to allow black "people" to dictate popular culture?
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cuz they nuckin', and buckin', and they ready to fight
whatchu sayin?
yeah niggers can't make music. They suck at everything they touch. Listen to these mokeys play. Omg fucking worthless niggers
Since the slave days, black people have found whites to be too uptight and proper and young people agreed.
Whites imitating black culture started with blackface. A lot of people think blackface was purely out of disrespect but a lot of the time, whites did blackface because they found black culture to be fascinating but didn't like blacks enough to put them on stage. Al Jolson (Mammy, mammy) loved black folks and wanted to share black culture with America.
African Americans have always had their own world in this country since they weren't allowed to share a world with whites. This is how they ended up with this upside hybrid European/West African culture they have now. It was so different from what white people knew that they became interested. The way black people spoke, the way they spoke, used words like "jive" and "cool", their music, the grass they liked to smoke, it all seemed really interesting to young white people.
Look at rock n roll, hip hop, afros, Ebonics, the sexualized dances, etc. African American culture is built on defiance. It's to a point where whatever mainstream society says is good and proper, black people will do the opposite. And the youth loves rebelliousness, so of course white kids are drawn to a group of people who see own their existence as an act of rebellion.
Sheet pekawood its becuz day be slaves n sheit, and jim crow n sheet.
hmm, who could be pushing these degenerates, i truly wonder.
>whitey didnt let us blacks do things sheeet!
whitey didnt stop you from going back to africa either.
reminder - the ancestors of american blacks were enslaved by africans, and later were freed by white americans
Look at how the blacks are having a great time, dancing, playing instruments, wearing tribal costumes, even the dog is enjoying it. But off to the side are white men and the black man dressed like a white man standing there, watching with their arms folded. If you're young with no responsibilities and all you care about is a good time, who would you rather hang out with?
Why wouldnt they? The best music becomes the most popular over time anyway.
>being mad over historical fact
Your white guilt is showing
I didn't say this to make whites feel bad, it's just what happened. Whites wanted the races separate, so two different cultures formed.
>the ancestors of american blacks were enslaved by africans
This is a half truth that whites experiencing white guilt like to peddle. Yes, our ancestors were "enslaved" by other people from the African continent, but the concept of a unified black race came from whites. Africans didn't see things this way.
In the mind of an African, a Yoruba and an Igbo were two completely different races. In the mind of a European, they were both black. An Igbo didn't mind selling a Yoruba to a Portuguese because a Yoruba is just as much of a foreigner as the Portuguese was. Race is a social construct created by westerners.
By the way, african slavery was nowhere near as bad as American slavery. African slavery was temporary. Even on the occasions that you became a lifelong slave, you alone were a lifelong slave. your children would be born free. They didn't take entire tribes as cattle and keep them that way for centuries. Even the Arabs, as terrible as they were, didn't do chattel slavery. And the Arabs didn't just enslave one race, they enslaved whites and Asians as well.
>white guilt
lel! im asian. "white guilt" was made up by blacks, it was never real.
>african slavery wasnt as bad!
then why dont blacks go back? lel
>"white guilt" was made up by blacks
it was made up by ((certain group)) who pushes black culture
pretty sure africa does not give a shit or even know the difference chattel and non chattel slavery.
where do you 'woke' blacks get off bitching about slavery thats hundreds of years past when it was africans that enslaved and sold your ancestors, and whites who freed them?
blacks push it. dont even try buddy
do real africans hate american blacks?
>im asian
Ok so you're a white man's pet.
No, white guilt is real.
If a child steals and gets caught and immediately says "well John stole too!" or "well Jimmy stole it and then gave it to me!" or "everyone was stealing!" or "I put it back!" that sounds like guilt, doesn't it? So when a white person says "well the Arabs did it too!" or "the Africans sold themselves!" or "everyone was slaves!" or "we freed them too!", it makes you sound guilty.
A person who didn't feel guilty for what their ancestors did wouldn't get defensive at any mention of the past and wouldn't try to justify what whites did a hundred years ago. They just acknowledge that white people did some fucked up things back in those days and it shouldn't have happened and then they move on.
You were so quick to defend slavery because your white daddy told you that it's a taboo subject and shouldn't be talked about because it makes him feew weally bad :(
Working with juveniles in services, it's because it's counter culture and rough\bad, etc. west coast city schools are taken over with the culture, and the music exemplifies the world the kids think the want to be a part of, so they parrot it because everyone else is and parents don't like it.
lel. white guilt is fabricated. nobody did you wrong, you blame others instead of blaming yourselves.
africans enslaved you, whites set you free, fed and clothed you.
>pretty sure africa does not give a shit or even know the difference chattel and non chattel slavery.
Yes they know. At the time they didn't know. They had no idea what they were selling people into.
>where do you 'woke' blacks get off bitching about slavery thats hundreds of years past
It's been 150 years and literally no one is bitching lmao. You people are just defensive and feel guilty, so any mention of slavery gets this reaction from you. All my post said was that slaves thought whites were boring and blacks and whites created different cultures due to segregation. And this upset you because you feel guilty. It's hard to talk about African American history without bringing up slavery or segregation you guys.
this idea of culture is a fucking joke.
the only culture in America is streaming service culture. Mcdonalds culture, 420 blaze it, and how am i getting my next xanax/hydro/meth/heroin hit? culture.
> Facts now make you guilty
Hello Juden.
Nigerians dislike African Americans but Nigerians dislike everyone. It's funny because African Americans are direct descendants of Nigerians. Most Africans like african Americans though. The former king of Ethiopia created a whole city for Jamaicans. Any descendants of the slave trade can get dual citizenship in Ghana.
the deliberate dissuasion-from and dismantling of anything resembling white culture carried out by controlled media and accelerating as that control has solidified
and as the efforts have succeeded
>no one is bitching
yet here you are doing just that. i dont feel guilty, im sick of reading all this "woke" nonsense , its wakanda tier
No one said you ARE guilty, I said you FEEL guilty. It's not your fault white people owned slaves. But I do find it odd that you try so hard to defend them.
Yep. Journalists are much stronger than white people
Please quote anything I said that was "woke". All I said was that african American culture is a culture that was made out of rebellion and kids like rebellion. Why are you so defensive?
yea i defend them, because its ancient history. plus they freed you from slavery, africans enslaved you but you keep going on about how african slavery is better. kek
your whole disposition is "woke black". im not defensive i just told you everybody is sick of your wakanda tier narrative.
Oh, so the fact that blacks are meant to be minstrels and playthings was right all along. Neat!
>The best music becomes the most popular over time anyway.
Did I say anyone did me wrong? No, I just stated facts. White people enslaved Africans. This is fact. You cannot deny this.
The funny thing is though, when african Americans go to Ghana, Ghanaians find out where they're from and they apologize. Ghanaians have tours on which they take african Americans to the slave castles, then they apologize for the role they played in selling their ancestors. Africans can acknowledge that they played a part in the slave trade. Ghana has apologized, Nigeria has apologized, Benin has apologized. They can admit that their ancestors sold mine. A lot of white Americans aren't even at the point where they can admit that slavery was bad.
>he is a music hater
Bigger yikes
You don't have to defend them. They don't need to be defended, they did something bad. Just admit it and move on.
ya it was bad. but nobody is perfect, and whites did free, clothe, feed and educate your ancestors.
unlike africans
>Not being a slave to all and only the type of music pushed on the masses.
>Same as being a music hater.
But you can't point out a single thing that I said that was "woke". Lol because none of it was, it was just facts.
Africans had a more laidback culture than Europeans because they didn't have Christianity. They enjoyed dancing and partying and drinking because those are literally aspects of african religions.
Blackface wasn't always meant to make blacks look foolish, a lot of blackface performers actually liked black people and black culture but no one wanted blacks onstage.
Black culture is a counterculture to American culture. That's where the concept of afros come from.
You're just really defensive because I implied slavery and segregation happened.
no, whites bought african slaves from other africans who enslaved them.
whites clothed, fed, and set your ancestors free.
Yeah, just say it was bad and move on. You don't have to keep defending them. We can agree as humans that slavery was bad and the people who owned slaves, in hindsight, were wrong. There's no need for the "but". The Aztecs, in hindsight, were wrong for doing human sacrifice. There's no "but" needed, cutting people's hearts out just isn't a good thing to do. The royal families in Africa were wrong for selling prisoners of war. In hindsight, selling people was a bad thing. There's no "but" needed. Genghis Khan killed and raped a lot of people. This is bad. There's no "but" needed.
no, thats your own tangent. the wakanda narrative is blacks good whites bad, in a nutshell. these arent facts, youre denying how much whites helped your ancestors it ls really ungrateful
>he doesnt understand what the word slave means
>he thinks if he doesnt like good music it was pushed on someone else
>he thinks hes not like the other boys
Where did I say that whites were bad? Was it the part where I said that slavery existed? Or the part where I said segregation existed? When did I say whites were bad user when
yes there is always a "but".
but africans still practice slavery. but whites fed, clothed, freed and educated blacks. africans sold you off and forgot about you. but africans still practice slavery.
you are so ungrateful its mind boggling. thats why the wakanda narrative is pure garbage
It's insane to me how in denial Americans are. Americans can never just admit to shit. Slavery was bad. End of discussion. You don't need to say "yeah but..."
Americans are incapable of just admitting that America has done things wrong in the past, is both hilarious and saddening.
yea the whole "woke" narrative is based on ancient wrongs. and not ever does it bring up how much whites sacrificed for blacks. it disgusts me to see it posted here, this narrative
>He thinks
>There for he is
i said it was wrong. and i brought up other points on how whites helped blacks. its you that cant admit your wrong doing not me
Ok user. You performed all of your tricks, but I'm bored of them. Go on back to your owner and get some treats and head pats. I refuse to argue with a dog.
lol im neither of those people. im male and asian. yeah you cant even argue with a "dog" because dogs are better at debating than apes. zing
>plus they freed you from slavery
Taking Africans away from homeland, shove them inside cramped boats where half of them died during the travel, strip away their families, keep them as property, rape or hang the slaves or fun, do that for over 100 years, make the slaves fight the civil war as human shield for whyty , then say they're "free", but still 1/5 of a person and be under segregation. Wow, white ppl are so nice.
>africans enslaved you but you keep going on about how african slavery is better.
It actually was. Alot
>You can work or buy your way out of slavery
>Slaves could own their own slaves
>It is actually illegal to harm your slaves
>No one is born slaves
>Many slaves were more servants
Funny how every civilization used their "own people" as slaves, but crackers & cracker sympathizers try to use African slavery against other blacks.
>im not defensive i just told you everybody is sick of your wakanda tier narrative
>Understanding historical facts about Africans beyond slavery and huts is considered "woke"
Or you're just a biased idiot.
i thought we were done talking. but hey guess what - jewish slave traders brought african slaves over, white settlers bought them and freed them. good bye
>im male
Thanks for realizing you're a biological male but not necessarily a man.
im shattered desu, that i dont fit your personal definitions of what is or isnt a man. i suppose thats an improvement over calling me a "dog", ungrateful user.
Blacks don't have the power.
>No, no, no, no user! It's not like whyty WANTED to keep the slaves! Sure we kept them for over 200+ years, but we FREED them
I think you are confused about the concept of white guilt.
The white man was scarcely able to penetrate the African continent (prior to an understanding of malaria circa 1898 and particularly the first malaria drug treatment c1934) in a manner sufficient to build any significant infrastructure nor would a European slave trade have occurred without African chiefs trading people for booze.
>muh African on African slavery was kindly and cozy
as a note - you are correct in identifying the peoples of Africa as being genetically disparate and as could be expected the disparate peoples of the African conflict were busily working on ethnic conflict of the genocide and enslavement flavors before any white man ever stepped off a boat
Bantus wiping out Khoisans. Zulus eliminating any non-Zulu on all sides
>even the Arabs were nicer than the big bad white man!
you should ask yourself why there isn't a significant African population on the Arabian peninsula despite slavery being practiced well into the 20th century in the majority of areas (and even still some isolated pockets today[the nice kind of slavery tho UwU]).
Because the Arab slavers, finding the idea of blacks persisting on their lands so detestable, castrated the males and killed the infants born to their slave-concubines.
"Race is a social construct" is a meme phrase with the same level of truth as "Gender is a social construct" (pic)
"woke" blacks spit in the face of successful black americans. 90's you didnt hear any of this wakanda garbage and suddenly you dont stop reading it everywhere you go. thats why conservative black americans dont preach this non sense because they dont need to, they stand on their own merit.
"woke" blacks want to coast through life on hand-outs from whites its pitiful
>still denying your guilt
color me surprised
they freed them. are you denying that? underground railroad had white families helping blacks escape, will you deny this too?
People are susceptible to media exposure, certainly on a population scale if not on an individual scale (though of course there must be some bleed over). Jews control the media, the news, entertainment, acadaemia and to a large extent social policy as well. They push nigger culture on to the west to destabilise it and subvert the actual decent native culture.
Imagine having black guys shoved in your face for fifty years, being told they're cooler and funnier and more successful and YOU WANT TO BE EXACTLY LIKE ONE GOY, ISN'T BEING A GANGSTA COOL?!
That's why we have the trend we have.
>90's you didnt hear any of this wakanda garbage and suddenly you dont stop reading it everywhere you go
Wakanda isn't even real, dumbass.
There was plenty of Pro-black and Pan Africans during the Mid 80's to the 90's. Way better than the "woke" people today
>"Race is a social construct" is a meme phrase with the same level of truth as "Gender is a social construct" (pic)
Whites literally created the idea of race
As I've state before, my theory is that the United States government got smart in the late 90's and realized that instead of fighting hip hop/black music from the outside, they'd be more effective if they controlled it from the inside. If you control Viacom and Clear Channel you control an entire culture. Now they make it so you can't say real shyt and get any airplay. No one on a major label is talking about killing cops anymore like they did in the 90's. No one is making political/socially introspective music on a major label. All they're doing is dancing, drinking and fukking. Same goes for R&B. They crushed the music from within the system by investing in Viacom, Clear Channel, and all the major label distributors (Sony, Universal, Warner).
Fuck thats a great album.
if theyre so pro africa and anti-white, why dont they move to africa? i know you will never admit it but its because whites treat you the best out of any race, even other blacks dont treat other blacks as well.
fact. so you can stuff your "woke" narrative in a garbage bin and join the rest of society or continue to get btfo by me
>"woke" blacks believe in killing police
and they continue to wonder why the rest of society find them ignorant and intolerable.
>I think you are confused about the concept of white guilt
I'm not. I've just realized that there are two sides to white guilt. The side that feels like they owe something to blacks for what their ancestors did and the side that tries to minimize what their ancestors did because admitting that white people did bad things makes them feel bad.
>African continent (prior to an understanding of malaria circa 1898 and particularly the first malaria drug treatment c1934) in a manner sufficient to build any significant infrastructure nor would a European slave trade have occurred without African chiefs trading people for booze
I never disagreed. But african nations have acknowledged this decades ago and admitted to their role in the slave trade and have apologized for their role in it. But Americans haven't even gotten to the point of admitting that it was bad.
>muh African on African slavery was kindly and cozy
Never said that. I said African slavery usually didn't last a person's whole life and no one was born into slavery.
>even the Arabs were nicer than the big bad white man!
I never said that. Never said the Arabs were nice. They were terrible. But it wasn't chattel slavery.
>Because the Arab slavers, finding the idea of blacks persisting on their lands so detestable, castrated the males and killed the infants born to their slave-concubines
Yes babe. I know this. This is why I called it terrible.
>"Race is a social construct" is a meme phrase with the same level of truth as "Gender is a social construct"
Wrong. Race is completely made up. White people cant even completely define what a white person is.
>No one is making political/socially introspective music on a major label
There are many blacks who are going back to Africa. African Americans and Caribbeans are going to Ghana and Jamaicans are allowed into Ethiopia. Just because you don't hear about it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. African Americans are also going to Caribbean countries.
But the main reason we don't move to Africa is because we love America, it's a country we built and we'd rather fix it than abandon what our ancestors gave us.
>african slavery is BETTER
what horse shit, its the same shit.
stuff it, you ignoramus
Nothing is being "allowed". Popular culture is done with consent. If people cared enough to go find other music they would, but they don't. They think whatever's on the radio is fine.
if you love america, why do you continue to hate its majority for something their grandparents werent even alive for? stuff it youre a hypocrite
"woke" blacks are a disgrace.
>90's you didnt hear any of this wakanda garbage
Yeah, you didn't hear this in the 90s, back when Africa medallions, HBCU shirts, Pan africanism, black sitcoms addressing black issues, African hairstyles, Malcolm X hats, conscious hip hop, African-style designs, etc, were at their peak. No, the 90s were nothing like that.
>they freed them
Plus the British banned slavery in African because they could profit more from imperialism and not give African slave owners and leaders power and less resources.
Buying slaves across seas was expensive , so white had to force slaves to mate or rape the slaves to make more slaves.
Lincoln saw how Industrialization could work better for the economy instead of using slaves like the southern states. You also forget Lincoln was a huge racist and didn't like the idea of having so many blacks in America, That's why he shipped many of them to Liberia After slavery.
you can be "pro black" without being anti white. living single, fresh prince, family matters - all pro black without a hint of anti white counter racism.
"woke" blacks are just trying to be edgelords.
>why do you continue to hate its majority for something their grandparents werent even alive for?
I seriously don't. At all. You're just incredibly defensive for no reason and get upset when anyone acknowledges that bad things happened to blacks in this country. The post that kicked this whole thread off was where I said that slavery and segregation caused blacks to create their own culture outside of the mainstream. The fact that I even mentioned slavery and segregation triggered you.
boo hoo dude. you werent even alive for it you have no right to bitch, youre not a victim of anything except your own foolishness.
You know most black people don't hate white people for slavery, right?
It was a fucked up, horrible thing, but most black people realize that white people today didn't perpetrate it. White people today do still benefit from its legacy though, which is also fucked up.
No one in this thread is being anti white though user, you're completely making shit up because you want to argue.
Btw, Living Single, Fresh Prince and Family Matters weren't really pro black shows as much as they were just neutral. Try "A Different World", which took place at a fictional historical black college and talked about issues like racism, colorism, etc
no, hardly. you keep spewing the "woke" narrative on how blacks are good, and whites are bad and must suffer from white guilt.
im asian, shut up man. blacks are the biggest cry babies in america
and fucking Moesha. they are pro black identity shows without being anti white. yes if thats neutral to you, then be neutral.
ok just scroll up and read how you say whites arent cool but blacks are isnt anti white, keep denying it.
>Slaves could own their own slaves
tremendous kek. "Slaves could own their own slaves. See? 'our' slavery was more humane"
>it is actually illegal to harm your slaves
somehow... some way... the idea of a illiterate culture having a judiciary that has established "slave rights" just sounds like
horse shit
>How far you DeQuan?
>I am not well Tyrone. My slave, JaBen has refused to work.
>Heavens! Have you reminded him that he is your slave?
>Oh verbally I have. JaBen knows he is a slave but still he will not work.
>That is unfortunate. You certainly cannot beat him because it is illegal in our lands to beat slaves.
>Yes this is true Tyrone. We take slaves and we trade them for corn liquor but we mustn't beat them. The laws of our lands are just and clear.
>Indeed they are; and our lawful slave peddling land has not established a system of punitive incarceration either so I suppose your hands are tied, Dequan.
>I just got a wonderful idea. I cannot beat JaBen, compelling him to work, but I could gently prod him toward the pale-skin arrivals and perhaps trade him for a fine jug of corn liquor, recovering my losses.
>That is a capital idea DeQuan. But, wait; do the pale-skins know they mustn't beat slaves?
>Everyone knows that a person traded for corn liquor mustn't be beaten Tyrone. Now let us open a fine imported corn liquor and get fucked up.
It seems like some libcunt gave you the idea that "only white people slavery was bad" in a Freshman humanities course and your brain just incorporated it despite the fact that it made no goddamn sense whatsofucking ever.
I will break it down for you.
Slavery practiced on the African continent was probably more socially stable because it had been practiced for thousands (without language/culture barriers) of years and would have continued to be practiced for a thousand more without European intervention. Slavery, had it continued, in the US probably would have "softened" in the same way.
>blacks dont hate whites
WOW thats not the impression i got. white people dont benefit shit from slavery today, one could say blacks are a net negative to whites due to all the AA welfare programs and laws.
Most black people living today are still victims of slavery. They're not enslaved, but they come from families that had literally nothing when they got here. Virtually all of them. Meanwhile, many white families profited immensely from their free labor. After they were freed, they were very intentionally solidified as the underclass, unable to secure decent housing or work for over 100 years. Even after the civil rights movement, the stigma against black people is still there. On average, it's still harder to get a job, harder to find a place to live and harder to get an education if you're black. At its root, all of that is because of slavery. Historical events don't just end and stop being relevant. They cause after-effects that last hundreds and thousands of years.
and Wayans Brothers. good ass shows without a hint of anti white bullshit
I said slaves didn't think that whites were cool, which was true. Black culture is rebellious and kids like rebellion, which is true. White culture is the norm and black culture is the response.
wow dont even start with the "they came here with nothing" bullshit. my parents came here with just the clothes on their back and not a penny to their name, stfu
>why dont they move to africa
Why don't Whites in South Africa move back to Europe?
>i know you will never admit it but its because whites treat you the best out of any race
It's not their fault they're there. Their already African culture they made for themselves.
African slaves didn't have the benefit of the clothes on their back, or their freedom, or the ability to own land or make any money of their own. Sounds like your parents had a pretty lucky break.
>how blacks are good, and whites are bad
Literally never said this
>must suffer from white guilt
I said you white people who feel the need to defend slave owners suffer from white guilt. Normal whites don't, as they don't feel the need to apologize nor rationalize what their ancestors did, they just acknowledge it and get on with it. You, on the other hand, feel like you need to tell me why slavery wasn't actually that bad. Because you feel guilty.
>im asian
You are a dog.
>its rebellious so its kewl!
stfu. "woke" culture is devoid of creativity. everything about it is hating whites.
refer to those 90s tv shows on how to have a pro black identity without being anti white.
theyre trying to leave for australia but blacks wont let them leave, look it up. cus blacks will starve without white farmers.
Just because a show had a black cast doesn't mean it was pro black. Roseanne wasn't pro white.
black people are better at popular culture, ever since we let them touch it, they took it over.
Just because whites don't get it.
boo hoo, unlike you who was born into a nice home? you had more than those slaves did, how about you reflect inwards a bit?
not white, already said this. im asian and male.
slavery wasnt bad because without it black americans would still be in africa.
>Hurr Africans are killing whyty in SA!
>Ok, then leave.
>Oh, nose they won't let whyty leave tho
Have you tried...not acting like victims?
did you look it up? go ahead
>>its rebellious so its kewl!
Yes. Kids think rebellion is cool and kids define pop culture. In any country, anywhere in the world at any time, you'll hear old people talking about how young people are assholes. It's because young people naturally rebel.
>refer to those 90s tv shows on how to have a pro black identity without being anti white.
Those shows didn't have a pro black identity. They were just black. They existed to show that black people were normal. Very few shows in the 90s were openly pro black.
>you had more than those slaves did, how about you reflect inwards a bit?
No shit. The difference is that I admit that I was born better off because I'm not black in the US and you don't.
>im asian and male.
Yes. Asians are known for being submissive to whites. So you're a white man to me. Unless you're Southeast Asian. Laos and Cambodian people are cool, they don't give a fuck about what white people think.