Torn Pec, Why did it Happen? How to rehab?

Hey guys I tore my pec benching. I was doing 225 for 3 sets of 5 reps. I tore it on my third rep of my third set, I was easily lifting the weight and I didn't feel any pain besides a 1-2/10 on the side that tore before it happened. It was a partial tear of the muscle belly.

I didn't warm up before benching but the weight was going up easily and painlessly and I've never warmed up for bench before. I was doing linear progression and benching 3x a week. I had made a lot of gains on dumbbell bench going from 55lb dumbbells to 90lb dumbbells. I had just recently started barbell bench and it was my 4th session back benching. I went from 185 first session, and increased by 10lbs each session. I've never had chest problems before. I wasn't flaring my elbows hard. My grip is pointer finger on the outer rings of the bar.

I'm currently following the starr rehab protocol. I waited about 10 days where I just did arm circles and ghost benching. Then I started the starr protocol which is starting with the bar for 3 set of 25 reps and adding 10lbs every workout. You are supposed to bench every day to draw blood into the muscles. Once it gets too heavy you drop to 20 reps, 15 reps, 10, and then 5. I finish the session with a few sets of passive hanging from a pull up bar. I'm still doing 30 minutes of jogging once a week and 10 sets of 60 seconds on/60 seconds off of HIIT kickboxing on the heavy bag twice a week. I feel no pain when hitting the bag.


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I'm going to work on cuban press to train my external rotators because that seems like it might be a possible avenue to reduce my chance of tearing my pec. In the future I'm also going to do myofascial release of the pecs and warm up with lighter benching weight before going into my work sets. It doesn't make sense for it to tear though because I've exerted myself harder on bench before and the weight was going up easily/relatively painlessly(1-2/10 on the pain scale). Bench press was my first exercise of the day as well.

Any insight of why my pec tore? What can I do to prevent tears in the future? Are there exercises I should do as prehab? Should I continue benching when my pec is better, should I go to dumbbell bench, or what else should I do to train horizontal pressing instead? I do strength training as accessory work for MMA.

this is what you get for roiding. normal people dont tear their pecs

my bad for being stronger than you


>225 bench
how small are you

>stronger than you
>tore my pec

you were clearly lifting weight that you were not equipped for

>accessory work for MMA.

Thats where I stopped reading

even though it was moving easily

i mean maybe i wasnt ready to bench that much and my dumbbell gains boosted my numbers faster than my body could actually handle

it's weird having to lift lighter than i'm capable of because my pec literally rips in half even though the weight is moving easily and without bouncing/momentum

roiding for this

Being strong makes you have better conditioning, improves the power on your strikes, directly improves your grappling, and increases the punishment you can take

if you can make it so someone has to exert 100% of their energy in the clinch when you only have to use 70% of your's they will tire significantly faster than you.

power development in strikes is directly limited by max strength. force transfer is directly affected by ability of your body to absorb energy on impact.

maybe get better at fighting before you open your stupid fucking mouth

literally any male can train to 225x5
this was just a frequency and progression problem. it was basically +40 lbs in a week with inadequate rest on top of it.

Blablablabla take a chill pill insecure faggot

We’re you doing fast reps? I tore mine back in March but I was going faster than usual. It was also a partial tear and now I have a hole in my chest.

>Asserts verifiably false claim

>Claim verified false


So I should have spent more time lifting at a lighter weight to let my body catch up. Even though I could move the weight my body wasn't ready for it. Do you have any recommendation for how fast you should put poundage on the bar?

2.5lbs per workout upper body, 5lbs lower

i personally don't think cuban press makes sense. yes, do the cuban rotation and other rotator cuff work, but the weight should be light--nothing worth using in strong motions like OHP.
i would say decline press is the least stressful and incline the most. (notice powerlifters put themselves into a decline position with back arch)

Are you retarded mate
Its where I stopped reading because thats where youre supposed to stop..its a jOke lmao

Is summer over yet

>Didn't warm up
You a dummy ass nigga asss bitch yo.

But yea, dudes who bench like 500 still warm up with the bar so maybe start doing that. I'm not even a strong bencher but even today I did.
Just the bar x30
95lbs x 10
145 x 5
155 x 3
THEN working set of 185 for 5 and it doesn't really take that long either.

sorry I'm autistic

you never actually answered if you were on gear
if you are, you probably developed extreme hypertrophy in your pectoral heads, but didn't have the development in the muscles below the pecs that also contribute to the lift.
if you do roid, i'd definetly recommend staying on roids during recovery, but maybe easing off a bit once you get back to 225.

if you're natty tho, idk what to tell you, it's pretty fuckin rare to tear a pec as a natty

I noticed
So is 95% of this board so you fit in

yeah I'm natty, but it looks like pushing my numbers on dumbbell bench made it easier to push barbbell bench. so I could push more weight than I was ready for. when I get back to it I'm going to start at 205 and only add 5lbs a workout until I stall out. Plus I'm going to alternate OHP and bench each day so I don't stack weight as fast.

I'm just going to try to give my body more time to get used to the heavy weight.

yeah, the db bench was probably the cause then, dumbell bench is a great pec isolation, while bb bench is a compound movement that incorporates a lot of deep muscles under the pecs, and an imbalance can cause what just happened

there's a million methods, but 5x5 is a safer approach, or possibly even more volume, really, your call. progress is a lot more self limiting that way. the practical reason for doing less volume is basically for when you're starting to max out your numbers.

>benchpressing for strike power

do some fucking deadlifts for overall strength instead

I do
Overhead press
Neck bridging

Right now while my chest is recovering im just benching high volume every day and doing grip training. The starr protocol says not to exercise other major muscle groups while youre recovering a torn muscle so you can focus all of your recovery energy on the affected muscle. I'm going to do plyos once I lose some fat and put more weight on my squat/dead

Whoops, I also do one arm rows

Are you sure you don’t need surgery?

I went and saw a doctor and they just wanted to give it a month and see how it did. I don't think it was that bad because there's no visible deformity, I have full ROM, and there was only moderate bruising on the upper bicep. I was able to do a set of 95lbs for 20 reps with almost no pain today so I'm definitely recovering.