Tfw reddit incels do not know this face

tfw reddit incels do not know this face

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Where did everything go so wrong? She went from being the perfect qt to the average daddy issues dyke.

every day we stray................

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What's with the dyke animosity? Dykes are literally women perfected.

who? sorry I'm not a fucking orbiter

agatha supports bestiality

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Ahaha you fags turned her gay.

aggies has always loved the bbc lol

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Her friend died, so she became depressed.

Her instagram is "telomerased" which is referencing the fact the cancer cells don't die due to telomere replication.

I truly thought this time it would be different...

it's in her kike genes

Are we doing this to them?

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Crispy just got hotter. Muffy hit the wall. And agatha is on boy pills

i am forever grateful
to live in the timeline where agatha was a cute loli and then turned into perfect goth gf
i consider myself blessed

>before Jow Forums
>after Jow Forums
It's definitely been happening since the dawn of the internets. Many a curious, disturbed youth has played with fire, flown too close to Anonymous, and had what was left of their innocent feminine years ripped from them like the stingers of so many naive bees.

You mean thot'ier

Muffy changed races

A Latina is fine too

This place is a curse in disguise.

Post more grunge Aggies

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Another one
Another one
... another one
More Aggie

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its just the same shit being repeated for eternity

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Fuck you orbiters and incels, go back to Jow Forumsbraincels

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thats why you dont fall in love with real girls anons.

that is 100% not muffy

There's no disguise, sir. Maybe it's just you who is blind.

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Please... End me... Kill me now.

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why are muffyfags so delusional

Crispy looks like an old mexican woman now

Orbiters and incels are warring factions

Crispy is so damn hot

>old mexican

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She's cute, but she lately looks like a meth addict. She speaks like one too.

>tfw she even looks better in that meme picture than she does now
wtf happened to her

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She's probably is one considering how much she begs for money now

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Let me guess, majoring in Art?

>wtf happened to her
black don't crack
asians don't raisin
mexican age like shite

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I think she said writing or something. She was going for fashion but dropped out.

at least she doesn't look like frank zappa anymore

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have you seen her donations? she doesn't even manages to get 100 bucks to pay for internet, the only couple of times she reached her stream donation goal was when susu gave her 1K for a new pc, and when someone donated 50 once lol

I wonder what happened to the "5/10 gf" user.
No idea why people throw so much money out for college when this it's something you can succeed in without ever stepping foot into one.


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has a newfaggier post ever been posted in the history of Jow Forums???

Yeah her streams are pretty pathetic and boring. She's slowly getting thottier though so I expect the donations to start rolling in soon enough. She also mentioned selling feet pics on her twitter.

Don't tell me you watch it, user.
She's still a cutie, but her choice of games is lackluster and her personality is that of a wet cardboard box.

He meme magic'd her into becoming an actual 5/10, his work is complete.

>crispy feet pics
sign me up

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Women are retarded user what do you expect. Its even worse considering this is the second time she's going.

What ever happened to the Muffster ;_;

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she chopped her dick off

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>She also mentioned selling feet pics on her twitter.
I dont remember this, but each time her feet are mentioned she yikes or jokes about it saying she would for thousands of dollars per pic

i put her on my second monitor while i do other shit, yeah she's boring but it's somewhat entertaining

i think it's for immigration purposes

She tweets about it all the time and is close friends with the girl who sold feet pics for a switch

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>thousands of dollars per pic
delusional mexican

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nice meme she was the better goth qt though

body of a loli
mind of a thot

How was she a thot?

hustling money in the interweb for starters

Oh I thought you were talking about Muffy

last i heard about muffy the trap was married @ 18

So the opposite of a thot

Lmao 5$ final offer.

yes indeed unlike all the others agatha excluded

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Why do you guys think she's rebelling? Most of the girls I knew back in high school who had that pre Aggie cute fashion evolved into this goth like style. It's a natural course similar to how emos became scene then hipsters from 2008-2012.

It's tumblr feminist fashion

This. It's "dark" art hoe shit

Goth or dark hoe, it's just what she always was.

Muffy based as usual

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