Create yet another thread complaining about some issue literally no one else ever has

>create yet another thread complaining about some issue literally no one else ever has
>get sympathy because le cute animu avatar
>brush off any hate as a conspiracy against me

Rinse and repeat.

Attached: Me On The Left With You On The Right.png (600x600, 284K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Wow I'm a lot prettier than you are

you focus too much on Jow Forums's social engineering OP

no one cares about that, not because they are dumb and you are special, but becasue it's pointless
everyone thought about that once and realized it's a waste of time

When are u getting locked up faggot?


It's not pointless to me. I have nothing else nice in life and never will, because I'm "ill". So I test people's patience here. I tried being a bit useful, but I'm doubting my efforts now. I'm probably just retarded.
Already was. Not the first and not the last time. They never keep me long because I'm very cowardly and compliant.

When are you gonna be my wife aiste

When you read this and realize why that's impossible:

It's all about the game and how you play it all about control and if you can take it. Burry niggas.

Attached: burried.jpg (600x400, 23K)

I don't want to play. I don't want to control anyone. An I especially don't want to be manipulative. I "buried" some people in the past. They were evil and wanted to control my mind. But I don't want to be like them. Some people think that my past is really obscure, but I'm just like everyone else here.

Attached: Dreamland.png (600x600, 227K)

Do not bull ass tea
Schizophrenics are gems on 4changs

I'll suck you dry of your emotional energy until there's nothing left.

Attached: Childish.png (600x600, 171K)

How do you determine if someone is evil or manipulative?

>Me On The Left With You O(...).png

I just assume everyone is. Most people are anyway. Often it becomes apparent if someone is trying to control my mind within seconds of interacting with them. It's harder online, but still possible. Most people just assume I'm an idiot so they don't mask their intentions with me very well.

you ain't sucking anything besides this dick lmao lmao

Out of curiosity, what sort of music do you listen to? I don't think I've seen you mention it in any of your threads, though perhaps I missed it.

>Most people just assume I'm an idiot so they don't mask their intentions with me very well.
Idiot in what way? I haven't followed your ventures on this board too much but you strike me as an intelligent, self-conscious person.

>brush off any hate as a conspiracy against me
exact same shit literal meth heads and schizos do.

Attached: 1449323793443.gif (285x198, 1.96M)

Only the most high-brow hardbass, of course. Haha.
You can judge for yourself:

I didn't expect this. I thought you'd listen to slower, less stimulating kinds of music. I suppose it's a rather popular genre in Eastern Europe, though.

I'm memeing a bit (although I do like that song unironically). Here's a better representation:

I've read it. You make some good points. I especially agree with the points that mental illness is mostly a creation of modern world and that Abrahamic religions are a par excellence tool of control.

>Genetic control, information control, emotion control, battlefield control. Everything is monitored and kept under control
Kojima was right about everything
Thank you. I appreciate the support in my creative endeavors haha.

I hope you keep expanding your work, you've got good basis. It's definitely an interesting read.

Tell me, when you see someone giving you praise and support like this, do you immediately think of them as manipulative? Do you feel like they have hidden intentions?

Interesting that you listen to a lot of Lithuanian music. It's not a populous country, but it seems as though they still make some good music. I somewhat like that second song, even though I'm usually pretty picky with my music.

Also, do you know Russian? I saw you posting an image with the file name being in Russian before too.

No. I like when people are nice to me here. Most often manipulators here make fun of me in a rather specific way that I have a hard time describing. It's like they don't speak to me directly. I don't know how to explain it. People have a sort of "cautious" approach towards you when they're trying to get a specific reaction. I don't see that in you.
Only Ukanose is Lithuanian. And it's the only Lithuanian band I listen to. The first one was Belarusian and the last one probably Russian.
>Also, do you know Russian?

>Only Ukanose is Lithuanian.
Oh, I mistook Belarussian for Lithuanian, it seems.

It's still impressive considering you also know English extremely well.

I see, thanks for explaining. Genuinely hoping to see more of your research.

How the heck am I supposed to pretend that you are a cute anime girl now that I know you listen to music like that?!

What are cute anime girls supposed to listen to? I think it's fitting for a tsundere haha.