So uh, what do normal people even talk about...

So uh, what do normal people even talk about? I can't imagine a conversation that doesn't involve Jow Forums memes/lingo.

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Oh my god, dude, that is so depressing.

>that kid that spouts Jow Forums memes in public

>mutual friends
>life experiences
>tv (HBO and GOT primarily)

most of it is meaningless and just to pass the time, don't expect heartfelt conversation unless you really get to know someone.

I don't mean I actually talk using memes, but they're always in the back of my mind. Like I'm not some sperg who will bring up Jews and roasties in public, but if I see a Jew on the street I will immediately think about the Happy Merchant meme. If I see some basic looking blonde girl dressing slutty, I will think she is a roastie who fucks niggers. If I'm talking to some generic guy, I will think he's a normalfag who probably has very basic interests. I can't talk to people without these memes invading my thoughts and I'm baffled that normalfags are able to.

most because most normies, if they even know what a meme is, think its a funny cat picture with a caption.

Most normalfags also think bad things of people, its just they can fake politeness in public, then trash talk them when not in public or with them.

Don't like sports
Hardly any contact with any of them anymore
>mutual friends
The fuck are "friends"?
>life experiences
Like high school? Because that pretty much all I got (I'm in my 30s now)
>tv (HBO and GOT primarily)
Does star trek count?


You fell for the meme meme op. There's no going back.

Yeah, that's what I thought I meant. That is still horrifyingly depressing.

How about that there weather?

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then you're fucked, if they knew this then you're not even considered human in their eyes. Try to lie if you want to, it certainly can't be any worse than the truth.

Why? Most of these tend to be true.

I usually try to sit next to people talking (male & female talking) just to hear their conversations, them I pretend to be a part of them but they always talk about things I don't understand or cant relate.
I never had a conversation with a female my age in my entire life not even online.

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Most normies don't have any real conversations. They just like to ramble on about topics such as these . There's no real dialogue like in a book or a show, it's just someone talks to themselves and then the other person is reminded of something in their own life and then it's their turn to talk. If you really want to have a "conversation" with a normie, get them rambling about their kids or their trip to Europe or something and then ask a couple shallow follow-up questions (Does your kid like sports? What did you eat?). They will think you're interested in them and want to be your friend but the downside is that they're usually a boring idiot and you have to put up with that. Better to stay a friendless loser.

I know that feel, I actually got beat up in HS for doing that.

Let's assume they are true, user, I have no interest in fighting your beliefs. If your entirely sociological and psychological analysis of people is based around memes and not things like reading say... what's something that'd be palatable to your types... The Bell Curve. Then that is just disastrous. It speaks to a lack of development that the formative experiences and ideas in your life, whatever they may be, are not meaningful relationships with other humans, or academic texts supporting any ideology you may hold, but a bunch of idiots trying to call attention to themselves in an internet forum

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by now even normies caught up upon more bizzare memes and even lowkey racist ones. at least the younger generation.

in my experience

>their job
>drugs, usually weed
>music, usually rap
>recalling memories from high school, memories of when they got drunk/high and did stupid shit or times they did both of those at the same time

As someone who hangs out with normies, nothing actually interesting. Sports, jobs, college, family, vacation plans, music, youtube, weed, normie vidya, normie politics, etc. All the interesting conversations I've ever had were with my mentally ill/depressed friends.

That makes you the NPC, OP.

the talking about shows thing is true, I dont watch them as fast as others and they feel like I am a problem I havent watched it yet, and all they wanna do is show each other memes and stuff, like some times I just put up with the spoilers so I dont feel like I gotta leave, or keep up with them

>I can't imagine a conversation that doesn't involve Jow Forums memes/lingo.

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About other people, sex, complaints about whatever, the most recent Netflix bullshit, etc.

>family events
>current events
>future plans

Normalfags almost exclusively speak in small talk. The are never able to really delve into a specific subject because the topic is constantly being changed. Topics include but are not limited to: the weekend, beer, boats, hooking up, times you were drunk, or the weather

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>family events
if you're 40
not really (in my country at least)
if you're already closer friends maybe
literally never

about themselves (especially holes-on-legs do this), some shitty music genre they listen to, or some shitty series they watch
and then they dare call others with other interests boring because 99% of normalfags are huge hypocrites

Same here user. What's really annoying is when I think of some of funny meme and I have to hide my laughter to prevent myself looking like a sperg.

I think we all talk about that, except infused with Jow Forums memes.

They talk about relationships and popular culture


>most because most normies, if they even know what a meme is, think its a funny cat picture with a caption.
No, that's old people. Every millennial or Gen Z normalfag with an internet connection these days knows about memes beyond image macros.

nevermind, timestamp doesn't work, 6:20

Well, I'm an accountant in an office with 8 women.
It's the same shit every day:

>giving themselves high fives and excuses for when their children fail at something
>Ellen Degenerate is coming to town
>muh weather
>orange man bad
>how proud they are that they used an e-censorship tool for their kid browsing the Internet
>saying they "feel bad" after something heinous is reported in the news without any further engagement
>what restaurant they'll waste their money on tonight
>complaining about the bills even though they chose to get themselves into debt by having kids they can't afford and $50k weddings
>helping each other wipe and change their buttplugs out in the open
Normal people are fucking stupid.

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people talk about what's going on their lifes, the fact that the only topics you can think about is Jow Forums memes and lingo is quite depressing desu