This board is literally unusable cancer now
Holy fuck, let me name a few things you will never know:
you will never know:
what its like to have multiple 10/10s calling you every night to get fucked.
what its like to score a game winning touchdown
what its like to have the balls/abililty to knock someone out at a bar when they try to punk you
(lol @ you having to walk away like a bitch)
what it is like to workout and actually see results
what it is like to NOT immediately jizz yourself the first time a girl touches you because you have
no experience with women
what it is like to enjoy the company of true friends and brother who will take bullets for you,
outside of CoD.
what it is like to have an aura of success, confidence, and talent that commands respect from
real people who are successful and worthwhile. and attractive.
what its like to be yourself and still make friends.
to not make excuses why your life sucks, because you make your own life and NEVER play the
what it is like to wake up in the morning and be truly happy with your life
these are all things you will never know. go ahead and take out your credit card so you can begin to order the noose of the internet, cause you're too much of a bitch to buy one in real life, because you and me both know that the cashier will know what youre buying it for.
What has this pasta got to do with "fembots"
I know Op, it fucking suck. We need to rise a stink about it or the mods will do nothing
the "fembots" are taking over
I'd rather have that than you spamming gay tranny threads all day.
It's mostly thirsty beta enablers though
Women ruin everything, its over.
>guys are thirsty for girls
no fucking shit
Fuck off newfag. Lurk moar origilel.
I'm guessing you're one of those underage faggots who found this board in 2016 because of the election and you think it belongs to you now, don't you?
>he doesn't know the fembot threads are made my the same gay spammers
The only difference between those threads is the subject field. They are still only gay LARPers and tranny chasers in there
I'm guessing you're one of those underage faggots who found this board in 2018 because of the incels and you think it belongs to you now, don't you?
Probably Crystal cafe raiding.
Hey Op, just click on the neat minus next to the threads and you wont see them again, thats what I do and it works perfectly
You're both faggots. All the actual real robots left a long time ago. There used to be a clear idea of the distinction between a robot and incel. To put it simply a robot was an outcast first and foremost while an incel is a virgin first and foremost. Given this the mentality of the groups were different.
Nice cope
There's still a few oldfags, but they rarely post here
That simply allows them to create more threads of a similar type without any harassment or trouble on their part. Fuck that. Derail their threads viciously.
You dumb faggot, if they don't post or post only once in a blue moon, then they aren't really using the board now are they. Most have already moved on to infinity or wiz.
I am still here bro theres atleast 2 of us left right
i filter all of them
>4chanx subject filter
>4chanx comment filter
/my (gf|bf|wife|husband|fiance|girlfriend|boyfriend)/i;boards:r9k
>you end up filtering 90% of the board
what a truly pathetic state our board is in
ripa we get it the internet is dead dont fight it just move on and grow up and start a family best way to let something fade away is leave the situation. When you want something forgotten you have to start with yourself. Life will always find a way to bring people like these tranny hives to life, all we can do is worry about ourselves and this is non of my concern. Can't worry ourselves with what we encounter on the internet.
I've used Jow Forums since 2004 I've seen this kind of thing plenty of times ripa worrying about ourselves is priority in life and I have no powers to stop the influence hence I'm going to burden myself with stuff like this
I have enough to worry about in my life sorry ripa transpride worldwide &turns back to r9gay freinds*