Could you please change the words "fembot" & "femanon" to "potatoes" or something. This shit, is becoming ridiculous.
An autraged user.
Could you please change the words "fembot" & "femanon" to "potatoes" or something. This shit, is becoming ridiculous.
An autraged user.
great thread
keep bumping this thread guys
Femanon=Freash meat or Female=Faggot. Yeeeesssss
Trap = subhuman
Bumping for this
you have been muted
Did you finally give up on finding one to talk to?
i am bumping this thread to make this board great again
This is a great thread.
This is actually what we fucking need right now!
>mods censor s.oyboy in the drop of a hat
>meanwhile have sex and incel is rampaging all over Jow Forums
I don't want to tell you how to do your jobs, but this is officially an issue
incel mad lmao
Great idea user!
I dont think mods will do it tho they are nigger trannies
shut up you raging basedboy
Mods please do this
Females don't belong on this board
>femanon = cumdumpster
>fembot = cumdumpster
>trap = mentallyill
>faggot = mentallyill
>sissy = mentallyill
let's do it
also, ofc
>gay = mentallyill
the better solution is to merge Jow Forums with /lgbt/. Woould make no fucking difference anyway.
Bump lets make r9k great again
desu, let's just ask for a new board that doesn't have robot and has anxiety/depression theme
Hahaha basedboy
Bump bump BUUUUMMMP this thread needs life everyone lets make this shit happen get rid of these fucking bluepilled retards
change "incel" to "normie" please
this would be best for everyone
ermmm you mad brobot?
I'll stand by your cause, friendo. Your words are the light in this dark world.
Bumping. mods better fooling do it dammit. I'm tired of hiding every fucking thread.
incel = redditor
Fuck OP good idea. I support this.
Bump because this actually a good idea. Its time to take back our board
dew it
i like it
Have a bump based user.
Actually, the other way around would be much funnier. I've always thought it would hilarious to filter the name of every ethnic group to "martian" on Jow Forums. On Jow Forums, I'd filter pretty much every variation of "man" or "woman" to "non-binary individual". Maybe then these boards would find something to do other than fling shit 24/7.
This board has been obsessed with women for the whole decade I've been here. I don't think it will change any time soon.
Why would they ever do that. These people masturbate to your suffering. This is why they filter words like soi t b h and f a m. It is there greatest pleasure to make sure no fun is allowed on this shithole.
Can we filter lmao at this point?
they changed s o y, thet should change fembot/femanon too. Agreed, OP
Your opinion is shit and you should go elsewhere
if it can be overrun by gays traps and normies anything can happen
What kind of faggot even thinks like this?
Me liek dis threed. Also onions sauce
thank god youre not a mod
Oh no. Whatever would you do without the ability to post "nigger" every 6 seconds?
The kind of mentality deranged faggot that specifically seeks out things he doesn't like then tries to bend them to his own will
We should straight up ban people who start posts with gay meaningless wording or generally people who mistake sarcasm for wit.
>oh no
>well you see
>in a manner of speaking
>face it
>let me tell you
>My post will own those internet wacists
>Everyone thinks it's shit
>They didn't like my post... Bigots!
Every fucking time.
im ready to end it all right now
Based non-tranny mods btfo op forever!
t. femmod
As far as I see it, r9k is the most experimental board and we can make it be about whatever we want. It just so happens that for the past ten years we've been obsessed with sex and relationships and that's what we've collectively decided to talk about the most.
I unironically hate your guts. Fuck you and this shit board