Does anyone see being masculine as comical?

There's no need to be muscular and imposing except if you get into a physical altercation with someone. Social intelligence trumps everything. I've seen the most contemptible looking poindexter faggots run circles around roided up dipshit meatheads and its absolutely pathetic. the point is, what do these guys think they're accomplishing by becoming hulking douchebags? there's no hand to hand combat invasion happening tomorrow. its SOLELY to be physical appealing to women. Why would you waste all that time JUST to appeal to women. Fuckin pathoootic.

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i appreciate your right to free speech and "trolling" or "baiting" or whatever they call it these days but with all due respect, this is the most retarded thing i've seen all day

I never aspired to the roided up look even when I was young and naive. Even when I was 16 I realized that it demonstrated other than insecurity. I find it baffling that people continue going after after they hit 30.

>Social intelligence trumps everything.

good looks trump everything lmao

Virgin thread oruhffcbly

I want to be as good as possible for my future wife!

Staying healthy makes me feel good. I don't lift heavy weights tho. Mostly just calisthenics and cardio tho

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good looks definitely help you get your foot in the door, but they are not the end all be all of getting pussy.

yea see this i can understand. good for you

So first you say social lube is better for purely women seeking then you say you dont want physical aethesitcs anyways? Wow yikes fox bitter about grapes much?

First, men like men who look cool ie fit. You'll get more pull with men by looking good, it's called the Halo effect they'll think you're smarter and more charming.
Second in the realm of women absolute looks Trump's absolute social grace. Third, why not work on both? Get as good looking as you can while getting as socially charasmatic as you can. It's not an either or.

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im not a grapes fox faggot. I'm an attractive guy who is 5'10 and 175lbs. I do fine with women based on my looks. that being said, why bother becoming 220lbs of bulk? For what? these dudes look like inflatable clowns

Aesthetically I don't like bug muscly men, I think it's not very pretty.
Behaviorally what you are complaining about is what feminists (and before them, proto-MRAs) would call "toxic masculinity".

Haha insecure much?

YOu will never be a female, tranny faggot

the kind of guy i would aspire to be is don draper and roger kind of guys. too me thats a refined, yet masculine dude.

where is there any indication of desiring to be a tranny you knee-jerk faggot

Fair, I wouldn't mind that.
My goal aesthetic is something like David Bowie or another of those androgynous 70s and 80s pretty boys.

I think you mean Robert plant

>I've seen the most contemptible looking poindexter faggots run circles around roided up dipshit meatheads and its absolutely pathetic
What does this mean? Run circles how? Usually when people say "run circles", they mean in a specific area of life. In which area of life have you seen them run circles?

Muscles are attractive to women and intimidating to men. Women are more likely to want to fuck you and aggressive men leave you alone. People respect you more when you're bigger and you carry yourself like an alpha. People give you more things. People treat you better when you give off a masculine aura and look masculine.

yea or layne staley. this new era of undercut/manbun roidfags is just appalling in comparison

Actually more than anything else, I mean David Sylvian

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OP is a gay man

run circles in terms of verbal acuity. controlling and dominating conversations and appearing to be the leader.

wrong im a straight dude but see the prevailing exemplification of masculinity today as very generic and pretty fucking "gay" in itself (manbuns). You are a certified faggot if you have a manbun. No questions asked. you are a trend chasing faggot.

>Muscles are attractive to women and intimidating to men
All the muscle in the world doesn't help you on someone pulling a gun or a knife on you.

I rather look like young Marlon Brando desu.

But if someone doesn't have a gun or knife, the muscles help.

>assuming that everyone who lifts weights does it for pussy

how small does your brain have to be to make this post? shut up nigger

id also argue that some dude who is an adept boxer or knows BJJ can basically kick any persons ass who doesn't have that training. muscles definitely don't win fights.

Yes, but the point is that anyone who has any sort of weapon, improvised or otherwise will not be intimidated by a big guy.
A big guy is just a big guy.

well? why the fuck else would you go somewhere and lift heavy weights; increasing your bodymass beyond a necessary level to maintain your existence?

i remember being this butthurt over opinions and preferences when i was 14

its not a preference or opinions dumbass its a genuine question. what are the benefits of being roid-tier in a post-modern society (unless you're a professional athlete or somehow require the physique)?

personal preference, if you wanna look that way, then by all means, go and look that way.

Plant was better looking than Bowie

Going to the gym makes me feel confident to an extent.

I don't feel small.
I haven't been in the gym in 20 days because studying for exams and I feel like shit and small. My body is in so much pain right now.

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yeah if you never leave the house and play whack a dooty 24/7 in your spare time, then no, you won't have a use for being big.
or if you're as pathetic as you are.

does that answer your question?

But anyone who doesn't have a weapon is intimidated.

Not the people who recognize that if the big guy does anything in a public area he's the one running into problems.
You cannot feasibly project force by suggesting violence in our society.

look at that. a decent answer.
see that faggot?

this is what i was saying. if you act aggressively as a roid-fag your instantly a piece of shit unless you're fighting another roid fag

I'll explain quickly in the case you are actually asking this in good faith and not just being a sour grapes faggot.
A lot of people come to lift weights during or after adolescence for a handful of different reasons - they want to be more sexually appealing to women, they are concerned for their declining fitness now that youth is wearing away, they are tired of being the fat kid, etc etc. Whatever the source of their epiphany they use this motivation and decide its time to get in shape and hit the gym. A combination of factors turn this initial motivation into a more enduring type of discipline - attention from girls, positive comments from their friends and family, the inherently satisfying feeling of overcoming the challenges you set for yourself. The steady stream of dopamine from the exercise itself + the feeling of accomplishment from self improvement create a self-reinforcing cycle and eventually ingrains itself as a part of their identity, getting swole is a habit. Eventually time passes and the initial spark is long forgotten - all that remains is the pattern of behavior that is deeply tied up with their image of themselves and their identity. It doesn't really have much to do with 'acting masculine' or getting girls and has much more to do with self-esteem.

solid answer. threads over boys.

So what you're saying is that picking up things and putting them back down is a personality surrogate.
Jow Forums sure is a sad place.

Masculinity is more than just having big muscles - it's how you carry yourself and interact with others.
To me there is nothing more masculine than the hard working, kind but firm family patriarch who provides moral guidance and leadership to his family.
Lifting plays a part in this, since you strive to be a better version of yourself.

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no one actually believes you believe that answer, as if you couldn't have thought of that yourself.

looking good = more confidence. otherwise admit you were too stupid to think of that?

does not compute? herpa derpa?

thats a bit of a stretch to be extrapolated from his answer.

this is obviously a hidden tranny thread but they will always deny this is not the case

Nice cope there. As if strong, muscular men weren't capable of intelligence or discipline. Personally, I want to get fucked by a strong man with veiny arms, not some skinny guy who will try to lull me to sleep with his "social intelligence".

please be a femanon not some fucking faggot plzzzz

true dat, i am a fag

"roided up dipshit meatheads" don't do it for female attention. Guys that get huge and spend all their time in the gym realize that most women aren't attracted to that. That's not why they do it though. They do it because they're passionate about it. They like pushing past their limits, getting stronger, making progress. It's no different that someone trying to learn another language, or getting good at gardening. It's fufilling to them.
I'm not sure you really appreciate the amount of time, dedication, and sheet willpower it takes to get ridiculously huge. No person would put themselves through that much just to try to attract women, even if that look didn't turn off 90% of them.
Meanwhile, you're doing everything you do solely for female validation.
Who's really the pathetic one?

Just because you're big and intimidating doesn't mean you're crying aggressively. The people who usually act aggressive and violently only act that way towards weaker people. As a strong, masculine man, they're less likely to act that way towards you.

>there's no hand to hand combat invasion happening tomorrow
How do you know that?

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>listening to boomers talk about "toxic masculinity" on the radio
It's so pathetic how insecure they are about their masculinity. you think being a masculine alpha and insecurity wouldn't go hand in hand. Men are so worried about if they are being masculine enough.

The sort of showy behavior like "I am big strong manly man" and machismo in general is exactly what toxic masculinity is.

Lolol you think this fag is muscular?

Im a 6'4 roider and extremly masculine looking im the kind of guy that pisses you off just by existing.
And do you want to know why I do it I will tell you first off its not for women. Women fall in love with me all the time when I was skinny like a twig because I am tall and I have a handsome face so no these muscles are not for them it usually intimidates them.
The simple answer is this POWER right now we are living in a generation of emasculated men who do nothing but cater to women think but the truth is women are stupid as fuck and men are smarter men build societies women destroy them.
When I walk into a room everybody looks at me I draw all the attention because I am taller and stronger then everybody around me I mog everybody and I love the sense of power it gives me. Guys always approach me looking to befriend me and compliment me because I am the epitome of masculinity the very definition of what every man should strive to be.
So if you want to be a weak pussy do you most men are betamales anyway. Men should seek power not women then women will follow you.

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I want to hit the gym and lift and treadmill because i have health problems and don't want my feet cut off.

>sniff sniff
yup, it's a tranny discord thread

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i actually don't do anything for female validation. i just make sure i have a clean appearance.

there's no functional use for it though. its just to feed your ego.

no faggot youre pushing for it to be. trannies are only brough up because you're bringing them up


being tall and fake musles don't make you powerful you low iq meathead

never wanted to be like that probably because I grew up in a time when it was cool to be a skinny emo kid or indie boy so I always wanted to be like them

Only you find it "funny" because you can't have it, that's the way bullies cope with their insecurities. You're nothing more than an insecure beta male trying to cope with the fact you'll never be masculine and thus no female will ever look in your general direction pther than by mistake

masculinity =/= douchebaggery
people who act like douchebags are the least masculine people there are, they're just sour fags

t.scared of progress weakass