Do americans wear shoes when they go to bed

do americans wear shoes when they go to bed

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no what the fuck? do other countries do that shit?

l heard you americans never take your shoes off in the house because youre all disgusting animals

Incorrect information

Only white people do that shit. They are fucking disgusting and always walk around wearing shoes at home.

>Incorrect information

t. amerilard

umm of course it keeps my feet warm and saves time you euro nigger

4gwan and Rebbit ina nutshell

tfw you realize this guys actually have a good point

shut the fuck up, thats what black people do they wear flipflops with socks where ever they go

>4gwan and Rebbit ina nutshell

what is

I still don't get this stereotype, I have never once gone somewhere and been told to keep my shoes on.

>be asian masterrace
>filthy beaner roommates don't take off shoes
>"muh hardworking mexicans don't have time to take off shoes"
>literally die

despite being in america and always wearing shoes in my own house, for some reason my instinct is to take off my shoes in everyone else's house even though we all wear shoes inside

yeah, we're fucking gross

At least they come home.

theyre doing all the jobs none of us want to do tho...

its not incorrect its a cultural thing mostly occuring in the southern states

>wearing home sandals and socks is the same as wearing shoes you use to step outside in the disgusting concrete

Found the disgusting whiteboi

No he doesn't. Just wear home slippers you fucking freak.

>be me
>come home from work
>work at oil derrick
>boots slathered and caked in oil, soot, grime, dissolved rubber
>walk straight in grab a beer
>lay down in bed and open beer above mouth

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ok calm down, why so mad

how is that cultural thing, that's gross desu
what the fuck

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>ook ook wypipo

Back to twitter fucking chimp.

calm down you weak tummyd faggot

I always take my shoes off before stepping foot in the house

>letting bugs and mites and dew get in your shoes
enjoy feet fungus, slob

you're right i'm being a lil racist huh why can't we all just live in peace

Yeah and that's the problem

They keep them in the fridge

I'm asian-american, so we wear house slippers inside the house. I met a latino kid who wore his normal shoes in bed though.

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Do euros not wear house shoes? They're like slippers usually and are comfy.

No, just their guns

I have no idea where this meme comes from, never in my life have I seen people who wear shoes in the house. The only time anyone has shoes on in the house is if they're leaving to go somewhere within the next couple minutes.

Why do not Americans celebrate Easter??

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Nice try you dumb euro but I live in the south and it's considered rude pretty much everywhere to not take your shoes off when you enter someone's house

how's this possible????
why don\t americans celebrate easter?

Yes they sleep in their shoes and clap at every occasion

Im mad for your penis

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>you're right i'm being a lil racist huh

yes, now stop it!

>Im mad for your penis

Then hop on faggot



>be american
>wear athletic shoes for non athletic purposes while bring a fat piece of shit

I really do not understand this

>I really do not understand this

theyre comfy :3

eat shoe