
>Look into their eyes and see nothing but a husk
>They no longer want to live
>They know their just a means of reproduction, and nursing.
>The amount of cocks that were stuffed down their throats
>An incels/sadist paradise.

Attached: 1155425-1401467709.jpg (1294x679, 313K)

you are like literally autistic

Are you a female by any chance? I would like to undress very slowly, and tie you up to a tree. Leave you there, so the mosquitoes feed on you female blood.

is sadism fetish something you can catch from Jow Forums?
i've literally never never found this arousing. what few sexual partners I've had - I always loved it when they'd show moments of aggression - demonstrations of "wanting it"
but now i've fallen on hard times. im basically full robot. sometimes i resort to porn. i dislike and skip the sadism acts: just not into it.

the other night i had a sex dream (not uncommon). i dreamt of a gorgeous redhead that deeply desired me.
And suddenly she had a dick.
I woke up.
>What the fucking shit
even closing all the trap thumbnails as soon as they register in my brain i seem to have caught a case of trap-suggestion.
not cool r9k. not cool.

>>Look into their eyes and see nothing but a husk
>The amount of cocks that were stuffed down their throats
So no different from the majority of females in freedom really

What are you taking about? If you weren't a robot before, you can't be a robot now. All you have to do is get up an better yourself or some shit. But no, I picked this "fetish" during my early teens. You see I was abused by girls and women during my childhood. Now I just want to throw that abuse and resentment back.

Difference however is that the cocks are those from the men they deem unwanted. It destroys their ego

what are you talking about? what is that pic?

>Incels paradise?
No, all incels want is love, it is however Chad's reality. Men who can have whatever they want don't value anything.

Ironic isn't it, by the time women realize this they are already old, used up, and bitter. They no longer have the love and innocence that make good mother's, they may settle for an average man or simply one that's on the same level as them that will never betray them, but how unfair it is, they can't truly love them, they spent all their love on men who never even remembered their names.

Attached: 1548720354957.jpg (970x542, 166K)

Love isn't real user, women aren't even capable of love. And if they did, they wouldn't love you. The best you can hope is to enslave a woman can force her to bear children, beat her and kiss her.

What's crazy is men could of made this a reality a long time ago and it could be considered normal today, but NOOOO you have fucking cucks and ethicsfags in power that ruin everything.

I agree user philosophy, literature and all that other shot had pushed us back into the dark ages.

Sadists are literally failed robots

Failed robots? No, sadist are just male that have been emotionally tortured by women.

Why does the one on the right look so sexy?

>emotionally tortured by women
So even a notch below the bottom of the barrel?
LMAO just kill yourself if you're a sadist, you're an emotional dead end

Because she white and tortured. You love the fact she used and abused, you'll love her more knowing that you're responsible of the wear and tear.

I'm a sadist but I'm not a psychopath. I'm not going to hurt anyone who doesn't want to be hurt. It doesn't stop me from enjoying the pain of others - this board is like a non-stop buffet for me.

Oddly enough, human civilization (the west and the more advanced eastern countries in particular) was actually moving towards the direction of the thing we call 'love', but the sexual revolution and the recommodification of sex may have thrown a wrench into things.
A few thousand years the human body developed a nice little chemical cocktail that was administered before, during, and after sex. The purpose of this concoction was to encourage pair bonding between partners in order to increase resource investment in offspring. Turns out this little cocktail worked wonders, and combined with social/legal advancements such as marriage, human civilization experienced unprecedented growth.
As civilizations advanced, clever groups of humans reinforce this biological function.

Problem is evolution is a slow son of a bitch, so humans have to keep up a slow iterative process that rewards the positive action in question. Our saving grace is that that little concoction has been with us for long enough that going against it, ie fucking a lot of different people, results in extremely negative consequences.

>I like to see others suffer
>I'm not a psychopath

user do you enjoy monkey torture videos.

I'm absolutely disgusted by animal torture. Sadly spending time on Jow Forums made me being able to stomach more than I would feel confident about to admit. It seems that I feel some sort of pain to when seeing someone/something in agony. It's called basic human empathy.

Oh, well user once the social conditioning goes away you'll see what I mean. But animal torture is hilarious.

You secretely want to hurt/kill yourself because you suffer from something. Seeing others reliefs the pain a bit.

>emotional dead end
lmao who cares you roastie-tier faggot

You cared enough to reply, now swallow ten gallons of bleach you waste of skin and space

No I actually enjoy life user, women are just animals that need to be hurt from time to time.

fucking edgy my dude
seems like you're the emotional dead end here
kys loser

Lol why are you so mad bitch, just because women don't have feelings doesn't mean guys can have feeling either.

I'm , and I feel the same way about animal torture. It does nothing for me, I just feel sorry for the poor creature. Human suffering is enjoyable as a form of empathetic masochism, I long to be close to suffering because it is more honest than any other emotion - people will fake a smile, but no one can properly fake pain.

>they still reply to me instead of ending their miserable bottomfeeder lifes by anally inserting a shotgun and pulling the trigger like there's no tomorrow

>Being this retarded and not acknowledging the greatness of sadism.

>looking "dead inside"
what do you mean? The sim on the right looks like the typical modern woman to me.

Attached: wojak smiling unconvincingly.jpg (804x802, 85K)

Bingo, the modern woman is just a slave.

What the hell is the point of this post?

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What the hell is the point of your life NIGGER?

>implying women dont have feelings