How does one talk a person out of suicide or atleast takes one's thoughts away from it?

How does one talk a person out of suicide or atleast takes one's thoughts away from it?

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Give them a purpose, an easy way is to psyop them into Jow Forums, redpill them

you really thinks that's going to work?

bump, still looking

bumping hopelessly

Suicide is the most humanizing choice a man can ever make. Its not your duty to to talk them out of it. Let them be and let them choose their future. If they take their life, its their own choice.

While I'd agree with you in any other situation, but I can't right now. I don't want to lose them from my life

You beat the shit out of them and scream in their face that you're gonna murder them. Survival instincts will kick in and they'll want to live at least for a little while.

If American tell him he needs to vote for Trump in 2020

Trump isn't even going to be on the ballot in 2020.

Not in NA

he lives quite far and im not going to beat him


seems like you can't help me out then:(

I think telling them how much they would be missed etc could work. It would also probably make them feel worse in other way though.

tried it, i think it didn't work out any good

distract them, take them somewhere and try and talk with them about what's upsetting them

>How does one talk a person out of suicide
You can't.

I can't, he lives at the other side of the country and i don't have any way to go. I can only talk online

I think you could ask some local or online suicide prevention organisation. They often give advices on how to talk to suicidal people.

what if they give me the same generic bs advice?

I've only been in a situation like that once. I just tried to be honest with the person. It's not as if I really knew him though, we only had one conversation beforehand and he unfriended me a couple days later.

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