How can a boy go about getting a lesbian gf...

How can a boy go about getting a lesbian gf? Dyke aesthetics are top-tier and they tend to have much better personalities than hetero women. Plus, it seems like they'd be more comfortable taking the "man's" role in the relationship or even do away with the duality altogether so we can be equal partners.
>Everyone's a little queer. Oh, can't she be a little straight?

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You need to unironically enslave them, and show them their inferiority to a real man. Force yourself upon them, and call it "marriage".

Did you even read the spoiler? I don't want something like that at all.

>"Equally taking the role"

Oh I'm sorry user, I didn't know you lived in your head. You do know women irl would never respect a guy that falls for that shit right?

women are inheritly submissive hence why lesbian relationships always fail. also, most lesians are fucking bitter because only women truelly get women and thats why they hate each other so much and have such a chronic backstabbing dissorder.

I really doubt butch women are just faking it and deep down just want Chad to pound them back into being a girly girl.

you sure about that pall? im pretty sure you're trying to confince yourself.

user we're mammals, women are hardwire to reproduce with masculine, good looking men.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure. That's like saying if a bigger stronger man pinned you down and made you his bitch, you'd just accept this role.
Humans do a lot of weird things we're not "hardwired" for.

Actually it's because women hate each other and see each other as enemies.
It's why lesbian communes and communities always create a mystical bepenissed boogieman to eternally hate so they can keep their fragile thing going.

Will befriending them, making it casually sexual, getting her high then coming onto her when she's at her horniest then spending the entire day hatefucking her into a screaming pussy cream dripping fit while holding her close and biting her tits work?

Cause I know of a girl that's gay but still gives me the wants the dick vibe.

Lesbian relationships have the highest rates of domestic abuse out of any other hetero/homo pairing

Why are you making a thread about some shit that will never happen, and get pissed when someone comes along and calls it bullshit? You need to go outside and put your theory to the test.

The thread wasn't made to start an argument. I was literally asking how to go about doing this in real life.

We're telling you that what you're trying to achieve isn't going to happen because women don't want to be equal to men, they want to be submissive. It's better for you to become more masculine and show the lesbo real manliness.

What if their good friend Chad/Jamal just pounds her into the mattress for the better part of an hour when her and her girlfriend are on the outs or she's ovulating and wants to be taken?

Completely on the DL of course.
Just an hour of nasty angry rapey bed destroying sex while she screams her way through orgasm after orgasm and after a bit of cuddling and drinking we go back to our normal relationship.
Maybe have her dress up like a thot as an ironic joke and even have my totes gay butch friend who's a girl twerk and dance like a totes whore for shits and giggles.
What if I fuck her against the wall while she struggles and tries not to a biting satirical play of what women go through every day but a lesbian is feeling what a het woman feels.

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Is this true?

Any and all lesbians will happily accept a dicking.

This is basically my fetish.

Gay women who own large male dogs fuck them.

So do gay guys just need a woman to fuck them straight? That's what I'm getting from this thread.

Do you have some personal experience with that?

>hurr durr there are no gender differences
Go back to art school in California, fag.

Going to be the reality of a certain dyke that I know in a few days.
Believe me.

What? So only men can be gay? Is that it? Gay women are faking it while gay men are the real deal?

No, I just have a friend who fucks bisexual girls and he says that's what bisexual girls say. Gay women actually want dick but usually not the man attached, so they'll sometimes get it from a dog.

Gay guys just need to be lynched. I doubt they'd even mind being hung like a black guy.

No they are.
It's just that dykes are weak to the dick and hyper sexual men. Espescially men with big dicks.

Why do you think they go full manhate and goldstars only? They know the truth.

If she has a big male dog or access to one and no plans to have sex with a man or anyone. She's more then likely fucking it.

Men tend towards black-or-white extremes. Men are more likely to be exclusively homo or hetero. Women lie in the middle, as they do on all issues, unable to make a fucking decision.

Step one: Have a pussy.

Can bussy be used as a substitute in this recipe?

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Isn't it enough to BE a pussy?

No, bussy is gay. Please go back to

How is bussy inherently gay? That's like saying pussy is lesbian.

I just want a dyke gf.

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