He's still natty

>He's still natty

Why do natties even bother? Do you really enjoy bulking and getting fat quickly, cutting and losing all your muscle/looking like a deflated balloon? Give in user. ANYONE with an admirable physique is unnatty. ANYONE that women and men both stare at and compliment is unnatty.

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I take whey and creative, bro. I ain’t natty.

Why do you want people to take steroids?
What's in it for you?

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> I need other people not doing the thing that im doing to feel nad so i can justify doing the thing and i dont feel bad.

Want you to improve yourself

my bro just started juicing
he's becoming a real asshole. really removed any interest i had in it.
>at bar
>old guy accidently bumps into him
>he squares up on him
>shouting, red in the face
>our group's face when

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Well shit why didn't you say so before OP! Hook me up with some gear then.

Oance a man said °Misery love company°
They are just trying to get people to be like them to not feel bad for having small dicks-balls or when they go off cykcle they will look like shit or die at a young age or not being to make kids or to make love
Stay natty brothers

He needs a good beating to get the estrogen out of him

Yeah i’ll just destroy my testosterone production to impress roasties. Good luck when SHTF and you can’t get a supply, those tits will need milking.

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so where did you get it?

I already have enough emotional issues as is

Okay youre right tell me where to get it then

No source talk

>damaging your body with illegal drugs because you want to have big muscles

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If I'm not natty, then I can't do sports

waiting for someone to post that super big hunk dude who is now balding cuz of roids

Post body then you fucking fag


Guess how I know you're a cuck

Sounds tempting if I was a lazy pussy who didn't want to work for it. Enjoy going bald and having your balls shrink to the size of a 5 year old.

I want to get some decent lifts natty first. Once I squat, bench, and dl 550, 350, 600, I'll run dbol and some test.

Guess how I Know you're a nigger?

You will never hit any of those lifts at a non-obese bodyweight without gear.

are you that faggot who tried lifting for a month, had shit diet therefore no gains, quit and now roleplays as a roided up nigger
Either way post body

I'm on albuterol and t4 for fat loss
am I natty? I didn't pin anything so I guess I am.

The only thing stopping me is balding. I'd rather keep my beautiful hair

Already got the deadlift. Few lbs off on the other 2.

Ever asked yourself WHY they're illegal? Do you HONESTLY think they government care's if you live or die?

Ask yourself, why is the hormone responsible for everything that makes you a man, illegal for you to supplement? You don't question shit when you're a docile low t faggot.

The roidlet cope is essentially “nobody can look good without roids” even though that’s not true so they have to try to make other people believe it so they can have the social proof to believe it themselves. Why do people believe it in the first place? What happens is “hard gainers” (people with shit tier programming, nutrition, genetics and work ethic) convince themselves after 1 month of lifting that everyone who looks good is actually taking steroids.

They’re illegal to make it harder for kids to fuck themselves up, just like every other thing that’s illegal. It’s not illegal for grown men or people who have legitimate hormone deficiencies to take as a supplement.

Why is it moral or even logically consistent, in your onions estrogen flouride addled brain, to give test to 5 yr old girls who say they're men while actual men have to jump through legal hoops to get it? In fact the original roids were banned because it was making a farce of the olympics and sports teams, why the fuck do you care about jewish sports owners when you can maximize your body's health and counteract the estrogen in modern plastics and water?

If you have low test, hop on TRT it’s completely legal

>op won’t post body
Yeah you should know that natty lifting is useless you dumb faggot

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So why are steroids illegal while alcohol and cigarettes are legal?

No source talk

But google.com will give you reviews

Natty cope:
>A modest cycle or five will kill you by 30/40/50
>You lose all your gains off cycle
>Every single possible side effect of steroids that can occur will occur all at the same time and you have no way of anticipating this and stopping. Just like every prescription drug you've been given, right?
>Being given test by a doctor automatically means you won't have any side effects because the doctor is watching you. (As opposed to looking at your blood work every couple months, and saying "huh, you should do less/stop"



Is he taking tren or something?>Not understanding PCT
Lmao shut up you dumb fuck and do five seconds of research before talking about something you don’t know
PED = not natty

>not maintaining your balls with hCG
>not doing a proper PCT

More people use alcohol and cigarettes than steroids making it harder to police