>ywn study at an elite university
Ywn study at an elite university
>tfw lived at home and went to community college
>tfw lived at home and went to local mediocre university
>tfw never visited the library
>tfw never joined a club
>tfw never made a single friend
>tfw never went to a party
University isn't for socializing and partying. You only have a warped view since that's what extremely rich kids do .
>tfw went into a distanct mediocre university
>tfw too poor to actually attend
>tfw couldn't afford to go out like everyone else
>tfw lived on-campus but 99% of people commuted
>tfw dropped out and wasted the best years of my life
I unlocked their secrets already. The only thing they could give me is connections and social power
>University isn't for socializing and partying
yes it is
I think you're confusing university with a nightclub or cochella concert.
Give me 50k a year to party and I'd do much better than hanging around a university.
I'm the same. had less friends (0) in my whole college run,
than in early middle school when I had only one
get over it faggot
>be me
>went to decent uni
>had lots of friends for first couple years
>got gf start of 3rd year
>slowly lost friends
>gf only friend
>bc of this I spent alot of time studying and working on research projects
>start resenting her, realizing she is boring and lazy
>cant dump her bc then I'll be completely alone
I graduated near the top of my class, have strong relationships with several professors, and was even nominated for the most outstanding student in my department. Was it worth it? No. Because I'd take back the late nights drinking and smoking in a garage, listening to music and playing vidya, and going out to shows, pubs, and shitty lunch diners with my bros in an instant.
I went through that, and I'm just as robotic as you. White male too. AMA.
What was it like?
What uni?
That is literally my university.
Nice cope. I go to a normal ass state uni and people still party here. You just don't get out.
Rich kids everywhere. All much more social and used to interacting with each other than me. I remember first getting there and we had a welcome dinner - it was so strange to see everyone talking to each other like they already knew each other, after I had been in an environment for my whole life where people who had never met each other would be much more nervous and quiet in such a setting.
You're no longer special when you get there. You might have been the top student at your school, but in the now much larger, filtered pond, you are a literal no-one. So even if you had a cult following for being the smart kid, you've lost that completely. Good fucking luck if you have no other social skills to fall back on.
And everyone is so fucking tall. Their rich Chad and Stacy parents gave them their tall genes. Average male height must be about 6ft. Average female height maybe 5'8 at least.
you attend Harvard?
You seem to have missed
>since that's what extremely rich kids do
And lmao, you think saying "you don't get out" is an insult on Jow Forums. Fucking newfags.
Study hard and be black and you'll get in easily. If you're Asian on the other hand you're fucked because of liberals
Good. My c-tier provincial university was hell enough. I don't want to interact with yuppies
>have strong relationships with several professors,
Why is this a thing in America? Is it common for you guys to talk to your professors and go out with them?
>University isn't for socializing and partying. You only have a warped view since that's what extremely rich kids do .
I'm pretty much a shut-in and even I've partied in uni, it's like half of the experience to party in Uni
>>tfw too poor to actually attend
Harvard is free if you're poor and if you can get into a elite university you would be able to get tons of scholarships anyways
>never went to a single party
you missed nothing, parties are just houses full of drunk people talking, nothing Project X tier ever happens, they're fucking boring
clubs are also kind of shitty but I just do them for the resume kek
yeah you need them for recommend you for graduate and professional schools. so gay
Not in my shithole country. During the first 2 years I was first and second in class respectively but I got nothing but "good for you"s.
Nah dude. Partying in college isn't unique to rich kids. I know people who are broke as fuck who flunked out of uni because they partied too hard. It's stupid for anybody to overdo it like that. But don't think less rich people are any less prone to it just because they should logically be more responsible. Also I wasnt trying to be smug, just statement of fact.
I wouldn't say it's half the experience but yeah, you can be pretty shut in and still find a party at college.
I went to a couple parties (literally two) at uni. Boring as fuck. It usually involved me standing in the corner, drinking alone.
I did talk to a Nigerian dude about philosophy, though, which was neat
Rip, do places that you can't apply for scholarships really exist?
i dropped out on my 16th birthday lol
To be fair we don't pay for uni, but we're not paid for it either. It's assumed that your parents can afford to throw 5-10 grand per year on your living expenses. If they can't, well, you're fucked.
>study at semi-elite (not Ivy) university with decent scholarship
>all my professors seem to care about their students and keep classes interesting
>all my classes are at least moderately stimulating and challenging
>every student is a cookie cutter normie, only talk about Netflix, surface level internet, and sports
>have 3.7 GPA and some leadership positions but no friends
It's worth it but very lonely and very tiring. I just want to get into my professional school and get out of here desu. I enjoy my classes and my professors. Hate most of the students though, they're just as bad as state school brainlets. Hopefully I can make more friends before I finish undergrad. Will answer questions if you have any
>you will always be lower class trash because of your pedigree even if you reach a level of success
You dropped out of college at 16
this, the game is rigged from the start.
>tfw no academic nerd friends to go on dangerous but still wholesome adventures with
>tfw you will never gradually develop different philosophies and go in different directions, maybe even because of a fight over a girl or boy *'-'*
>tfw you will never fastforward to years later and coincidentally all happen to be in the same place and rekindle the old friendships with all of your divergent experiences and knowledge mixed into the pot, maybe even help each other out with your unique life problems and such
Can't you take out student loans where you live?
That is not how I meant it and is probably an inaccurate view of the world.
>Currently a student at Cambridge
>Go to matriculation and spend whole day sitting around like a retard
>Go to formal and don't talk to anyone
>Join societies but leave because too shit at activity and no one likes me
>Close to failing my course
Yea, sure does feel good to study at an elite university.
I'm not sure how else you could mean it. You literally said:
>you will always be lower class trash because of your pedigree
that's life rigging the game against you if I ever saw such a thing.
Nope, I tried, the bank wouldn't even load me 500 euros so I can buy a fucking laptop. I literally went 3 years without a computer, I had to use the library's XP shitboxes.
>some leadership positions but no friends
how is this possible?
I like how you left out the latter qualifier.
>University isn't for socializing and partying
is clearly not from america
you socialize for friends and connections, of course uni is used for that
>you socialize for friends and connections, of course uni is used for that
Is this why Americans are so stupid? University is for education, why waste time getting drunk?
I'm active in clubs and volunteer organizations, but nobody ever talks to me outside of those. We do club activities, and then I go home. It's actually very depressing.
People tend to stick to cliques of friends and don't try to form a connection beyond friendly stranger status with others. At least I have acquaintances.
because thats what the movies say to do
have you ever tried to hangout with them outside of the club? the fact that you can even form acquaintances and become a leader means you are not a social retard.
go on, include it then. I'll go one further - that's my position. I have a good job, but I'm still lower class trash that the boarding school girls wouldn't give a second look, even if I have wealth and a good job.
I'm deeply sorry, user. I thought you meant 'the game' as in bank account/tax bracket.
What country would this be?
So how would they tell? People usually assume I am educated because I use difficult words, but I don't have much education at all.
accent, I'm from Bongistan so the correlation between accent and class is way stronger here than in, say, the US.
I'm very reclusive, and it's hard for me to get to know people. I probably could get to know them better if I really tried desu, but I'd rather focus on my studies. They're not the most approachable people and haven't made any effort on their part either, so it's just an uncomfortable situation. I acknowledge it's ultimately on me that I'm like this, I just wish that I wasn't. Maybe next year will be better.
I am at the university of edinburgh world ranked 14 at the moment, as well I interviewed at Cambridge, and it sucks and is not better in my experience than the university of liverpool which is world ranked I think beyond 200.
>university of edinburgh world ranked 14
lol, don't know what the people ranking that were smoking. 'Elite' is the elite, expensive US universities, Oxford, Cambridge, the top Chinese universities if you are counting them, then a power gap before you get to any other UK university.
You are wrong if you think the university of edinburgh is not elite, as well UCL ICL and LSE are elite British universities beside Oxbridge, St Andrews though not well ranked at the moment is surely elite too. Edinburgh has ranked top 20-30 for many years, has extensive renowned alumni and is I believe the best university worldwide currently for linguistic and language things.
I thought this was Pratt Institute. we got any Pratt students on r9k lol.
That's the worst feel, user. Why, God, why?
You could start to speak like a middle-class person if it bothers you. I usually speak with a strong regional accent when with my friends or similar but something reasonably close to the 'national standard' when holding presentations and the like.
it's a good university, sure, but internationally renowned? Do you think Tucker Jefferson, the eternal Yank from deepest Missouri, has heard of the University of Edinburgh, or if he has, know it is any good? I doubt it. Has he heard of Oxford and Cambridge, Harvard, Yale, etc? Of course he has.
If you look at anyone of real importance in the UK you'll see >50% of them went to Oxbridge, not to mention a lot of important international figures have studied there.
I'm very against that, and it's a pathetic way of trying to cover up a part of your fabric which would reveal itself in other ways far before you get anywhere near the intimacy required for a chance at a relationship anyway. I speak half middle class just from exposure, but I'm not actively trying to change my accent. I don't sound like a belong at home or where I live now. I'm an outsider wherever I go now.
>tfw im gonna go to the best law school in my country
doesn't matter
walking around a comfy campus at night is great, regardless of if it's an elite school or not
so much of America is designed around cars that's nearly impossible to find any decent place that's made for human beings to walk around in
parks exist, but they're not populated by people who are just busy living their lives, you know what I mean? they're there specifically to walk their dog or ride their bike or whatever. I like the combination of green space and normally constructed buildings without any of the cancer that is associated with cars
This is a cope. Edinburgh, ICL, LSE etc are full of Oxbridge rejects. Nobody choses these universities over Oxbridge. It's only elite if it's people's first choice.
I doubt Tucker Jefferson has heard of Tsinghua or Beida as well, though they are the two elite universities of China, nor would he expect Singapore to be very good, and as well I would not expect him to know what each letter of MIT might mean.
Edinburgh is for sure an elite university. You should understand ranks are not everything, as I said with my first comment I do not like the place even though it is world ranked 14.
Of course I agree that Oxbridge are better universities, there is not a person alive who would say that is not true, but if you will compare the rankings of those American colleges such as Yale or Princeton or Duke or whatever else in your imagination is elite, you will find Edinburgh and many other places in England not only compete but do better in many cases. As well, as I have said, rankings are not everything.
that does not make sense, in fact for certain subjects some people choose elsewhere and not Oxbridge, though if I were in their place I would not make that choice.
I have not said that Edinburgh is as good as Oxbridge, only that it is an elite university worldwide, which cannot be contested. You can look at every ranking over the last 100 years and also the alumni it has produced
>in fact for certain subjects some people choose elsewhere and not Oxbridge
No they don't, especially not at undergrad. This is something only Oxbridge rejects say (unless you're doing a weird course you can't do anywhere else).
Also, stop being one of those nonces who has to desperately tell everyone they interviewed at Oxbridge. It's pretty pathetic desu.
>I doubt Tucker Jefferson has heard of Tsinghua or Beida
sure, that's why I gave the qualifier. They're amazing universities but just aren't on the radar of the average person in the west, only the educated classes knows of them. Let's ignore them for argument's sake.
He does know what MIT is, and particularly because US universities are intertwined with sports events which makes normies associate with them more.
>ranks are not everything
correct, there is a cultural aspect to an elite university. And that is what this thread is about - some user worrying he has missed out on what he perceives as an exciting cultural experience at elite universities, so that forms part of the context in which I am classifying a university as elite or not, at least in the small period of my life I spend arguing my point in this thread. Some other time I might argue Edinburgh is elite based on its academic merits or ability to produce excellence in certain areas (they produce excellent medics, apparently).
Which brings me to my point: people I have met who studied at Edinburgh, or other non-Oxbridge universities, are much different to those at Oxbridge from a cultural perspective. The Oxford/Cambridge 'elite culture' is a thing in itself, and its dominance in society, particularly in the media/entertainment but also in other areas, just can't be ignored.
But I hate Oxbridge culture all the same, it's basically hyper-normieism
I do not know what else there is to say, you can read countless forum posts on places like thestudentroom or ask your classmates yourself if you are at a good university. My older cousin had an offer to read history at Oxford but chose instead in the 1970s to go to Leicester, as the competition he says did not suit him at Oxford. I myself would not make this choice as I have said and think it is wrong, but we all think differently.
You should look at a place like John's Hopkins which is renowned for medicine and more desirable surely than MIT for medical things. This is true also for LSE alongside Cambridge or Oxford, St Andrews for Classics, maybe, and other things like this. It is difficult to estimate the success of universities and the desirability of them but what you have said is wrong
Well yes of course I agree with you, but my only point was that Edinburgh was elite, which you have admitted, not that it was equal to or better than Oxbridge. As well you understand now the point that just because some idiot somewhere does not know that a university is good does not mean that university is not good.
Ah yes, the Student Room is an ultimate cultural authority.
I don't think I said that and nothing about my post suggests it, it is a place where students come to talk about university and that is all
>my only point was that Edinburgh was elite, which you have admitted
in some contexts. Not in the context OP is referring to. OP is probably a Yank, where their elite universities are filled almost entirely with the children of the ultra-wealthy. The only real equivalents in the UK are Oxford and Cambridge.
tl;dr I'm catering for dumb Americans
Edinburgh is filled with children of the ultra-wealthy if that is what you mean. The city of Edinburgh is like living in a bubble. I came thinking I would hear so many Scottish accents but the entire time I have been here I have heard only American and southern English. The only Scottish person I have met is a gay mature student from Glasgow
I'm at Cambridge studying maths, I have no friends but at least the course is good
I made exactly one friend and used to go to the library to work on homework between classes but otherwise was the same.
I study at the national academy of music in my country. What's the big deal?
I thought countries other than burgerland had cheap college
>mom wanted me to attend a top tier school
>too mediocre
>asked me why I didn't apply to Harvard
>tell her it was never going to happen
>she's visibly crushed
>she's always watching Jeopardy, especially when they have kids as competitors