ITT: brainstorming to troll the "fitness community"

>nutella fast
>microwaved raw meat, leading to quick bacterial reinfestation resulting in heavy food poisoning
>dipping raw meat in alcohol before digestion
>dry fast
>eating cowshit to cure cancer

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fuck off. we need to make Jow Forums as unhealthy as possible

Dry fast is legit tho

Nice, It's already working.

as legit as eating raw garlic for shrekmode

how about garlic pressed garlic juice in coffee?
tldr: japanese boomer makes coffee from garlic

how about putting 2 cloves of garlic inside coffee?

garlic coffee.
>tastes good
>just perfect
perfect to shill

Garlic coffee, the next big thing on Jow Forums ?

get a life


Rectal quark diet, it's low fat, low carb and high protein. Through rectal injection so safe crucial digestive time and make more gains

The good bad diet. One day eating clean heathy foods, one day eating pure garbage. Tell them when you eat trash your body cries out for nutrients so when you have a clean day the next day your body absorbs everything and makes you extra healthy. But they're really getting a dependence on all the extra sugar and junk they're eating. Eventually (like after a couple weeks of this "diet") they only eat junk

Anyone who disagrees is a vampire that LITERALLY wants to suck the gainz from your veinz.


>nutella fast
I prefer mayo cleanse

Heh this is actually good

protein powder snorting so it gets absorbed faster and better by pulmonary alveoli

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this desu. garlic coffee is the next best thing

not bad.

Jow Forums havent really trolled the world compared to boards like /b/, Jow Forums, its about time..


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How about no salt diet?


That's not a troll...

Ha i remember almost falling for that

Oh user...


We don't need a status update, weirdo.