Lifting for a year

>lifting for a year
>still only 1.5 plate bench

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Eat nigga. More eat, more muscle, more muscle more strength, more plate.

Just be a big fat strong retard

Took me 5 yrs to get to 2 plate user don't get discouraged

>These are the people giving you advice on Jow Forums

how much is 1.5 plates in kilograms I am a foreginer

1 plate is 20kg
1.5 plate is 30kg

30kg x 2 = 60kg

Add bar weight which is 20kg: 60+20 = 80kg

1=20kg, 1.5 = 30kg x2+20=80kg

>these are the people posting 'post body'

Post body

These are the people pretending to lift, not posting body and giving advice on who to take advice from

the bench is just a fucking shit exercise
I hate it so much

>the count the bar

how much could you bench when you were a month in?

That's why every "beginner" is different and timelines when you should be at certain weight are not reliable.
One guy is just beginner to weight lifting while being decently athlethic and played sports since childhood. The other guy was sedentary and basically starts from 0 and even reaching 1st guy results from the beginning will take him some time.


>lifting for a year
>still just below 1 plate as I can only do 3 x 17,5 kg
I'm fucking weak.

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You are talking about your 1 RM right?

>8 months of lifting
>2 plate bench

Sucks to suck faggot.

Unironically took me about the same time

Lol we have the same exact stats.

It kills me because I know what I lack which is a gym buddy to strengthen my resolve & spot me + eat more.
i'm never angry in the mornings, so I run on coffee and nerves up until noon where I devour a bunch of food. It's a shit feel to fail to do your 4th rep and some buffy gymbro comes to pull the bar from you because you can't outlift a bad diet.

This was literally me but I broke out of it by eating more and going hard with volume. I also got a good boost from easing off bench training and focusing on other lifts which actually helped me when I got back into it.

lol i bench 85kgs and ive been working out for 10months KEK #notsohumbleretardbrag

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>im weak
okey reatard

lift less but heavier fuck nugget

Quit putting your own failures on a non-existent 'lifting buddy'. Fix your diet and work on your short comings or quit bitching.

That's what I am trying to do fucker. Doesn't change the fact that it's always more motivating to have a friend by your side.

I’ve been lifting 2 years and bench 335
5x5 on bench press is the goat. I start every push day with it

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good progress Jow Forumstard

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youll pass your 225 bench one day dyel

8 months for that is pretty bad dyel

This is the man who will one day be my husband if he fixes that weird dick smell.

I literally cant comprehend this, i started lifting again after like 2-3 years of being a lazy fat NEET and i just hit 275 bench for 3 after around two months of lifting again. How does a grown adult male start out as weak as you?

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One plate for 3x3 and 1x5 after a month in gym here

they are s o y b o y s

I did 95kg x 5 in about 8 months

Because at the end of the day it all boils dow to your genetics, doesn't matter what your routine is or how much you eat and what, or at least it matters very little. If your hormones are shit you won't recover from the work, or convert the food into muscle instead of fat. Roiders face the same limitations, they can't stay on the same dosage.

I very much doubt those stats. Post lifts and body.

Do dumbbell and/or incline presses too, that might help you break the wall

cope more skeleton

How tall are you?

I'm 6'5" with 6'5" reach and I just hit 1pl8 for 3x5 after 2 months of lifting, bound to hit a plateau soon, right fellas?

Kinda. You're going to quit soon.

>Lifting for two months
>Can only do 40kg squat and bench (bar included)
End me

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Same but lifting for 6 months and squatting 60kg

Nobody is impressed with how much weight you can rerack

defeatist attitude faggot

Nope, I'm back from a six year hiatus that I didn't want in the first place. Also, I'm not a nigger nor a child so I know that keeping up with it is 100% worth it

Feel free to make an argument, especially about the roids.

I'm just being realistic, plateau won't mean that I have to quit Bench, just deload and push trough.

Why the hiatus then, pencil dick?

Get on SL 5x5 ASAP

Same. I was hoping I could do 100kg after 12 months but I think it might take 14 months. When do you think you can hit 4plate?

keep coping skeleton

Enjoy your never ending linear gains, report back with your 9000lb bench.

so dyels do use this word. that one thread was right

>3 months
>75kg bench

Whew guess that's not to bad. Unfortunately, my squat is also 75kg.

Yeah but you're squatting onto your dad's erect dick.

let me guess 225 bench 300 dl, dyel?

My bench went up quicker when I brought my grip in a little. I do a big hand on end of smooth part then go to pinky finger spot if that make sense

I guess it recruited my triceps more and my chest started growing too

Let me guess, you're my new boyfriend?

Lack of protein, lack of sleep. Probably poor form on the bench press.

Also, you don't hit the secondary muscle groups which help in the stability of the press motion well. Though your chest muscles might handle the additional weight fine, muscles in your arm (Like the lateral head of the triceps brachii, or the abdominal head just underneath the pectorals, the upper/lower pectorals, not just the middle, etc.)

What I would recommend is that you increase protein intake (oven bake your chicken, don't fry it fatty), use a 40/40/20 protein/carb/fat ratio (40% calories from protein, 40% from carbs, 40% from fats, etc.)

Then, drop weight in your bench press and focus on perfecting form. Bench once a week, and you should focus on chest exercises twice a week, once per week focusing on the Bench press and the other day focusing on the supplemental chest exercises to achieve stability.

Absolutely unnatural macro distribution. It should be 50% fat, 30% protanes, 20% carbs.

But fry chic chic so yum yum

Well, it's been 2 years for me and I'm also stuck at 1.5 but I'm 5 kg away from 1 plate at the OHP.
The cool thing is that I jumped from 60 kg to 75 kg bodyweight which is something that makes me proud of myself as an old skelly.

Fucking Atkins faggot. Sure, do this if you want to trick your body into going into a pre-diabetic state and increase your chance of heart disease.

Get the fuck out of here with that shit.

I'm a king of manlets btw if height matters. But what I'm sure I suck is on bone structure. I'm noticeable smaller than even friends at the same height and lower body weight.

I did 5x5 for 2 months then I stalled twice.

>1.5 year lifting
>185x5 bench
>154 bw
>Get mires anyways
Lol @ everyone calling you weak and "just eat until your fat, get those numbers up" not everyone wanna be fat. I've never had anyone ask me how much I bench in my life.

The thing is Ive been doing SL5x5 for these two months. People spouting DUDE JUST PUT ON 100000KG AND DO AT LEAST 5 REPS HAHA NEXT DAY DO TWO SETS

NIGGA I can do one rep with 50kg and I feel like my arms are breaking

Forgot pic

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State your height and starting weight. 80kg isn't bad for lanklets.

He actually posted body what a madlad

You mean faggot pic

you can get that in like 5 months if you actually eat retard

> I've never had anyone ask me how much I bench in my life
That's becouse you look like you have never benched in your life

Not everyone is a fatass like you

Post body

>I've never had anyone ask me how much I bench in my life.
Thats because you are a fucking dyel with a beginner body.

>thinks you have to get fat to bench 2 plates before 8 months.
Youll be that guy that posts hes been lifting for 3 years but yet no one can tell unless you have a pump and your shirts off

no one needs to post any body pic when you have a literal dyel body anyone could achieve after lifting for 5 months and eating

Go die keto faggot

Post body


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It's actually less, I guess that proves me wrong. I just have to will myself into producing more test.

cope string bean

Post body

if posting
>post body
makes you feel better than by all means dyel

5' 9

>I'm a fat powershitters and my only source of pride is the 4 seconds a week I can bench my own body weight of 300lbs for 1 rep


post body

Its not impressive that's exactly my point lol

this is what dyels like this believe

If you aren't lifting to failure with spotting arms and eating an entire costco pizza for dinner you won't see gains on bench.

Well I'm 5'11 and I literally can't comprehend how someone can be this short, I mean I wasn't even trying.

Yeah i guess so lol

oh forgot pic srrr

Not him but
>calling others dyels
>refusing to post body
Hmmm definitely not a dyel

oh look another dyel that has a body of someone thats been lifting for 5 months tops

Oh look, a father-fucking faggot. Fuck your father, faggot.