Is it one of those fucking threads? IT IS!
Create yourself as a squid and all that gay stuff, let's see how the squid "you" looks like.
Attached: descarga (1).png (300x300, 60K)
What do you think of this squidkid?
Attached: ((((white ink)))).png (300x300, 60K)
Sassy squid, nice squid. Me like.
This is me in squid, too cute to be me but still. This is squid.
Attached: descarga.png (300x300, 70K)
Pretty accurate I think. There was no acne choixe though amd I couldnt have glasses and a hat
Attached: 5696b24e-d5ab-4b8a-b59f-430cc7191468.png (300x300, 71K)
It's okay at least you tried! Nice squid.
Squid me.
Attached: index.png (300x300, 80K)
That is nice squid yes very nice. But why the sad face?
I'm on Jow Forums, if I had anything to smile I about; I probably wouldn't be here.
they dont have alot of different hairstyles but this was the closest thing to mine that I could find. Im a dude btw
Attached: squid.png (300x300, 58K)
so what are these people
I am unfamiliar with the games
are they squid/human hybrids?
Attached: squidman.png (300x300, 62K)
There's always something to smile for... Don't stop smiling user!
It's okay it looks good! Good squid. And good you.
Well I'm gonna go to sleep now, I'll bring more positivity tomorrow okay friends? Goodnight.
Game is Splatoon, they're squids that "evolved" into a humanoid shape in a post-apocalyptic world where humans are extinct.
i don't wear clothes cause i dont really go outside
Attached: descarga.png (300x300, 62K)
i just made rivers cuomo
Attached: rivers.png (300x300, 55K)
Kinda accurate.
Originally of course.
Attached: MEEEEEEE.png (300x300, 70K)
This a cute
Attached: squib.png (300x300, 84K)
plain and babyfaced, surprisingly accurate, just doesn't show how depressed I look
Attached: download.png (300x300, 46K)
why did i spend my time on making a squid??
Attached: download.png (300x300, 75K)
Thanks for the website recommendation, I love it.
Attached: 720793AF-7B58-4E16-8DC5-EA43D3BA7B9B.png (300x300, 81K)
I wanna cosplay as her one day
Attached: 0BDA4DE4-1338-4C0A-B973-8BBD3D563651.png (300x300, 72K)
am just a little squid
Attached: download (1).png (300x300, 65K)
cool character creator user, i made my inkling ingame
Attached: download (2).png (300x300, 74K)
this is surprisingly accurate except the hair color
Attached: squid.png (300x300, 85K)
thatse it. i cannot change this.
Attached: skwid.png (300x300, 75K)
Imagine this but fat and balding
Attached: Untitled.png (300x300, 46K)
okay this is as close as I can get
Attached: squiddo.png (300x300, 58K)
i want an AIDS mask wtf
Attached: download.png (300x300, 82K)
This is pretty cute, I wish you could select more then one of certian cosmetics though
Attached: download (2).png (300x300, 68K)
I don't like splatoon
Attached: shatoon.png (300x300, 71K)
Im a man by the way
Attached: 069D04C5-6EEC-4576-8321-6B17DDEF7F4B.png (300x300, 71K)
cant believe i actually made this gay shit
Attached: download.png (300x300, 88K)
Bland as fuck and generic looking
Just like me
Attached: squid.png (337x326, 43K)
I made this a while ago. It's how I look on the inside.
Attached: download.png (300x300, 65K)
I am the best sqoog
Attached: sqoog.png (300x300, 44K)
This but ugly
Attached: me.png (300x300, 51K)
Attached: squid me.png (300x300, 75K)
Squids are cool.
Attached: squid_a.png (300x300, 46K)
Sup my squibbas
Attached: download.png (300x300, 65K)
I made an attempt
Wish you could do two accessories at once
Attached: download.png (300x300, 87K)