I wish some user who genuinely hates me would beat some sense into me.
I wish some user who genuinely hates me would beat some sense into me
Other urls found in this thread:
*punch punch punch*
I love you too much to ever hate you or beat you
Send a script of what u want us to say and we will record it on vocaroo to send u
No. I mean like tell me what exactly is wrong with me. I know I have a harder time discerning what's real and what's just a delusion. And I don't know where I was going with this. But they know something. And why should I care? Because I clearly don't. So what's to be said different? They know. But they never talk to me long enough. Not even from my own country. But I don't feel comfortable anyway. So it's anxiety inducing. Even if anonymous.
Ok aiste, I am gonna lay it down flat on you. Be warned this contains brutal redpills
Youre unoriginally fat
yes. I have been e-begging for his sweet tender bussy for weeks and yet he won't budge :(
I just wanna make love to you aiste~
Well, it was expected. You have a nice accent. What country?
What's there to say? You are self-aware, so I don't think the issue is that you need someone to "beat some sense into you". I imagine the problem lies in your feelings. You feel anxious about certain things that, while possible, are extremely unlikely to happen. That can be debilitating considering how many uncertainties there are in life. "Normal" people don't get hung up on things like this and are therefore able to function more freely. But it's not as though they consciously decided to be that way. They simply never paid as much attention to those things from the start. I'm not sure how you could achieve the same. Maybe you have to become a much more rational person, and always prioritize logic over feelings. But, from my experience, that's exceedingly difficult.
I don't know where I was going with this either. Maybe there's nothing you can do.
Well of course. Too bad aiste has too many orbiters and senpai will never notice me :(
poland btw (in UK though)
Why can't you realiz that you are the one doing the "mainpulation", you are the one trying desperately to "control" others ,you degenerate. You come here with your fucking pseudo bullshit about your meaningless thoughts. The ones that are correct are trivial and the others are just retarded bullshit. Why do you think that its so hard to realize that Psychology is a pseudo science? Anything that isnt based on axioms is basically a big fucking bullshit. The only problem you have is that you lack a person in your life who tells you what to do. Most of the human race is made up of people like you. You are completely average. People like you desperately need someone to guide you , command you or you live your life as a useless fucking degenerate, in your case larping on shitty forums like these. Just be honest and accept who you truly are already and make a step forward.
Don't bully MY WIFE
I met a Polish person in Norway. He was nice. It's a meme that we hate each other.
I've been sold out probably since the start. So you can't cure me. But when I meet nice people it's better. But I push it too much. So some people hat that. And that makes me sad if even one person is unhappy. So I should stop. But then I'm sad because I meet 0 nice people. Sorry if this makes no sense. It's hard to.
What to understand? I read a few times, but I don't get it. No one will want me in real life. I'm not a girl. So is psychology wrong in your opinion? Or not? I don't want them to help me. They see me as even less than you do.
>No one will want me in real life. I'm not a girl.
I want you though
the guy is not a tranny either
>So I should stop.
But then there will be even more people that are saddened. You've come too far to back out now.
Perhaps it's fine to try to not push it too much. But I think you should still keep posting threads. It may bother some people, but it also non-ironically makes some other people feel better.
weeks/months ago we all layed down exactly whats wrong with you, and you said it yourself as well. why even bother.
It doesn't matter aiste is my WIFE
good luck you'll get doxxed
aiste is my loving wife fuck u
who did he dox?
I did not want to, but still got upset. It's an unsolvable problem. So I want something else. Am I not nice enough? But that's easier to understand than incurable diseases.
go the FUCK AWAY
fuck you quit being mean to my gf
Stop picking on my wife
i wish misaki can come and beat some sense into me, tell me theirs more than this but i want to know that this is the truth sadly its not
some guy on discord
They're all evil people. I had to make an example. They were ruining my threads and manipulating me. I don't want to do it anymore.
>everyone who uses discord is evil
>implying you didnt manipulate the whole board into thinking you were a girl
>implying your shitty threads dont deserve to be ruined
schizos never learn
I'm not a "schizo". Stop linking everything I do to schizophrenia.
ok schizo tranny
You're just being mean on purpose. I understand that. People do that.
I genuinely believe you're a schizo tranny, your shitty book is good proof of that too
Why do labels matter so much? Just because you get diagnosed with this and that, doesn't mean you're a different person.
you're the same as you've always been, a schizo tranny indeed. labels dont matter, but anyone who digs deep enough will find "schizo" and "tranny" because thats all that you are.
I don't hate you but would gladly ryona you
I'm not a bad person like you make me seem. There's nothing wrong with shchizophrenics, but people still abuse them for no reason.
fucking cry me a river faggot.
>It's an unsolvable problem.
So it is. All that remains is to wait until some external force changes the status quo.
I am and I will. But I hope you one day get into a situation and gain some perspective.
read this
no YOU get some perspective, fucking retard. no sympathy.
I'm not retarded. I just have a hard time with some things.
Yes psychology is wrong , you weak moron . You keep repeating the same bullshit over and over while dwelling in your supposed "misery".Grow up you little bitch. Everyone on this earth suffers equally throughout their lives. We are born with different attributes ,yes it can extremely unfair sometimes. But fundemantally the happiness/suffering ratio is equal for everyone ,but some people like you overexaggarate their situation. God, you truly need a good beating. I hope the intensity of your suffering increases to the point where you either kill yourself or make changes.
Hey user, idk about all this namefag drama bullshit, but I replied to your thread yesterday. Had some time to read more of your pdf, and it sounds like you've pretty much figured out exactly what your problem is hereYou're prone to making bad predictions because that's what schizophrenia does, it muddled up the way your brain weighs probabilities, and increases the seeming importance of trivial patterns to the point that something which would be very unlikely indeed if looked upon objectively seems divinely ordained.
I'm sorry you've had whatever terrible experiences before with psychiatry, and you're not entirely wrong to be fearful there, there's a lot of bad incentives that hurt people and mistakes are made every day. But you're wrong to demonize the entire institution, and given how well you seem to understand your condition in the post I linked, I think you could benefit from talking to someone that's aware of your anxieties and willing to work through them with you. You'll probably assume I'm some kind of shill at this point, but I really do hope you face your fears and get the assistance you need. No matter how much bad luck you've had in the past, it only takes one break for everything to turn around. I believe in you fren
Keep calm op, some dickhead is running thru our board using strong language and name calling. possibly an underage.
getting beat isn't really what you want because it wont "scratch that itch" but educating yourself is always a good first step.
Oh come on you dumb faggots ,he has been making these threads for a few months now. The same outcome every time.He dismisses every topic that isnt related to his condition , or tracks it back to it. Its fucking pathetic , we know his problem we know the solution , we know that he is just an attentionwhore, and you are still here trying to "help" him. Aiste , just leave already you hopeless weak retard.
Thank you for answering. I wish I had some response, but I barely understand anything here. I'll try tomorrow. My brain is mush at this point haha.
It's not the same always. When I look at old posts. I have severely declined.