
>fuck trannies
Your fetish is not a gender faggots and I am sick of your pink pilling prisongay incels
>fuck roasties
You can be a female and not roastie but it is rare,if you join a community and let people know you are female you are roastie.
>fuck incels
You guys have no real problems and take
>TFW no GF
to the extreme... your identity is being unable to get laid, pretty gay.

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Go to helluu gunjy

i have a gf
what now op

Gunjy is gay retarded incel tranny

I agree with this post on a spiritual level bro

reminder these threads are just your autistic ass self projecting your insecurities and trying to virtue signal to people who hate these types
reminder you're trying to virtue signal against these types of people on a board full of them you fucking with your mom in your late 20s you're almost 30 years old you're still in your REEE EVERYONE I DISLIKE IS A NORMIE!!! phase that most people on this board outgrew once they hit legal age
you piss in bottles you live in a grimey dirty boarded up room with tin foil and cardboard on the windows
and think you're above everyone
but if acting like you're some god among insects on a virtual special needs class room of retards legit incels and lolcows of every variety
not to mention you're a pedophile so delusional from years of alcohol and drug usage that you somehow no longer possess enough brain cells to comprehend why people hate you

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you fucking live with your mom sorry lmao
phoneposting because i have actually have a life

>TFW no GF
to the extreme... your identity is being unable to get laid, pretty gay.
kind of like your identity revolves around bitching about other people kind of like a roastie : ^)
which you claim to hate
for someone who hates roasties you sure love to nag as much as one
maybe you should consider hrt gunjy ? uwu

>bitches about roasties
>nags bitches and complains and shit talks other people 24 7 just as much one
user is right
you should try hrt atleast gunjy uwu
maybe you'd be less bitchy
maybe your hate of trannies is a crypto self hate post

fuck off James.
I would rather be a real girl not a fake one.
The post. Incel seething

filthy little based nigger

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>filthy little based nigger
fuck incels

This whole board if incel seething. You don't even have to say this, we all know that op is a fag already.

>, we all know that op is a fag already.
im not a fag I only like my tranny e-gf

I really do not comprehend the meaning of the word "roastie" anymore.
In another week, there will be no criteria anymore.
In a month, some men will also be roasties.

>I really do not comprehend the meaning of the word "roastie" anymore.
>In another week, there will be no criteria anymore.
>In a month, some men will also be roasties.
I get called a roastie and I am a man

lmao you're calling people incel when you're so undesirable you couldn't even get a real girl
you had to settle for a tranny just kill yourself

I'm not james you paranoid schizo I'm sure as fuck not rei either
I'l keep you guessing though
because that's just what i do lol

also by the way you can call me incel all you want all it does is prove my point you're projecting repressed insecurities onto other people
these posts are literally just a cope for your own short comings
that's how lowly you are
that you have to resort to bitching and nagging 24 fucking 7 just to make yourself feel like you aren't subhuman for a few minutes

you show alot of feminine qualities gunjy
such as the constant nagging and bitching
your cute voice
your scrawny body
why not try crossdressing?
maybe breaking that taboo and exploring something like that would make you less frustrated and angry all the time

your fetish is not a gender
just like virtue signaling and being blackpilled isn't a personality : ) such a vain hon you are
maybe you really should consider hrt

>you had to settle for a tranny
I chose the tranny because really like her.
>I'm not james you paranoid schizo I'm sure as fuck not rei either
you could be anyone.
2 many people dislike me for me to care who does
>you're projecting repressed insecurities onto other people
im just shit posting, i sit in dark room 24/7 and shit post
>you show alot of feminine qualities gunjy
>such as the constant nagging and bitching
>your cute voice
>your scrawny body
yeah I am fairly girly emotional wise and prefer chatting to girls about feels.
I am actually never angry or frustrated, ony depressed.
I have not felt anger in years.
>just like virtue signaling and being blackpilled isn't a personality
I do not virtue signal just because I shit on one group

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>bitches about incels well constantly shitting on his ass browsing r9k all day
gee you must be such a chad
that's why you're on r9k right??
shut the fuck up

you never felt anger in years
is that why you constantly bitch about incels roasties
and trannies?
somebody who didn't have anger or just didn't care
wouldn't go out of their way to regularly call out these groups

clearly you do care
otherwise you wouldn't be constantly trying to virtue signal about how against these groups you are
if you didn't care you wouldn't bother even trying to seem like le misunderstood good guy
someone who genuinely didn't care
wouldn't go thru all these lengths to do damage control to "prove" to people they aren't as bad as they think

overgrown oversized mentally ill man child with the mental capacity of an edgy 13 yr old bitching about other mentally man children
this would almost be cute
if you weren't so hideous

reminder you aren't better then other mentally ill man children just because you're self aware
kind of like how rei isn't better then other fags because he's self aware

>rei isn't better then other fags because he's self aware
Rei is literally a homosexual kek.
I only date a tranny im like 20% gay

being an r9k user isn't a personality
and not everyone who disagrees with your degenerate depravity is a normie

yeah well atleast some of us can actually get a real woman
they weren't saying you were gay they were saying you're pathetic if you had to settle for a tranny because you couldn't get a real gf

>had to settle for a tranny
didnt settle, also she is better than men because looks like girl and has a by brain so better than a woman.
Literally not gay, also passes, it is almost more straight to date her than a woman when you think about it, but every other tranny is a gross faggot.

i dont even date a tranny, you know nothing about me faggot

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only one who implied it might be gay was you not me
sounds like some you're hiding some repressed self hate about your sexuality
otherwise you wouldn't have gotten so defensive
would a man who was confident in his sexuality confident he wasn't possibly a fag
get defensive the moment he assumes someone is calling him gay?

stop being extremely gay then

why do you fags think I even date a homo?
had a few people say this lately even on shitcord.
Wheres it come from???

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answer my question user

do it fag boy
answer his question

>answer my question user
I am 100% straight trust me.
have some fag taht said he wants to woship meand gay shit, had fags want succ me asa teen I knew.. no way not into it.
Be a homo just keep it away from me

>those mental gymnastics

Calm down bro and just admit you're hella gay.

>Calm down bro and just admit you're hella gay.
I am clearly meming, idk where this theory of me dating a tranny came from but lately i just say yes it is true but decided t ask where it came from

sounds like you're friends with some interesting people gunjy
if i didn't know any better I'd assume you met these people thru sexual degeneracy
of the hmm should i say? homosexual variety?
you could argue opposites attract but no
not on a place like this

IDK man, I try not interact with homos and ban them on my servers (ask anyone) yet they still fag post all the time to me somehow

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where did this rumor come from though?
originally know or not? just curious

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either way you just lost your privileges to bitch about homos
if you're dating a tranny
she's got a dick she may be feminine she maybe cute she may behave like a girl and sound like
but she's still got a dick
that in itself makes you lose your pol faggotry privileges
nobody is gonna take your bitching seriously now

damage control when you realized you drunkenly admitted to it eh? don't worry i won't judge
but i do think you're a hypocritical retard for bitching about fags well dating someone who has a dick between their legs lol

dude after finding this out
everyone's gonna start roasting you and laughing at you when you try and post this thread again

go outside you fucking braindead loser

why would people do that unless you did something to provoke that kind of advancement onto yourself
you must have done some pretty gay shit at some point that you're just too cowardly to mention
either that or you're larping
which implies you're trying to look chad to potential homos in this thread
either way this gives off major closeted homo vibes

yes avatarfag with cute anime girls
while bitching about trannies
and dating one
just take hrt already gunjy
you'd be so much happier

>realized you drunkenly admitted to it
Nah, I quit drinking also lost all my weight and need gain now.
I have just been agreeing with people who say it, have no idea where they got the idea im dating a tranny.

>go outside you fucking braindead loser
I may, i have a guy coming around i met on Jow Forums in a week
Will go outside to meet at bus stop and he will come back to my place and drink and chill.
He is not a fag INB4 you get ideas.
>just take hrt already gunjy
>you'd be so much happier
I would take a magic girl pill MAYBE but IDK now plus HRT doesnt make you a girl anyway.

hrt doesn't make you a girl anyway
>i would take a magic girl pill
so you admit you're a mentally ill faggot like everyone else you hate? >going to speak to someone irl for the first time in 6 years LOL
are you fucking serious?
you're that big of a loser to the point where you've gone that long without any irl social interaction but still think you're above incels

>you're that big of a loser to the point where you've gone that long without any irl social interaction
im mentally ill man.
> mentally ill faggot
no im not a fag just mentally ill and the only reason I would be a girl is so I can exploit guys easy

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you're that big of a loser to the point where you've gone that long without any irl social interaction but still think you're above incels
gunjy you most likely are the incel nigga a few depraved "encounters" don't count

I'm mentally ill too retard
but for you that's an understatement
you're just a loser yes you're not a fag
that's why for the last few minutes your posts have been giving off major homo vibes
that's why you got so defensive when you thought someone was accusing you of being a homo right?

>you're that big of a loser to the point where you've gone that long without any irl social interaction but still think you're above incels
Incels bitch and moan anbout no GF.
I cannot even orgasm my brains broken.
I could go outside and fuck some slut whenever, I am sure of this as my areas trash.
I do not want to fuck some slut though, my dick servers me no purpose of pleasure.
>I'm mentally ill too retard
>but for you that's an understatement
well we both mentally ill then.
Shit used to be different for me I could function enough to be outside but I have been inside so long I forget what it looks liek to see poeple walk .

if that were true why do you feel the need to always try and prove people wrong when they accuse you of being a closeted incel ?
"haha guys i got laid
haha guys im d-dating a t-tranny that c-counts right???!!!!
haha guys !! i got my dick wet to some random e thot
haha guys i got laid to some ugly ass skank irl a few years ago
i-..i im not an incel right?
m-maybe if i bitch about incels enough people will think I'm not an incel

>thread starts to give off major closeted homo vibes
>F-fuck f-faggots right guys?
i fucking hate em lmoa
and fuck t-tranny freaks too
>later reveals he's dating one
case dismissed
this is just the pot calling the kettle black

>m-maybe if i bitch about incels enough people will think I'm not an incel
I am not incel though kek
I am monetally ill and cannot go outside and shit.
If I took some valiums andchatted to some roast n my trash city I would get a fuck but why??
wont be with some o\\one I like

then why do you care about them so much why do you bitch about them so much?
eventually it starts to give off the vibe it's just you projecting your insecurities and short comings gunjy
if you genuinely hated incels
you'd stop giving them attention 24 7

>if you genuinely hated incels
i do not hate anyone i just think its patehtic (yeah im worse you can say) that they bitch about no GF like its a problem

goin sleep man

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you constantly bitching about them is just as pathetic

>implying that if you let people know you are a female you ara a rostie

Oh yeah sorry everybody, the great lord 52113812 has spoken, let me just fucking hide my gender now

Suck the dick i dont have you Fucking faggot

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