how the fuck does this even work?
how the fuck does this even work?
A not ugly man who dresses nice and has confidence. Of course it'll work. He has the confidence of over a million subscribers backing him up. You'd do incredible things if that many people believed in you.
He didnt have a billion subscribers when he was 10 years old. He worked hard to look that good. Youd have zero confidence if you didnt earn your support
>He worked hard
No he fucking didn't you piece of shit, he was just born chad. enough with this meme, no one really works hard, it's all just luck.
lol he has a neckbeard would wear, a fucking Hawaiian shirt
Youre also lucky to be alive. Its a dumb argument because luck doesnt wear clean clothes or teach proper english
Okay, but he's doing these things for the camera. It's performance confidence. I'm sure he's had his share of rejection. Don't fear rejection. I met my girlfriend in a bar for fuck's sake.
>testosterone doesn't exist
don't deny science
It fits him and it isn't covered in stains or overly baggy to conceal his pudgy body.
Floral/Hawaiian prints have been trending for at least two years. Are you living in the year 1999 retard?
>luck doesnt wear clean clothes
Are you retarded? my clothes are always super clean but I lucked out when I was born with autism so I have no idea how to dress properly.
Chad knows, he knows these things like he knows how to tie his shoe lases because of his genes and a normal upbringing.
>testosterone is born with good posture, healthy weight, hygiene
Soi bois often have girlfriends. You cant win this one bro. Its luck to be a top 5% athlete if you already put in the hard work. Its not luck to find a girl.
If that's not luck what is it?
>how the fuck does this even work?
Well, first they get paid actors
Then they do this a few dozen times with genuine randoms and cherry pick only the good footage from the best encounters
Then they employ editors to mash it together, touch it up, and turn it into a youtube video
Then they wait for shitheads and vapid normies to watch it and adbux to roll in
You literally dont have a problem because your brain is satisfied with playing Minecraft.
>Soi bois often have girlfriends
Because they have good jobs, education, lots of friends etc.
Women don't care about muh personality, it's all about what man has not who he is.
Wtf are you talking about? I haven't played that in years. I don't even play video games anymore.
he's attractive enough to pull that off. that's it.
Exactly. He's tall, not fat, not bald and doesn't stutter. Sure some of his suggestions fell flat, but he recovered well. That's if this is to believed at surface value and not multiple takes with the same girls.
>Chad/Thad face
>deep voice
Such a mystery
What? What are you saying autist?
Anyway conflating literal brain damage to where you are shitting your pants all day with the idea that getting girls is hard, just doesnt make sense. Yes its harder for you and you find a different lifestyle and approach when you want a girlfriend, but the general language for this shit is obviously not about autism. Most of the whiny fags on here are literally only a normal conversation away from having a relationship. Maybe clean clothes helps but luck is only a small part of it. Your behavior is not purely random, people are not purely random in their response to your behavior
I'm tall, not fat, not bald and I don't stutter.
I'm a 25 year old virgin so fuck off.
>who dresses nice
>vomit tier shirt
lol k
>Most of the whiny fags on here are literally only a normal conversation away from having a relationship
im convinced the only people who write this type of shit are just females trying to make us feel bad.
How many women have you approached? Seriously.
>luck is only a small part of it.
Absolute bullshit, tell me how much effort you have put in to get women and if it was a lot that means you are not chad.
You could wear a shirt that says, "I'm a faggot" if it is clean and fits your body. Which you should get because you care that much about the actual design of the shirt over how it fits.
That would certainly justify whining more about women and chads than doing what 99% of humans did in history when they actually wanted a relationship
then you aren't as attractive as the guy in the vid. sorry to be the one to tell you buddy
Tell me how much effort it took you to learn how to read and write and if it took more than an hour you arent smart
Women are not going to approach you. You have to approach them.
approaching random girls is not what humans did for 99% of human history when they wanted a relationship, where the fuck did you get that idea?
Why should I even have to? I thought this was supposed to be a society that promotes equality. Why do we still have these hypocritical gender roles?
I am socially retarded so there's no point in even trying but to answer your question very few.
I hit it off with some drunk slut at the pub one time but once the autism kicked in I scared her off.
>he believes everything he sees on Youtube
you should kill yourself
Everyone is a stranger until they arent. And you dont need to approach them randomly. Almost all people attend community events and social events where they expect to meet others
What are you even talking about?
So you can't answer the question then? looks like it was all luck then.
>its a gender role to not be a retard
Anyway you failed on easy mode
Nigger what? He looks thin as fuck and jawline is 100% genetics and/or botox. Dumb fuck.
>how the fuck does this even work?
she is a paid actress like all thsi pranksters.
are you that autistic to not relize?
Learning how to read was all luck? Lol okay
scripted, you think she doesn't see the cameras?
>being gay about jawline
No it's a gender role for men to have to approach women you fascist ableist scum.
Back to r/inceltears bigot.
But you just said it was a gender role to not be retarded.
there is this thing called school, the girls i went to school with did not like me, absolutely none of them. what am i supposed to make of that? i know, girls basically don't like me and i should waste my time. if you don't get any girls interested in you when you're surrounded by them constantly, then you're fucked. go ahead and tell me some bullshit about past experiences don't equal future experiences now, like an airhead slut.
>normies are this retarded
No, being brought up right and not having inherited mental illnesses, disabilities is pure luck you retarded fuck.
Terrible bait, you are also retarded.
>inherited mental illness
which one of your illnesses was definitively inherited bro?
somehow you learned how to read, i think it was pure luck.
>There are no people with a disability and a girlfriend
>mfw he doesn't know anything
How many girls did you personally engage with? Also, when did you become the expert on general social relationships and competency if you only failed? You and this moron should read about the narrative fallacy and fundamental attribution error. Saying past experience = future
I don't need to tell you bullshit. Narrative fallacy covers exactly what you're talking about. You won't do shit and you won't understand shit. But there's nothing special about a guy who can talk to a girl.
>There are no people with a disability and a girlfriend
Because they have something else going for them which most likely had everything to do with luck as always.
So you believe that everything you do is random? You randomly made this post?
>definitively inherited bro
Major depression, OCD, anxiety, autism, schizoid personality disorder.
Pretty much everyone on my mum's side of the family have all the same mental illnesses.
i talked to plenty of girls, they all treated me like shit. so i should keep trying and one day ill totally win, right?
i really don't understand people like you, are you trying to say that ugly losers dont exist or something? you think ugly losers can fix themselves and win at life? i don't get it, you seem like the type that would be the first one to point and laugh at someone for doing something loserish.
No but I believe no matter how much effort I put in like for instance going to the gym, it won't help because I was not blessed with good fortune considering being born predisposed to multiple mental illnesses.
>permanent dark circles under my eyes
>balding terribly
what can i do besides shave my head?
lmao. I think in your case it's fair for your to not have kids.
bro if you have enough confidence you can will your hair to grow back
>Almost all people attend community events and social events where they expect to meet others
i have literally never done this. please list community/social events i would go to to find a gf
i don't care about any of those things, but apparently girls do
>you seem like the type that would be the first one to point and laugh at someone for doing something loserish.
Of course he would because he's an ableist scum just like every other normie.
I bet he thinks of himself as being this "tolerant" anti-racist, anti-misogynist "progressive" but then goes on to bully and attack men with mental illnesses and disabilities.
I have an actual anxiety disorder dipshit.
>the normie is an ableist
Wow, who would have thought?
its pretty funny. he most likely considers us all losers while at the same time trying to say losers can stop being losers if they just stop being losers. it's hilarious how many times i've seen this kind of retard on here.
>ugly losers waaaa im self deprecating :^(
Don't worry about it. This isn't a therapy session. My point is that actions have consequences and (normally) people are capable of learning, especially with something so fundamental to our biology.
That's a very comfortable belief. Ironically though, I bet you don't feel that you are saving a lot of energy. You probably feel tired as often as most people, you probably age just as fast if not faster depending on habits. You probably have personal problems and frustrations and anxiety. There's been studies around how people adjust to lifestyles, but honestly I agree that you won't get a girlfriend. Less than 5% of obese people lose the extra weight. But don't call it "luck" at that point lmao. It's just what your values are. Whether those were created randomly by luck is a meaningless conversation. If someone wants to eat, they go get food instead of wondering when their stomachs will randomly fill up by themselves.
You gullible retards. It's all staged.
It's probably a salty roastie from r/inceltears, it's same tired ableist rhetoric I see there.
You're right, how can one just be confident when they have nothing to be confident about? these normies are completely clueless, they simply can't understand living a life that isn't perfect like there's.
Why're you cunts trying to help these autists? They obviously just want to wallow in self pity. And why are you autist fags wallowing in self pity? Could all of you just shut the fuck up?
>Don't worry about it. This isn't a therapy session. My point is that actions have consequences and (normally) people are capable of learning, especially with something so fundamental to our biology
and now he drops the "edgy advice" angle and just goes straight for cheap shots and fluffy bullshit, how surprising. you're even more pathetic than i am. go back to Jow Forums, i can tell that's where you spend most of your time.
there's no actual test for that though, right? you just acted like a drama queen and they categorized you as being relatively more prone to anxiety. which needs more detail anyway if you're going to list it because saying you have anxiety is like saying you have two legs.
You should start a protest about ableism.
>mfw literally every teenager has said "they don't understand meee, my life is soooo hard"
>mfw even the ones with girlfriends
You're not that different. I have seen boatloads of "losers" become normies. My position isn't that I'm better than you for working harder or whatever. I'm saying broad general shit about how "imperfections" are not your obstacles to relationships as much as the personal decision to avoid relationships
I actually did hit the gym btw and I did change my beliefs to the point of becoming an sjw lite and no one gave a fuck. I was and still am to society a creepy incel boogeyman(litterally Hitler himself)
Nothing I do will change that because humanity is inherently judgemental and unforgiving.
Again, nothing you say will ever convince me that luck isn't the primary driving force behind success in life.
successful happy people dont end up here, sweetie. you're just projecting
Oh so it's an idiot who denies solid science.. I regularly have panic attacks for no reason whatsoever you imbecile.
>drama queen
Lol, fucking idiot.
>personal decision to avoid relationships
No I just can't approach random women because I have extreme social phobia, if some girl asked me out I would happily accpet, but women only approach chad.
If you're implying that you'd feel better about your conviction that "bad luck" made you lazy about relationships if you were arguing the point with someone just as unsuccessful as you, that's p. weak. You probably don't feel much better about your life either way.
>Tall white guy has a easy time with woman
Woah! Color me fucking surprised.
no, i'm just pointing out you are definitely a total loser in denial. most likely just another gymcel try hard. you do go to the gym, dont you?
I don't date all of humanity so I can't relate, Hitler Himself.
Since you believe you randomly type in clear English and it's just lucky that people understand it, I think that's an interesting perspective and have no problem with it.
You can learn more solid science from people who have panic attacks who are also in relationships and don't feel that the "illness" stopped them.
If a roastie ever said that to me I'd just assume it was a prank and tell her something like "no you don't" or "you don't even know me"
You aren't even making any sense, this is definitely bait or you are legitimately retarded.
>it's denial to tell someone who is in denial about their abilities to be successful that they are probably wrong
Assuming your frame of reference with the whole gym meme is that I'm implying it's easy for an adult virgin to just turn his life around, that's not it. It's relatively rare that someone changes their lifestyle, and going to the gym has nothing to do with social skills.
I'm saying there's nothing really stopping you and you probably underestimate how much progress you are capable of or overestimate how good other people are who you think are successful. It's vague, but the problem is complex. Maybe in your case it's not worth it. I'd say in most cases, it's totally worth it. Only making the point because of personal experience and anecdotes about how it takes someone challenging your perspective for you to reevaluate it.
yep, gymcel. thanks
It's staged you faggot. Almost all of this shit is. Nit saying there aren't guys who can slay but God damn.
I defer to your superior experience in how wearing that slogan works out