Is there any reason whatsoever to use contraceptives? Just fucking creampie that pussy, enjoy life, live in the moment and create families. What is the big deal? Why are women not pregnant all the time?
Is there any reason whatsoever to use contraceptives? Just fucking creampie that pussy, enjoy life...
l want to sniff this girls ass
Because the state gets to decide everything, and you could end up in a roach tenement apartment funding her dates and nights out and her very nice car and house while never being allowed or rarely being allowed to see your kid
It is a shit deal
Bastards increase the crime rate. And I want to feel safe in my 40s
there's a chance you'll die from pregnancy. That's why women are so picky,
There's not a lot of incentives to have kids.
Also I don't want kids even if I get a million dollars per head.
Children cost money. People don't have much money anymore.
I lost my virginity bareback and since I always risk it. Don't do user, use a condom because once you get a taste of the raw sex you will never be satisfied by a condom.
You have to feed them and buy them a few clothes. You can feed them canned fish and rice, that is super cheap. And you can buy old and used clothes for them at the thrift shop. How do they cost money?
And no, they are not getting a new toys, and especially not new iPhones, every month or even year.
I want to sniff your bum too
you are a brainlet if you wouldn't have kids for a million dollars each
There are so many bad consequences to shitting out kids you can't handle, but none of this matters because your ooga booga ass only cares about your dick.
are u british
Oi m8, im cockney
are u grilI
>have to take them to the doctor to get vaccines and then once a year until they are 18 (heaven forbid something goes wrong)
>dental work
>school supplies
>bigger house/mortgage/rent
>plus even used clothes add up when you take into account that a kid grows for like 20 years.
No I'm not. It's called morals, big shot.
Ya for you, lil bud
>Ya for you,
>for you
Come on, let me sniff your bummy wummy.
no you weirdo bongfag
>can't handle
They will be fed, have a place to live and be cared for. What more do they actually need? Why is it that people expect everyone to treat children as royalty in terms of material luxury they need to provide for them?
>>dental work
If they brush their teeth and floss each morning and night and never eat candy or other overly sugary nonsense, I highly doubt that they will need to go to the dentist often.
>>school supplies
They will get a plastic bag to carry their stuff in and simple pencils. That stuff is really cheap.
>>bigger house/mortgage/rent
No, they can live many in the same room.
>>plus even used clothes add up when you take into account that a kid grows for like 20 years.
They will use the same clothes as their older siblings used, problem solved.
stop trying to get robots to breed you weirdo
You arent a homophobe are you britcuck
>bro just have kids!!! you totally won't ruin his life by being a irresponsible parent
I'm american, not british
My sister had good dental hygiene and at age 4 on her first trip to the dentist she had to get 8 cavities filled.
Also you must be a poo in loo.
>Why is it that people expect everyone to treat children as royalty in terms of material luxury they need to provide for them?
white people
>trying to treat another human like their a dog
If rearing children was that easy everyone would do it dumbass
Just get a dog if you're going to treat them like that.
How is it more complicated? A child can actually communicate after a while, whereas a dog can not ever do so.
Oh, even better. Can i sniff your sharty arse
no you weird fuck, what the hell are you going on about
>Just fucking creampie that pussy, enjoy life
I can't enjoy life if I have the financial burden of kids. Any other questions?
I want to sniff your ass. Sounds like you need a good sniff, to unwind
>How is it more complicated?
Are you actually retarded or just pretending?
i think he's a weird breeding fetishist or something
Because kids are a big responsibility, they are a drain on funds, and they take up a lot of your time. Saying "what's the big deal" only shows how fucking incompetent you are for not having the mental capacity to grasp the gravity of such a decision. Fucking twat.
OP is a faggot
>they are a drain on funds
That argument was explicitly refuted here and here .
>and they take up a lot of your time
There is daycare, school, and there are also grandparents who would probably gladly help. Also, they can spend time with each other, they do not need to be around adults all the time.
what the fuck is your problem freak
Daycare costs like $1000 a month you fucking idiot.