Why are whites terrified to say anything critical or disparaging directly to blacks?

They'll say all sorts of things amongst themselves, but get real quiet when blacks are around. Blacks aren't afraid to tell white people exactly what they think of them, directly to their face.
Before you say "Because blacks are low intelligence and will immediately chimp out", consider how volatile and violent white people are, always going on shooting sprees. Black people have a better excuse in place to avoid talking to or around whites, yet they're able to deal with it fearlessly in spite of white chimpouts.

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>why dont whites speak critical things when around blacks
Because we dont want to make them chimp out?

why dont you just drop it? yall never shut up.

>say something critical about someone
>they get upset= chimpout

ya blacks here never shut up about whites. then theyre like "why wont you talk to us?" fucking lol

Why not? Whites are always chimping out, but that doesn't stop blacks from having the balls to face the white menace.
Gotta get to the bottom of white racism and hold your hand to the fire. Whites need to be made to feel uncomfortable

>whites need to do this for blacks

naw, yall just need to shut up

nobody gives a shit about black politics because its worthless these days

Whites get triggered so easily.

Cause there isn't a fucking bottom. We could be all but dead and gone and it's still gonna be the same vilified bullshit day in and day out. It's always punching down no matter your position or situation and it's fucking tiring.

yea thats what black politics are - a parasitic "relationship" on whites. there are no black politics in africa except SA cus there are whites there.

I don't know how it is there in muttland but here in Germany we still call you niggers and not blacks. Young people here hate you and are openly racist towards you, 3 months ago some black kid got jumped for being black unironically.

It's just muttland it seems because here we say this shit to your face and gang up on you if you chimp out.

This isn't true.
Mostly because nobody in Krautland gives a shit about blacks.
It's all about slavs and the turks.

plenty of whites in usa

There isn't enough of them here to be a bother really. You barely see them at all outside of shopping centres and kebab shops.

There are some in education but they're usually quite cool since all the young ones are openly anti-islam.

Niggers are simply much easier targets since they're naturally beta males and will freeze up if you confront them.

>Niggers are simply much easier targets since they're naturally beta males and will freeze up if you confront them.

They're like grasshoppers in tiny numbers. "Oh hey, look at him dance."

Increase the population and density, they suddenly turn into locusts.

>Considering how volatile and violent white people are shooting up places

>Be nigger
>Join gang to fill the masculine void your father left
>Wear blue
>Walk down street
>See someone like you wearing blue
>worldstar.mpeg ensues

13/56 dude. Sage

There is no reason to continue making theses threads. The racemixing propaganda have pretty much doomed the white race. They won't make it to the end of the century.
It's a shame, or not, who cares

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It really is like that, they've been living in tribes for longer than us so it's no surprise they can't do shit without having backup. Well it makes sense for them to freeze up and not do anything when they're out of their tribes territory.

They do love to talk shit when not in danger though since they think they're tough. Years of watching people like Mike Tyson does that to you, you start thinking you're like him just because you have the same skin color.

because blacks will violently attack you for no legitimate reason

>They'll say all sorts of things amongst themselves
No, they don't. White people are EXTREMELY afraid of seeming racist. They're virtue signal non-stop how much they love you subhuman monkeys.

This is the truth. I want to bitch about niggers sometimes but my friends start hardcore virtue signaling if I even try and hint that maybe black people aren't just the perfect model citizens.

>in Germany the whites are niggers too
Really gets the noggin joggin.