how much longer can this go on? are we at peak degeneracy or is there still more coming?
How much longer can this go on? are we at peak degeneracy or is there still more coming?
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oh there's more coming. lots more. never underestimate human ingenuity in this area.
This. You dumb ass brainlet. It will be 100x worse before the reset button is actually hit
you would be a degenerate, but you're just too much of a pussy and no one invites you to parties
Baby this is just the surface, wait till the next twenty years pass. Chaos is going to consume us. The way things are going, the gays are going to legalize drugs and pedophilia.
>projecting this hard
>being this insecure about being a degenerate
just embrace it and have fun with it
>mommy what were you like when you were younger
white women are not human.
Stuff like this makes me want to die
>before the reset button is actually hit
keep dreaming faggot it will be a slow and disgraceful downfall
>Stuff like this makes me want to die
why its people having fun
Did she know that guy?
Lmao uk niggas are so fucked, not only from Muhammad but also Jamal. Ahahaha, that's why britfags are always seething ahahaha
brit police are cool af tho
notice the soiboys in the background
here's another example of this shit OP.
Fuck Ihate this kind of people
why do you have so many of these saved you cuck, I bet you jerk off to BBC
My ex sure does like sex.
no i have white people shit too
black people degeneracy is much more potent tho
>no i
what the fuck is this? why would you do this?
Why are you a normie? Why do you hate degeneracy?
>he doesn't drink assbeer
Shame on you for missing one of life's guilty pleasures.
This word means nothing, you know that, right? It was created by contemporary of Freud and you guys hate him.
who cares its accurate
>four loko
Of course.
Post moar I don't feel suicidal enough yet
Wh*Te "women" are an abomination.
Didn't notice them until you pointed it out
>"we're not gay bruh"
>"we just having a party"
No, it's not. Degeneracy was defined as a systematic decline from an ideal form to a degraded one. Modern humans are taller, healthier, and live longer than they ever have in recorded history.
You just don't like how people, especially women, choose to use their freedom and power. If you're a cuck who can't compete and want things rigged in your favor, just come out and say it so we can all laugh at you and then ignore you.
sure thing buddi
Don't worry OP. Supposedly the polar caps of the Earth are shifting more and more everyday, and when the magnetic field around the Earth weakens enough as a result all electronics will cease to work, which will probably lead to the end of the world or at least a reset to the Dark Ages. It could even happen in our lifetime
Forever, I hope.
t. Degenerate
Based black man is blackpilled on the abomination that is the wh*Te "woman".
based and coloredpilled
You're comparing biology and modern medicine to sexual degeneracy
Are you retarded?
I really fucking hope so, I want off this ride.
>Wilkins Jersey
No wonder his ass didn't go to the NBA. A small Ben Simmons is actually useless.
>keep dreaming faggot it will be a slow and disgraceful downfall
There 100% will be a reset. I never said it was going to be in our lifetime. Its very early in the process.
Look up the Weimar republic and Berlin degeneracy during the 1920s.
Then remember that the modern porno industry is run almost entirely by jews.
We haven't seen nothing yet.
>rigged in our favour
That's the thing you fucking brainlet shill/faggot, the system Is rigged against us whites.
Even then we're still the most desired and wanted race.
Keep seething faggot.
idk what could be worse. how it could progress even farther but im in this ride till death
Someone post that webm of the white girl dancing on the black guy and he pushes her away.
>Chaos is going to consume us. The way things are going, the gays are going to legalize drugs and pedophilia.
Oh my god That is both the most Australian & Disgusting thing I've ever seen
>white woman riding bbc
>white men watching in joy
this is normal
>racist white people rage the thread
What do you even get out of being racist?
Just a misguided sense of self importance and more hatred in your miserable life.
Our original state is promiscuity, so if anything this is a return to "normal" for humanity after ten thousand years of agricultural society.
I'm white and the system works just fine for me. Perhaps try not being born poor?
this is what your parents are up to when they're on vacation
lads, we need to create a data base or someshit,
none of us deserves to end up settling with someone like this.
>What do you even get out of being racist?
I use to be racist but now I just hate women and the reason why is pure jealousy. They think black men have an easy time getting white girls(which may be true to a certain extent) and that riles them up because they consider black men to be inferior and put white women on a pedestal. The funny thing is white women are by far the trashierst, most cancerous females on the planet
>Our original state is promiscuity
[citation needed]
but even if this was true, why does it matter? We should apparently act like cavemen because it's "natural"?
Stats show that the nuclear family is the best type of family for everyone involved
what does racism have to do with the point of this thread
Why are these people ok with being associated with this? They know they're being filmed
You think that nigger has some sort of professional image to uphold?
cuck spamer has to make it about his fetish.
I refer you to the anthropological literature on modern hunter-gathers if you want insight into the Stone Age's sexual mores, or you can look at our closest relative, the Bonobo, who are infamously promiscuous. Seeing as our historical record is full of cuckolds, it's safe to say that even the most brutal repression will not halt promiscuity - it's what we're meant to do. Describing it as "degeneracy" is misleading - it's not the result of ongoing genetic degradation. Salamanders losing their eyesight over many generations in caves is degeneracy, a slight change in mating patterns among humans is not.
>Stats show that the nuclear family is the best type of family for everyone involved
Then you're going to have to come up with a better way of convincing people than just screaming in fear and pain when a girl takes her top off.
He probably isnt even there legally
>it's safe to say that even the most brutal repression will not halt promiscuity
obviously nothing will completely halt it but it should be discouraged
>Describing it as "degeneracy" is misleading - it's not the result of ongoing genetic degradation
You're twisting the meaning of the word, degeneracy can also mean a lack of morals
>Then you're going to have to come up with a better way of convincing people than just screaming in fear and pain when a girl takes her top off.
I don't care about convincing normans, the fact stands that they're in the wrong and that's enough for me
Too big to upload
We need a thread of just videos with guys rejecting women in public.
this one hurt alot being southern, but unsurprising none the less considering the state of white women
>She's a hooker
>flag is cheap nylon, has hard folds... indicating it hasn't been hanging long
The guy has a fetish.
Thanks, a shame it's not posted more, robots need to realize the truth about women and what really goes on.
Nah, this is just roleplaying.
It's your cousin bro and we know that's your room.
This cope is unreal. Like this is cope of the century.
Thirty more years. Then the oceans will boil, rivers will run with blood, the worldly people will exchange gifts to celebrate the deaths of prophets. The dead will rise and the sky will be torn open.
I only see one white looking dude in that video. The rest are mutts and shitskins.
Why did Americans have to destroy this world for all of us
You obviously never watched German porn....
Why are you surprised