Are supposed to feel sorry for him? He chose that life
Not necessarily, but we should all probably learn from his mistake
Should have married a woman that was raised to be a housewife, not some fat pig.
Just don't date a dumb slob? Marriage is obsolete.
Show this to your female friends and they'll all say how this woman is an absolute slob and the guy should find someone better. If any of them defend the woman "because reasons" then they're retarded and you should stop having retarded friends.
lmfao let me get this straight, some pathetic dude calls it quits and gets married to an animated bag of lard, then later he's upset that the person he married is still just an animated bag of lard?
>friend works from 6 to like 8
>goes home to slob obese wife
>she's probably like 5'5 and definitely in double digits
>pretty sure she wanted to fuck all his male friends
>jealous if every female
>have one kid
>house is always dirty
>dirty dishes everywhere. No clean laundry. Shit on the floor. Stains everywhere
>after he gets back from work, she always wants to order out because she "was so busy with the baby!"
>baby is like 3 already
>she calls his work place often
>asks for him or his boss when he takes too long to reply to her texrs
>told his boss she was worried he was cheating on her
>he wasnt
>eventually she says she wants an open relationship
>friend agrees
>he gets ton of pussy
>fat pig gets none
>realizes it was a mistake but it's too late
>she calls his boss out of revenge, says he is cheating and yadda yadda
>he gets fired because boss is sick of hearing his wife talk, not because he actually gave a fuck if he was cheating or not
>slob realizes what she has done
>leaves to live with her mother
>guy ends ups on the streets
>eventually his boss feels bad for him snf gives him his job back
>help out friend to get on his feet
>gets his shit together
>married at 19, divorced at 21
The end.
>He chose that
what is it with you normied and your victim blaming?
I fucking hate fat lazy pigs like this
What the fuck?! There's literal ghosts living in that filth. Like how dirty do you have to be for ghosts to live in your trash? Probably was some poor kid that snuck in and never found his way out.
As long as you're not retarded this kind of situation shouldn't ever happen. No one is forcing you to get married.
this is easy to fix
>kick her out
>go to college
no more 12 hour days and no more messy house
This is what marriage between a robot and a fembot looks like.
Hey look its her abortion!
This is what happens when you fall for the "a hole is a hole" meme. Women are no longer expected to do anything in life, even when it comes to taking care of their own bodies. They are raised to believe nothing bad will ever befall them and the government wants to ensure they are allowed to continue believing that. Being a permavirgin incel loser is a much better turnout than that.
>Ghost of the boy she swallowed whole
They say that and then they get married and let themselves go. Women lack self awareness. I bet if you showed this woman a picture of another slob she'd say the same thing
>get married to cute girl
>she sits around all day
>gets fat
>call her out on it
>fuck you
>if you divorce her she gets half your shit
Many such cases
What signs did he miss?
Ah yes the honor of being the Beta and working your ass off to bail some whore out of her miserable life. I wonder how long this bitch held out for chad before she had to settle.
But I'm married and the worst I come home to is me son's megablocks on the floor and a kiss from me wife and some clean linen to rest me weary body on.
Feel bad for that lad.
its images like this that actually manage to glorify something that is generally pretty awful like dying alone. At least alone my house won't be a fucking pig sty and just imagine what that room fucking smells like? feet sweat with a hint of cheap perfume
I don't know. I and everyone who was friends with him told him to jump ship, document everything his wife was doing and get custody of his kid. He didn't want to do any of that. I don't think he even gets to see his kid.
Honestly I feel kind of lucky in comparison to that beast in the op
Eugh! She seems like the type to do that! Lol
I live NEET and even I'm not this filthy, Christ.
Awww! What a cute family! Can't wait to get pregnant!
Be salty all you want op at least he gets some
based and redpilled
are you white?
how old are you when u got married?
I forget honestly. Methinks 20 ish
How old are you now? Have you been with the same chick your whole life or did you have any other partners?
Tbh I've only had about 6 or so lasses. Two were at the same time.
This is why you should -never- settle.
holy fuck, its a fucking ghost
what is this????
>I forget honestly
how? All you do is look at how long you were married and subtract your age. I've been married for 12 years and I still wouldn't struggle the answer out.
Come on man work on this bait, guys don't forget low end numbers about that shit
Whatever you say m8. I forget me age sometimes and me wife has to remind me. We've been married 12 years if it helps. I can't be bothered.
here's that (You) you needed. Hope it helps you stay warm.