/mbti/ ENFJ x INTP edition

MBTI notes

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Other urls found in this thread:


What does it mean to be INFP?

Being Meguka is suffering

Fe: S-s-someone wikes me? xD Yaayyy! :)
Ne: Aww yeah. Hi five everybody, we did it! Just imagine how awesome we could be as a couple! We could -
Ti: *bonks Ne on head* What are you, stupid? You're going to hurt little Fe.
Si: Ti and I went over the facts, and we know now that it won't work. Here's all the evidence I found - (begins to rant)
Ne: Awwwww come on let's just tryyyy iiiiiiiiiiiiit
Ti: No.
Ne: Hmph. You're so freaking stubborn. We don't even have enough information to KNOW that it won't work. There's a POSSIBILITY things could change!
Fe: Yeah!! :^D P-pwus fink of dere feewings :'( saying no wud be mean and and everywon wud hat me foweber T~T
Ne: Hey, how about we orbit for a bit? Just to get more information.
Si: ...Is that okay?
Ti: Well, logically, we never said yes to a relationship.
Ne: (whispers) *don't worry Fe, we're gonna make this relationship happen.*
(it never does)

I don't know who you are, but I like you.
Fuck off, bot, that was a 10 word post.

Why the fuck would I want a Feeling retard as my lover?
Why the fuck would I want an obnoxious Extrovert as my lover?

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ENTP here, why am i sad? I though my type was excluded for sociopaths! Why am i feeling like this??

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So Turbie x Centaur?

ENFP here. Why do some people seem so hostile towards me? I'm just want to be friends with everyone but some people seem to want to have no friends, even when they loudly complain about being lonely all the time.

You CAN try to be friends with everyone you meet but it makes less sense since you can't actually develop proper friendship with most of them when you do that. People will take offense over the fact you try to spread out to everyone like that as well, you make people feel like you're not actually willing to invest into the friendship at all and just looking out to become some sort of attention whore.

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More like Faggot x Nigger. ENFJ cant be this aimless to frequent r9k just to shitpost and INTP's arent retarded as Centaur is.

Do both of these posts come from the same person? If so, you are very cute and should become a regular

Nope sorry, completely different persons.

Mentally healthy ENFJ's retain Inquisitiveness to be appealing to INTP and vice versa, but also bring structure and healthy degree of social exposure into INTP's life. INTP compliments ENFJ by inoffensive critique and alternative solutions. Imho the real goldent pair. INFJ's suck.

>INFJ's suck.


So I'm supposed to just watch them sit alone and shoot death-glares at my group? I get your point about investment, which is why I always prefer close friends to acquaintances, but I have no trouble juggling six or seven close friends at one time. I just want to give loners the benefit of the doubt before excluding them, see if they have potential to be close friends, and I wish they'd extend me the same courtesy.


>and I wish they'd extend me the same courtesy
Most of them probably would so in most cases it's just better to forget it and move on, they'll eventually find someone else at some point in time so it doesn't really matter.

>I just want to give loners the benefit of the doubt before excluding them
You sure you aren't ENFJ? ENFPs are judgmental as hell. All the ones I've known have been aggressively normalfag and thought quiet people were omg so weird xD.

I have a pretty strong set of internal values. One of them is that people shouldn't bully or exclude others. If I see someone who is failing socially I want to help and include them. My nickname in high school was "king nerd".

>I have a pretty strong set of internal values. One of them is that people shouldn't bully or exclude others. If I see someone who is failing socially I want to help and include them.
This is one of the confusing bits about MBTI desu. It's hard to tell whether personal values are Fe or Fi whenever they're Fi-y in nature. I prefer the "Fe is the people pleasing function that cares about group harmony" and "Fi users stand their moral ground and are true to themselves no matter what anybody thinks" because it's more clear-cut and makes more sense.

If that's the case, then it seems more like Fi to me. There were plenty of "aggressively normalfag" people I was willing to alienate to associate with outcasts. But if you're nice to enough outcasts and bring them together, they form a group that doesn't need the normies at all. It just sucks when people assume I'm out to bully or harm them when I'm just trying to get to know them. I know I shouldn't dwell on it but somehow the rejection of one weirdo hurts me more than that of fifty chads.

INFJs are deceptive, manipulative, and evil

but ENFJs are hot

lmao, they're basically the same thing. Same functions, just in a different order, and INFJs are considered the most extroverted introverts anyway.

this. an ENFJ is preferred.

Its the same as comparing INTP and ENTP.

Can someone write up a comprehensive guide on how to become an ENTJ?

Here's my (objectively terrible) function stack.

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I'm gonna be alone for the rest of my life aren't I

What's the best type for an INFP-T to date?


What site is that, Anonette??????

Extroverts are very exhausting though, wouldn't an introvert be better? nice trips btw

Intp here pls wifu come

Extrovers are exhausting, but they push you to develop social skills. Plus the extroverts I named do it in the most appropriate manner for INFP. If you want to date an introvert, look for INxJ.

INFP x INTJ? They'd kill each other before their first anniversary

INTJ's are pretty emotional on the inside. I can see INFP being sort of emotional catalyst for INTJ to grow and INTJ helping to bring structure to INFP. This wont work in all cases, but this pairing ia better then INFP x INTP or introverted sensors.


It's literally in the OP. Also, I hate to disappoint you but I'm a male ENFP. Not even a tranny.

Post your type and your kryptonite.

>when anyone is emotionally dependent on me

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>Not finding a reason in anything

>people who want me to do useless grunt work for no good reason
>drama queers
>people who ask a lot of dumb questions and learn nothing

>little girls
>feeling like there's an impassable barrier between me and another person, and that no matter how much I try through our conversations I can't feel another person there.

Don'y worry user, you're alone with the rest of us.

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Sounds good, but how does an introvert meet literally anyone in the first place? My job exhausts me, I have plenty of hobbies, but I literally only encounter people while I'm out shopping, and I have no intention of harassing someone just trying to get her groceries and get the hell out of there. Where do these mythical ENFJs exist such that one might come into contact with them in the first place?

>noise and having to talk out loud about boring trivialities
>authority and "because I said so"

>be a rare INFJ that holds grudges instead of being an all-forgiving Mary Sue
>people think I'm petty and ask me why I hold on to things for so long

Because INFJs seek closure, and if you didn't want me to hold a grudge maybe you shouldn't have pissed me off or hurt my feelings in the first place?

>emotional dependence
>close contact
>too much talking
>when others assume I need emotional dependence
There's probably a lot more but I cannot be bothered to write.

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Volunteer groups, churches/religious/spiritual meetings. Sometimes libraries/literature but its more true to INFJs.

Welp, guess I'm just fucked then, and I'll just have to live with that. Or not live with that, which is getting increasingly appealing. Pretty much what I figured, but I appreciate the confirmation.

ISTP gang


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nice lips, ISTP girl

idk who i am. i feel nothing strongly because of past suppression, and know i'm excited by potential and a picture in my head of how i think something will turn out. other than that, i'm spaced out, self destructive, apathetic, and fake, always sorta finding new pieces of "oh, so that's how this all works instead?". long term self-started projects keep me going.

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Keep in mind that places I named have the highest chance to host ENFJs. It neither negates possibility to find one at random, nor guarantees that ENFJs will be doing volunteering or any of following bullshit.

What the fucking fuck of all fucks is this?

you just have to ignore it and let it sperg out until it stops

UwU nigger in disguise. Avoid.

you should be able to tell pretty easy if you're an extrovert or introvert; not just because you like or don't like "people", but if you are the type to organize in your head or to seek experiences.

Then I'd say if you have Se or Si should be pretty easy, do you have good visual imagination, a sense of proportions, visually? an awareness of your body at all times? then you're Se.

I love masturbating, guess my type



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I honestly dont know how I keep going. Ive already given up my ambitions and even short term goals for years now, kind of just living waiting to be squashed like a bug. unironically music is the only thing that keeps me going

Am INTP but this

>live stuck in a world of desk jockeys and clowns
>i will never get to prove my value and true colors
>i will always be the weird quiet guy
>i will always be alone

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Good morning, everyone! \(^o^)/

Nope! That was posted in the middle of the night, while I was sleeping! ^_^;

This is a quick bump! I'll talk to you later~! :3


Turbie is right. I'm not very emotional. Haven't been for decades.

Thanks for always defending me, Turbie. :)

He didn't say that there's no exceptions. There are. The vast majority of people do need human contact though, and yes there's scientific studies about this.


Christopher Knight's an interesting case. He did have kind of a cold, distant family. Maybe he had a social drive at some point, but it was stamped out before his self-imposed isolation at age 20. I should buy the book about him that was published two years ago.

An irrational mess of a person at the mercy of their emotions.

INFPs are like catnip to a certain sort of girl. Roasties might not be drawn in, but you could be the ideal for a lonely introvert who wants an intimate relationship with a romantic, loyal person capable of deep feels.

What types should an ESTP get with? I'm tired of getting butterflies when I see this girl at work. She dropped me after one date and I can't get over it. I need someone to fill the gap. Also I'm sick and tired of being lonely during the week.

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-mornin'! What sort of pyjamas do you wear? I have this padded kimono that's the cuddliest thing ever, I love snuggling my cute plushies and reading books! How is your day so far, anything planned?

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It's... it's you...
The legend himself...
Slutty INTJ user...

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INFP but I hate feeling emotions and now im just angry and bitter and hate everyone.

>it's one of those "you're losing your old friends and not making new ones because you're too apathetic towards people to care about them" depressive episodes

God dammit, and it's been over a month since my last depressive episode! I've been feeling fine up until now. It hurts. I want it to go away; I'm just upset because my plans to hang out with my best friend (who now lives 40 miles away) were ruined because my manager gave me today off rather than Sunday off and my friend works on weekdays. I'll get over it; I always do.

Truly based and emotional endgame pilled

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Dude same. Emotions suck ass, they bring nothing but pain, and feeling anger towards others feels awfully satisfying.

Well well, spillin' spaghetti I see...

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I used to be an ENFP like you, but people would always at one point leave me, start be consdescending or just flat out make fun of me. So i try to act like an introvert to others and keep to myself

mfw the only person Slutty INTJ user doesn't cudd


where's my INTP gf tbqhfam

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So am I fucked for life or something?

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>intp girl
Dont exist just like ENFJ females

is it possible for mbti to change? when i was in 6th grade it was entp, then while i had depression it was ixfp and then afterwards it was enfp.

don't know what the hell happened there

intp gang gang

Mbti itself isnt the most reliable tool. You can track general progression, overal priorities of certain ppl and etc, but nothing beyond raw picture.

>ENFJ females don't exist

Hey if youre still here, which vocaloid album? i love vocaloid a lot. nice to see some other anons who like it too.

Is being INTP nothing but a curse?

So how do you tell ENFJ and ESFJ apart?
I know about functions, but what are some behavioral differences?

> tfw I know at heart I'm ENTP
> tfw I get INTP on every test because of depression and unchecked social anxiety from past trauma
I want off this wild ride...at least I have learnt to live in solitude

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I DON'T UNDERSTAND! Everything i can read in those mbti threads is TiEnTeSiFeNaNiTaNeNfTi wtf?!!

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have you ever tried to look up the answer? it takes like 3 sec to google but seeing as though you are too dumb here is the answer:

Sensation (S), Feeling (F), Thinking (T), iNtuition (N), Extroverted (e), Introverted (i)

im too autistic to remember what they mean

haha when i came here i had the exact same problem

>being right again

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I know that learning useless stuff 24/7 is harmful to my NEET life, but I can't stop.

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>saying I love you

>but what are some behavioral differences?
Esfj are much more personal than enfj. Basically enfj sees the potential of group and esfj wants stability and peace. However both of them are quite fake and just because they're friendly it doesnt mean that they see you as their actual friend.

no matter what I do, I always score INFP. I've tried several different tests over a 10 year period. Always INFP. Am I just destined to suffer bros?

Cognitive functions, my man

So ENFJ is more like trying to develop others and their potentials where ESFJ is more about keeping them safe and happy?
What if the ENFJ is fine with how the group is evolving but they need safety and harmony for a proper progression? What if the ESFJ has created a safe and happy environment, yet this is halting any development and encouraging bad habits/mindsets for when they will be outside their bubble?

why do people meme intps like this. as an enfp, the most accomplished, smart and hardworking guy i know is intp