So I'm going to get kicked out of my house in 2 days and I'm an unemployed neet, should i just kill myself now or later?

So I'm going to get kicked out of my house in 2 days and I'm an unemployed neet, should i just kill myself now or later?

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Don't kill yourself, get an easy part-time job.

You might as well just kill yourself now and get it over with.

if anything you shouldn't be wasting time posting here

Get your priorities straight and find a job

Why do dumb NEETs think that the gravy train won't stop eventually? You have to have known that mummy and duddsy would cut you off eventually.

if you live in America, you can't really get a job without an id and a bunch of other stuff so try to get that shit in 2 days i guess? once you're homeless you can't get proof of residency, and therefore an id or job, or government assistance of any kind or literally anything. you actually should kill yourself if you can't get that shit figured out in time lol

this user. killing yourself isn't a good plan. even if homeless, imagine finding a nice quiet place out of the wind to be comfy with a quilt you take with you or something and just snoozing. but yeah talk to friends or other family, see if anyone would let you stay for a bit or if they have any jobs, even small ones, that you could help out with for some money

Parents are probably bluffing, but if they're willing to threaten to kick you out you don't want to be with them anyway. The best case scenario is staying with someone else like said and find a job anywhere. I've also heard you can get a PO Box in place of a real residence but I'm not sure how true that is.

how old are you?? you could get a shit job in fast food.

Time to become strong user. Strong as steel.

Depends on their reasoning for kicking you out, though you should know that you're not likely to find work even for mcshitter jobs if you have even a 6 month employment gap. I'm already getting shit on for it myself, even when I was looking for work. Only reason mine haven't booted me is because they know I'm searching and failing.

This isn't necessarily true. Shit jobs don't always care about employment gaps.

Even then, there's the inevitable event of the NEET's parents dying. Self-sufficiency should be everyone's virtue.

dont kill yourself. kill the people that are making your life shit

take your life back, dont end it

In 2 days it's just not feasible. It took me 7 years just to find work as a dishwasher as my first job. This was going for lowball shit like fast food and the like constantly.

That's... honestly not normal at all. If you don't look completely crazy and can form a sentence a McShit job should hire you within less than seven years.

It's completely normal if you're long-term unemployed. Why bother hiring someone with no experience at all when other more "normal" applicants come by the dozen?

Try get a part time job. See if you can get some more housing potentially. If you can't meet either of those well...
Good luck

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I'm assuming OP either hasn't been unemployed for seven years straight or is young and has been in school or doing something that can make him sound like he's been doing something if he exaggerates a little. In my experience it really isn't as big of a deal to get a minimum-wage job as robots like to play it up as.

Then I'm certain you have not experienced long term unemployment. It only takes 6 months to be labeled as a red flag. At that point being positive and confident aren't going to carry you through the interviews. As it so happens, OP has claimed he is an unemployed NEET. Even if he were employed recently like you're implying, being threatened to be kicked out will more than likely affect their performance.

I've been through employment gaps myself and have know others who have and we've all been able to get shitty jobs within a few months. I'm not a normie by any stretch either. It probably depends on where you live as well.

Oregon, in a small town with limited businesses within "reasonable" walking/public transit of 1 hour.

There's your problem pal. If you don't have a car or you don't live in a populated area yeah you're fucked.

Okay norman reedus.

I was in the same situation and had to live in a homeless shelter. I found that I actually got along with the other people who lived there since most of them were either schizos or drug obsessed degenerates which are both pretty easy to deal with compared to normos. There really isn't a big difference between robots and the sort of people who end up in that kind of place. Improved my social skills a lot and I actually feel quite confident now.
So basically just wait and see what happens. You might find yourself enjoying the ride homelessness takes you on, and as long as you aren't an asshole you get a shit ton of gibsmedats, which is nice

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