what is the standard length of time it takes to reach the copulatory stage in a courtship ritual?
we have been going on these "date" scenarios for weeks, but no coitus afterwards. what the heck?
what is the standard length of time it takes to reach the copulatory stage in a courtship ritual?
we have been going on these "date" scenarios for weeks, but no coitus afterwards. what the heck?
3 months rule for me
>tfw current gf and i had sex on the very first date
still together and love each other very much
>the copulatory stage
>courtship ritual
For you? Hopefully never.
wow, what a mean post. what is your problem?
>tfw user's current gf also had sex with other guys on the first date
she doesn't love them so much anymore though
why do you talk like a sperg?
its true, either you are typing it unironically and its a wonder how you even found some one or you are being ironic and your humor is extremely cringy, no surprise you cant seal the deal or she just straight up doesnt want to put out for you. keep buying her shit though, im sure it will work out!!!
i'm a certified expert
>its true
that you wish ill on me even though i did nothing to hurt you?
keep being full of hate, mister
>wish ill of me
telling you the objective reality is not wishing ill of you. you have no self awareness.
>you have no self awareness.
"hopefully never"
why do you HATE me?
i've already mated with multiple women. this one is different though. she buys me stuff so it's nice though =)
wasnt me, multiple people are telling you the same thing. lying on an image board doesnt do any good for anyone.
good one. stay triggered, incel
>copulatory stage
>courtship ritual
>"date" scenarios
>i'm a certified expert
I like this answer.
Why are you writing like a character from the Big Bang Theory?
Dated a 10/10 girl who was all lovey and intimate and wanted to "give me children"
Never had sex in 6 months dating.
Ended up dumping her.
Regret it very much since she wad very cute and caring but for some odd reason never reached that point with her and it stated to bother me enought to break up.
desu u didnt deserve her u fag lol wtf is ur problem
lots of hatred and virtue signalling (as if there was a whole crowd reading) in this thread.
The human mating ritual is like the actual definition of a c++ reference: harder to find online than some classified military information.
Many people don't want the accurate inner details to be exposed.
Literally Sheldon