How do we stop the phrase have sex, from being a comeback?
How do we stop the phrase have sex, from being a comeback?
You could try having sex. Works for me.
it's almost soi tier annoying at this point. filter when?
Have sex
Have sex originally
It literally doesn't matter, I could send some faggot a video of me having sex with a 10/10 uber-stacy and they'd still use it as a comeback.
If you're really banging 10/10s on the reg this should not bother you at all, just shrug and move on. But somehow I doubt you're in that situation since you made this thread.
Sure user, all you gotta do is get laid
I'm not OP you fucking mongoloid, also thank you for completely glossing over my entire point you fucking normalnigger.
What was your fucking point then? Nobody ever uses this comeback on me because I have sex. It's that simple. If someone did say it to me, I'd laugh it off because it's them lashing out blindly.
If u have sex why then grug still hold mean opinion
You newfags are shit
Get a life loser
>Sure thing, boss, right on it.
See? Was that so hard?
If this happens to you in real life
You must absolutely savage them
Destroy their face and remove their eyes
How do we stop robots from having skins thinner than a soap bubble? That's the real puzzler.
Like harden the fuck up guys
You could just realize that to use that phrase you have to be a troll or an insecure normalnigger.
When I was a highschool sperg, Chad asked me really loud in class: "user, how many times a day do you jerk off!?" And everyone--many stacies included--laughed hysterically at me.
I had no comeback to this rhetorical question of an absolute massacre of an insult and I just put my head down further under my hood and bit my lip. It haunts me to this day and this was 14 years ago.
Because it completely shuts down any and all intelligent conversation because, as I stated previously, despite having sex they simply revert to something along the limes of "ur lying" and then you get fifty other assholes spamming "BTFOOOOO" at you.
This has never happened to me in 14 years of posting on Jow Forums. Maybe you should stop hanging out with 12-year olds on XBox Live?
just let it rife out like all other insults
Spam this as the response
Well, according to you you simply "Shrug it off and move on" so you've clearly never refuted the claim in order for those responses to happen.
>there are unironically people who take "have sex" as a personal insult
I couldn't imagine having such unimportant concerns
just tell them you got more important things to obsesses about than sex, that usually shuts them up and shows them for the mediocre trash that they are.
have sex in an original way of course
Sticks and stones, you sensitive little sooks.
Partake in sexual intercouse with a member of the opposite sex for the purpose of reproduction or pleasure
You know that insult doesn't work on people who get laid, right?
I'm arguing from general principle here - if someone resorts to name calling, getting into it with them only benefits them. You don't have to back down but don't stoop to their level. Also, don't hang out with people who think "have sex" is a witty comeback.
It's only a few hours away for me. Thanks for the reminder.
That's unlucky man. A similar thing happened to me but the question was just "user, do you wank?" and I called the guy a gay and his friends went fucking nuts taking the piss out of him.
I recall admitting in late high school that I actually did jerk off and I enjoyed it. The class Stacy (and everyone else in the class who followed her lead) teased me relentlessly about it for weeks. Fuck her, I wasn't going to act like it was something to be ashamed of. Everyone else pretended they would never do such a thing like fucking sheep. I could see in most of the guys eyes that they knew they were being hypocrites. Such is the power of peer pressure.