>Be me
>Meet QT russian girl online
>We start talking and playing games together
>We get to know each other for a whole year
>She gives me tips on how to improve myself as a whole
>I do the same
>Start to develop a crush for her
>Never tell her because I'm a cowardfag
>We always call, I help her with homework and dedicate my time to her
>I tell her everyday about my hobbies and how passionate I am for what I do
>The more we talk, the more I like her
>We lose contact for a bit because of some personal issues (mine, not hers)
>After a bit we finally start talking again
>I'm happy as fuck!
>I'm the first to text, I tell her who I am
>She replies with this, Pic related

Why the fuck anons, why are women so cruel, why the fuck did I spend my time with this useless cunt?

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She's gold-digging cunt like all russian women who know english are.

I'm OP and yeah that's true, she always talked about money and expensive shit like that... I feel so dumb

Shouldn't have broken orbit, you cuck. Now she wants nothing to do with you because she wasn't able to emotionally manipulate you to stick around previously.

I feel you user, russian girls always do like this, fucking hoes

you sure she wasn't joking?

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OP here and yup, she was serious.....

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what kind of a faggot would get so emotional over some random pretending to be a girl online

seek help op you fuckin freak

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We had videochats lmfao

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So what if she thinks you're boring. What is with you faggots worrying about what people think of you?

I don't give a fuck about what she thinks, but I care about all the time I spent with her, it felt wasted.

Well if you "helped her with homework" and "dedicated your time to her" it's hard to see why she didn't want you.

lol. You only devoted any time because you wanted to get her to sleep with you not because you were a good friend. Serves you right. Hopefully you learned yoir lesson.

Yet you knew she was a gold digger and still did it
lmao nigga you serious

Didn't know at time th

time spent enjoyed is not time wasted. also my wife thinks im boring. who cares

but yes she is probably using you to improve english skills to catch a sugardaddy

this OP, listen to vladimir's advice

Thanks for understanding user, apreciate it...

if all she could say was that you were boring the you dont have to worry. A normal person wouldnt think that afternoon all the tim youve spent together. Shes off mentally. Bullet dodged. Plus Russian woman age bad

>We lose contact for a bit

How long is a bit?

We lost contact for a few weeks

Is she joking? If not, she's either salty because she liked you too or she's salty because you went out of orbit and hurt her pride.

Did you ghost her?

She's not joking, sadly.
Nah I didn't...

>the boring one
>i remember

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So she ghosted you then? Just get over it and find someone else.

I dont know what you fuckers expect when speaking to a woman ONLINE. That bitch is there, seeking attention for a reason. Anways the reason you spent so much time with her is because youre desperate.

He expected to sleep with her because he was nice and helped her with homework. Wtf

The feels....
Nobody ever ghosted, I just texted after we got in contact again, I'm also over it already
I was expecting this desu. It caught me offguard

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you're "boring" because you didnt invite her to circumnavigating the globe on your sailboat visiting all the major cities. she tricked you, it happens to so many. be thankful she gave you this. now you can just hate her because she has no compassion.

Got a similar thing too, she spent a year talking to me every minute of the day and being pushy as fuck with sexual and romantic shit, and then one day she just started ignoring me and told me that I need to back off and I was imagining things. A few weeks after that and it's like I never existed.

Can any Russians tell us what happens to the goldiggers that are ugly? Do they eventually settle or what. Whats the cultural stereotype

They go for foreign IT/programmers, what else?

I've met two kinds of slav girls so far, either what you described or super submissive.

ive been friends with a russian girl for years who is far from that
she's smart tho

OP, this is why you get multiple internet friends so when ones fall off you have replacements

Tbh I'm focusing more on real life atm, my internet friendships time was long ago.

Das tuff...

Same goes for me user.

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I started talking to one not too long ago. I remember I asked her to hit me up later and she told me to do it instead because its what a man is suppose to do. On one hand I totally get it but isnt that something awkward to say. I wanted to say were just friends but it probably wouldve hurt her feelings. Idk why I care so much, shes southern Russian anyways


this, 100%. english speaking russian women are awful

>being friends with a woman

robots never learn

It's a shit test. She's gauging how you react. It's bantz. Laugh it off and banter back

>It's a shit test. She's gauging how you react. It's bantz. Laugh it off and banter back
It's really not. And what are you going to do if it is, just act like a delusional autist and laugh it off again and again and again every single time? Because they will never stop. Might as well outright rape her at that point.

I don't really care at this point though, I'm way past of it

So youve already chosen to be beaten...thats highly unattractive

Chad gets called boring all the time. They dont really mean it though and he knows that. Which is why he always has a fire comeback up his sleeve that always knocks the bitches out cold

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I'm way superior than a chad, Imagine me as a mix of a chad and a robot.

I talk to so many Russian girls online and yeh if you're boring they are not interested, they don't care about a mopey neckbeard faggot

The older woman though will settle for you though for a greencard though even if you're a 300lb loser living with your parents working at burger king

>Im way superior than a chad
Then why are you so butthurt that a girl called you boring?
Ive been called a lot worse and I didnt cry

Also, if she is from a major city like StP or Moscow chances are shes traveled more than you have

Who said I was butthurt? Lol
At first I was kinda pissed off because I developed a crush and spent time with her but I never got desperate and sad about it mate

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Sounds like a salty Russian girl wrote this.

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>never got desperate and sad about it
>"why are women so cruel"
Yes, I'm sure you typed all of this up because you're not upset and sad.

Best comeback that worked for me so far is no comeback at all, just don't answer. 90% of the time they can't take the silence and send a second message, that's when you roast them. Only though this if you want to fuck them though, never ever bother dating a woman like that.

>So youve already chosen to be beaten...thats highly unattractive
And hammering on like Chris Chan until she gets a restraining order isn't?

your story is exactly like mien except she just found a new guy to be interested in and doens't care about me anymore

A woman has never called me boring. If a woman says that, she is definitely not interested.

>Who said I was butthurt?
The fact that you made a thread about it sort of honed it in...

Either talk shit back to her or delete her and move on. Its not that hard

>just dont answer
Yeah, this only works in high school/college. For adults, silence may signal that you took it personally

>And hammering on
When did I say do this? A single text as a response would have been just fine. Instead OP took it to heart and here we are listening to him mope

>A woman has never called me boring
I guess you hang around some pretty docile women then. I talk to a lot of girls that will shit talk me. I think its a lot of fun to flirt with a girl who isnt afraid to roast you

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>a few weeks
Ho damn OP I'd assumed a couple of months at least. That bites


Fuck off underage faggot

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you fucking spineless beta, falling in love with some commie bitch over the goddamned internet and spilling your guts to her. Shit, and I thought I was pathetic.

We're all pathetic on this board mate

pretty much this

doesn't exclude one another. they come from a culture that values traditional norms but in a corrupt way. russian women who know the english are mostly rich "daddy's girls" with good genetics but soulless whores hungry for masculine chads and money. desu at least they're way hotter compared to western dykes

>why the fuck did I spend my time with this useless cunt?

Appreciate her honesty, apologize for being so boring and dedicate your time to her again in order to improve yourself

I don't know about this post. I'm getting a strange feeling.

>A single text as a response would have been just fine
And then the next time she "shit tests" him, what then? And the next time? And the next?

>they come from a culture that values traditional norms but in a corrupt way.
I don't think you people have any clue what "traditional norms" actually are. They're "Chad gets everything" just like everything else, it's just that women fuck around a bit less and value money more.