He wrote a paragraph expressing his love for me

>He wrote a paragraph expressing his love for me
Do guys not realize how cringe this is?

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People still do this? I had an excuse, I didn't have internet.

Haha you had me worried there for a moment before I realized you're a roast

That is cringy, though. I don't think there's anything wrong with doing this, though, so long as you learn from it that it is often a suffocating declaration for the girl and, therefore, works against you.

Idk am I the only femanon that thinks that sort of thing is kinda cute in a cringy way?
Like it's definitely cringe, but at the same time, it's kinda wholesome and stuff.

I guess it's cringe, but honestly a woman's life is so cringe that it shouldn't matter

People still do this?good question and why this shitty meme still lurking on r9k/ I wonder.

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I do this. I am naturally comfortable expressing myself using multiple sentences. Sometimes, I will describe things with details. It's horrible because even if I'm not expressing sensitive feelings, people struggle with paragraphs.

Haha good meme I get it she's has roast beef

i have even in my mid teens

I have, and I know that this will still trigger some incels, had the displeasure of receiving one from a landwhale once in highschool and beyond the fact that she was enormous and that we only ever talked once, I remember as I read the letter that what I felt was a lot of weight coming out of it. Such a declaration was very heavy.
I had to provide massive efforts to find a way to tell her "no way fag" that I could make sure would not crush her.

Furthermore..years later we came across in a subway as she was ordering two meatballs footlong for herself.

l really want to cum on femjack

>tfw you go full schizo and e-mail your ex gf you haven't spoken to in years massive textwalls of pure tardbabble and she calls you and tells you never to speak to her again

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I realized it after this situation
>have closet incel friend (im sure he is)
>he is in love with my best friend, also thinks she considers him her best frienf when it actually is me (i know this is true)
>best friend breaks up with her bf and hooks up with me
>she tells my friend cause he's actually her 2nd best friend
>he doesnt believe her
>he is visibly upset over chat
>he asks her to meet in person cause he had something to say to her
>next day they meet up and he confesses
>"you shouldnt have said this to me, theres nothing i can do and i will keep fucking user"
>he's destroyed
>later that day he begs her over text to let him lose his virginity to her
>"even though it might not look like it i always wanted to have rough/wild/bdsm sex and always fantasized about losing my virginity to you, sotty if i sound like a perv haha"
>she screenshots every cringy thing he says and sends it to me while we both laugh our asses off
I might have ended like that dude in some point of my life but now that i've seen how it looks like there's no way i'd do something like that

>>tfw you go full schizo and e-mail your ex gf you haven't spoken to in years massive textwalls of pure tardbabble and she calls you and tells you never to speak to her again

Here's what you do now: write a novel about her and publish it on Kindle. Then send her a copy. Seriously, I recommend this.

It's over when YOU say it's over. Not when she says it is.

>am I the only femanon
Well youre a guy so

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Who's making these femjak bait threads?

its literally just one autist

where's op's timestamp?? here's SoS's


Attached: SoS_timestamp2.jpg (2320x3088, 910K)

Wouldn't surprise me, too bad that robots are too autistic to see the bait

only because you don't consider him hot