I have an idea for a website that i'm thinking of implementing by teaching myself how to code with one of those...

i have an idea for a website that i'm thinking of implementing by teaching myself how to code with one of those instructional self taught books on coding. i bought two books, one in php and one in python.

does this seem like a good idea? i'm honestly afraid to even try. i'm not that smart.

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Do it if you want. No reason to be afraid, you won't be dissapointing anyone if you fail and it wouldn't even be a waste of time so long as you learnt something or had fun.

What else are you going to do with your time?

What will your website do? Certain languages will be better for certain applications

Go for it user! You have nothing to really lose so why not give it a try?

i don't want to divulge too much info...it's not exactly a new idea. there are probably websites that already do it come to think of it. but i want to give a shot anyway.
nothing. i'm a long time NEET anyway. i took a handful of C and assembler classes at a local community college years ago and did fairly well at them, much better than my classmates anyway (who were just a bunch of people attending community college just because)
there is a reason to be afraid honestly and it's because i'm still only a novice coder and i could ostensibly make a website that would be very easy to hack and exploit via back doors.

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Understandable, but I'm unironically a self-employed website owner. Like can you give some broad idea? Is it a game? A utility of some kind? Will it involve login/signup? Will it involve a lot of graphics? I'm just curious because the two languages you've chosen are not going to be good for much. Would like to recommend better ones, but it really depends on your application

Are you doing the whole site yourself or just the back end? Might want to learn HTML/CSS/JS to actually make it look good

He can get away with just Python if he uses a framework of some kind and it's a data-heavy website without much graphics. But otherwise yeah he is most likely gonna need javascript, and I highly doubt php is the right choice in any application in the current year

i know html/css but maybe not enough to make it really look professional. going to be focusing on doing the back end of course.
php or python aren't enough to make the back end of a website? huh i thought they were pretty much the only real options and all other languages are just kind of memes. plz do recommend other stuff if you can. i'd classify my website as a service that involves a login, yes.

>making website
>no javascript

My friend, you are all turned around. Python is one of the biggest meme languages unless you're a data scientist, and PHP is nearly extinct, for good reason. The options for back end languages are pretty much limitless these days; Web servers are a lot more flexible than they used to be. I still don't know what to recommend because you're not giving any details at all, but I guess at this point I would just say you might want to study up a bit more on how web development works these days.

php is a shitshow.
python backends you're limited to flask (braindead easy but leads to spaghetti code) and django (more involved and probably too heavy for what you want)
you can make the entire website in javascript with node.js if you wanted. ruby on rails is another popular option. if you want to go full pajeet you could learn spring boot using java as well

do you have any links to some good primers on web development? i'm going to be building a mysql database primarily. user accounts, and junk.

My main man the user is right. Read up on how it's done today.
Don't hand code a site in php+mysql, use a framework.
If you want to be hip like me, do it in rails.

Python is not a meme language, Python is what a big chunk of Google is written in. Or was until they developed Golang at least, which is also a good language

i'll do that, can any provide me any links to some primers and stuff? something that talks about all of this in an overview kind of way. i need something to just show me the lay of the land, i admittedly don't know much about web development beyond html/css/javascript

If you can't google yourself, don't try and code. You'll have to google all the time if you want to code stuff.
Be a man.

i can google myself and find any number of primers giving me an overview on the current ecosystem of web development, i just figured i'd ask you for one that you can personally recommend, but okay.

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so i'm doing some reading and from i can tell web frame works are just a way to conveniently deal with a language. for example

laravel ->php
ruby on rails ->javascript
flask ->python

so essentially web frameworks are just a way to make the associated languages more easy to deal with it? am i getting this right?

seems like i'm better off working with a language of choice for the what i wish to accomplish and only start working with a framework once things start to get more complicated. plus even if i do wish to utilize a framework, isn't it better still to learn the underlying language?

am i getting this wrong?

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ruby on rails is ruby
Frameworks are essential insofar as they give you tools to dev stuff in a more efficient way because the fundamental building blocks are already there.
Also you dont need to think about how to organise your code, or the software architecture (rest for example).
If you do anything worthwhile, you'll likely have to use a framework but sure it's possible to do everything by hand yourself if your project is small.
Learn the language and the at the framework same time desu.

okay. that sounds good. i think for now i'll just continue getting my feet wet just building stuff from scratch, then move onto a framework later on. but i don't anticipate my project getting too massive. we'll see. thank you user, i've always heard about the frameworks over the years in passing but didn't really pay them any mind

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Can always go to they have good resources from the web development generals and home server threads. I used them as a primer to get me into the world of web dev. And not to shill but I ran a website from a Linode paid server. I mention it cuz Linode has good tutorials on the basics of running a *nix server and making a website. They give out the easy tutorials so you can make a good website and they can take your shekels.