How to do I not look obvious when buying a rope to hang myself with...

How to do I not look obvious when buying a rope to hang myself with? what are some other appliances I could get to make it look like im just using it for a home improvement or construction job?

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I'll sell you a rope on eBay.

Buy a step stool too, so it looks like you're trying to tie something up high.

Get a length of wire or something instead of rope. You can make a noose out of anything.

i'm going to practice tying them and on the first go buy one and kill myself 100%

this is it lads.

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Just buy rope and come with a lie in advance regarding a construction project that might involve rope such as a catapult. They won't care even if you just say "it is for a home construction project." In fact, they won't care at all because people buy rope every day and rope has uses other than hanging yourself with it.

you're killing yourself why do you care what the cashier thinks

If you're going to dp it livestream it. Don't you want to be a hero/ meme to Jow Forums?

I don't care what they thin. I don't want them to not sell me one because they think ill use it to hang myself

I don't have a camera to do it.

what said

rope is a commodity and has various uses; as long as you're not an obvious faggot about it they're not gonna prohibit you from buying it

godspeed user, i'd've hoped it didn't have to come to this, but i can't stop you

This is stupid in many ways. When a person does a regular suspension hang you need a rope that can support your entire weight and a little extra. Naturally whatever you tie it too needs to be handle it at as well. If you are a small person this is not all that hard but the bigger you are be it fat or muscle the worse it gets.

Now in a drop hang you need a rope that can support at the very bare minimum twice your weight. So just making a noose out of fucking anything is a bad idea unless you happen to have concrete data on what that material will tolerate. Hanging is a very reliable suicide method if done right but can be an absolute disaster when done wrong.

Either way the the people that work there are not going to care. They see tons of customers every day and they all sort of blend together and its a dead end job to boot so they do not care. The only way someone is going to notice is if you act all weird and come in dressed all Emo or something like that. Just be normal ask about the weather or some other nonsense and be on your way. People only see what they want to see 90% of the time.

ok, thanks. I wont look emotional or anything because, like I said, I don't care, I just want to die.

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I hope you don't go through with it user, I'm rooting for you buddy, live just to spite the world and see what disaster befalls it

Hey dont do it user it's not worth it please live !

nope. im done. fuck this shit, lol. im 30 years old, lived my life, seen all there is to see or no that I need. im out.

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I feel you man. Just make sure to take out some pieces of shit on your way out.

oh trust me, im about to mind fuck my whole community. this will be a good thing , man. it will make waves, promise it. a butterfly flaps its wings

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The place im doing it at looks similar to this. imgoing to get some drugs and booze and then neck myself at a place similar to this. ill have my phone too and ill let you guys know when im doing, I promise. next week

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you'll not its me when I post the haures symbol

use the self checkout

absolutely based. didn't even think of that

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A pulley?

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I get it but dying at 30 is pretty young still.

Idk man I'd kill myself if it was easier but I'm afraid of the pain I'd be inflicting on myself and couldn't do it.

I plan on just living an obscure life, staying out of trouble and enjoying the simple things hopefully it works out if not then fuck it I'm just gonna be sad until my own body decides to shut the fuck down.

to each their own. I respect your decision.

So long, brother. cya

>ameribetas can't even buy rope without the express permission and approval of emotional well being by the clerk
How's that land of the free going lads

You really think one of them will care enough to stop you from doing it, OP?
Are you posting this thread with the desire of them stopping you?

im killing my self next week. 100% hope you guys will remember. what I said. ill post the haures symbol

Amazon my dude

Why are you doing it next week? Why did you feel the need to make this thread?
Sounds to me you're having doubts but you're refusing to acknowledge them.

I don't have money nigger. I get paid next week. im going to get pills booze and a rope and fucking neck myself and put a curse on bitches

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Sure you will, user.
Sure you will.

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its happening my dude

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Im so excited!

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will watching amarounths live stream while I do it be based? yeah, I think it will be based. I LOVE MAGICK!

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you wont haunt me no balls

>be europoor
>have to show ID and get a background check to buy rope
Honestly how do they keep getting away with it?

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Get an electrical extension cord and a shop vac.

Don't they have self chrck out so you literally don't have to say a word to anyone

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just get a rope lol.

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