Are they white? s

are they white? s

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It's funny to me how people who participate in extreme far left or far right politics all seem to look like the same kind of dweebs.

What's up with that.

>tikki torches
the absolute state of white nationalism

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I honestly think that whole stupid thing was a brilliantly executed psyop by leftist organizations who are vehemently against all the things the actors in pic related rabbled and shouted in support of as they strutted down the avenue

Pathetic, why are they dressed to go golfing?

yep, gotta love how leftists established the daily stormer several years ago just to trick the normies into thinking people actually say gas the kikes race war now

Damn those clever kikes! They also helped Hitler rise to power and then gassed themselves to create Godwin's law so they could win arguments on the internet that whites hadn't invented yet. Curse their infuriating cleverness!

It's so easy to deny things that don't agree with your biases by making a conspiracy theory out of everything. I see why people do it.

imitators and poseurs always congregate at the extreme ends of the spectrum in order to compensate for their lack of nuance and actual comprehension of a thing

Oh fuck watch out everyone, we got a radical centrist over here.

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>Tfw can't imagine a better, more accurate symbol to represent the movement than the tiki torch.

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I would hardly call myself a centrist. I just don't feel the need to go LARP around with tiki torches. I also don't feel the need to go hang out with neckbeards at Bernie rallies. Seems to me that it's a certain type of person that decides to get involved with fringe political ideologies.

>Full of fat neckbeards and twigs

Really makes one activate the brain

Only Scandinavians who have never seen the sun can be considered white, so no.

Okay, but one of these groups is content with the idea of you being genocided and any hypothetical children of yours being brainwashed and raped, and the other isn't.
Besides that fucker in the fedora, they look completely unassuming and average.

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Trump Youth official uniform

Bernie isn't the fringe. Maybe 4 years ago, but not now.

It's more accurate to say that one of these groups believes that you're being genocided and your children being brainwashed and raped, and the other group does not.

If whites are being wiped out, it's through the slowest, least-effective method possible. If you wanted the white race extinct, a nuclear EMP strike would leave us pretty much helpless, and a tailored pathogen could easily be created with modern tech to wipe us out. Slowly encouraging interracial dating through advertisements is not a genocide, it's a PR campaign.

Haha yeah 100% white countries would be SHIT totally unlivable messes we need Somalis and Mexicans to be majorities

>Okay, but one of these groups is content with the idea of you being genocided and any hypothetical children of yours being brainwashed and raped, and the other isn't.
that doesn't sound biased at all

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>If whites are being wiped out, it's through the slowest, least-effective method possible
Boiling frogs, retard. We're still barely a majority in our own fucking countries, and look at how horrible things have become. Observe how rapidly society is breaking down throughout the west. It's not just interracial dating or whatever. It's the allocation of disproportionate amounts of resources produced by whites for parasitic foreigners who view our countries as nothing but a handout. It is the use of illegal immigration to undermine the social and financial stability of native white populations. It is the passive cucked acceptance of acts of Islamic terrorism and criminality as part and parcel of living in the modern urbanized west. If you can't see that, you're either a shill or a hopeless retard.

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>that doesn't sound biased at all
What is that supposed to mean?

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>society is breaking down because there are fewer whites

hmm maybe you should have thought about that before enslaving and bombing the rest of the planet? minorities wouldnt be fighting so much for equality if they hadnt been raped by white cock for hundreds of years.or you shouldnt have half assed your genocide.

words are too kind for you though. you really need a bullet in your face. it's the only way to rid the world of your poison.

>look at how horrible things have become
Look at what? This post is very vague. What resources are nonwhites getting that whites have no access to?

its frustrating to realize that there's likely a globalist open-boarders agenda in place to eliminate nation-states as we know it. its scary to realize though that ever-increasing mass-immigration is probably necessary now just to keep the exponentially growing debt-based financial ponzi system from imploding on itself and crashing the economy.

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Kek this is what we get for being the first race of people in the history of the planet to abolish and rebuke slavery. Fuck you niggers. I wish even a tenth of the fakeass anti-white fiction youve consumed througout your life was true.
>This post is very vague
>It's the allocation of disproportionate amounts of resources produced by whites for parasitic foreigners who view our countries as nothing but a handout. It is the use of illegal immigration to undermine the social and financial stability of native white populations. It is the passive cucked acceptance of acts of Islamic terrorism and criminality as part and parcel of living in the modern urbanized west.
>What resources are nonwhites getting that whites have no access to?
Your money and your authorities' loyalties, you disingenuous pile of dumb shit.

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Wouldn't surprise me at all that they would try to run controlled opposition to make legitimate nationalist movements look bad. For an event that claimed to "Unite the Right" at Charlottesville it seemed to do quite the opposite. How on earth did the supposed organizers march their supporters directly into a mob of Antifa? Richard Spencer and his tiki torch meetups took a page right out of the playbook of Soros-funded groups in the Ukraine. Real legitimate grassroots movements don't need figureheads of dubious allegiance. Undoubtedly there are those in power that see these trends gaining momentum and would like to control or head them off before they reach critical mass in the public consciousness.

Meant for you too fuckface.

>that whites have no access to
>Your money

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Thats a reach bud

>White people
>On welfare
Lol eat my shit you mongoloid

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>whites don't get welfare
idiot, most welfare recipients are white, what you're complaining about is proportions

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Got proof they dont think this way?Listen,you should be mad at the boomers who acted without reason. They squandered our future. Sold it away so they could drink martinis before 5 a.m and play golf all day. Why are you mad at us victims? It isnt fair that we got this shitty end of the deal.

Oh look, a nigger who doesnt understand the concept of per capita and proportions. Thats new.

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>white people have wealth

holy fuck jimbob, you've figured it out. if we just remove all the dirty niggers and spics we'd be in a utopia!

You have zero understanding of economics or how wealth is distributed in society. It's not "anti-white fiction" it's the reality of the situation and the history you so wilffuly ignore yet simultaneously cherish.

I don't know how you wrap your fucking head around the fact that you think you're somehow the greatest race on Earth and if everyone else fucked off you'd be set but at the same time a bunch of subhuman mongoloids can somehow destabilize and destroy your entire society by merely existing.

You base your whole fucking worldview on race and are absolutely blinded byt it, and you blame all your fucking problems on other people or enemies youve fucking imagined. Yet you are enraged by liberals so called identity politics.

Why do you think hispanic and black people are on welfare and make less money? Because they are inferior? Becuase their society is retarded so theyll never be as great as the white man? Because theyre unintelligent?

I swear i can't figure out why some white people are stuck in a 16th century education. It's a wonder you fucking learned to read.

I'm white, and yes, I would love to personally genocide each and every one of you white supremacists. There is no education that will get through your unwilling minds.

>Oh look, a nigger who doesnt understand the concept of per capita and proportions.
that's what I said you fucking idiot, nice reading comprehension.
Leave the conversations to other members of your party alright?

Youve never been near a black person have you?and you should throw away your savior complex you arent saving anyone.

I'm not a bitch white who runs after the first black family moves into the neighborhood. There would be no ghettoes if whites didn't clutch their pearls and flee to further and further flung suburbs. I ain't saving shit. I want some blood. But life will continue in the shitty political circlejerk and we will never get anywhere as a country.

>Why do you think hispanic and black people are on welfare and make less money? Because they are inferior? Becuase their society is retarded so theyll never be as great as the white man? Because theyre unintelligent?
All of the above, yeah. I'm sorry that you're naturally less intelligent than us, but we don't owe you shit. You can always fuck off back to Ebolaland or Tacoland.

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>There would be no ghettoes if whites didn't clutch their pearls and flee to further and further flung suburbs.
>Whites are responsible for black welfare
You're like little children, I swear to god.

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Imagine being such a faggot that you go on Jow Forums to discuss politics with no intention of gaining anything from it

Are you actually this naive and delusional or are you just b8ing?

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I gain something every time these threads are archived and the google spider indexes them.

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