It finally happened

I got my first pussy. I wasn't expecting it to be squishy inside like that. I fingered her for a while.
It was good. I want more. And more than one.

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Me too user. Pussy is great.

I really want more, though. It's amazing how that one can spark an interest in more.

I assume by your picture that it was a prostitute?

>tfw no gf pusy

Nope. Just a chick who had been put in the same unfortunate social situation as me and shared my disdain for having to be there.

How did you originally meet her user?

We went upstairs and I was fingering her about a half hour after saying "hello" for the first time. I'd never known of her existence until that moment.

Sounds like a larp. How the hell did you end up in that situation user?

>I want more. And more than one.
when will it be my turn lads

Sarcasm and champagne.

If this is true this is ewxaclly what I was talking about to another user. It all comes down to luck and mostly nothing else, if you are in the right place at the right time, you're golden.

Chads and normies just drift through life without a care in the world on nothing more then good fortune. Only poor fucks in the third world really work hard to get ahead.

Nice larp, go into more detail if you want it to be more believable user.

We were also well dressed so I was able to present my "best self."

If you can do it once, you can do it again. I've noticed that people have treated me better since I lost my virginity.

I think normies can sense your virgin resentment.

Maybe never but if you finally do get a turn you will probably be too old and it won't be the magical experience you thought it was going to be.

Did you meet her at a club or something?

I tried this, went to my cousins 18th, got all dressed up and the whole fucking night I spent by myself. I hate women, I really fucking do.

Hating women isn't going to get you laid. I think you need to learn how to improve yourself instead of blaming women.

I mean what do you have to offer a woman besides bitter incel rage?

It was at a wedding. And I'll confess I didn't fuck her. Only fingered her and got a handjob.

Pussy feels weird for the first time, man. I got sensory overload from being inside a vagina with my hand for the first time.

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>I think you need to learn how to improve yourself instead of blaming women.
This is nothing but stupid meme, I tried the self improvment shit and it did nothing for me. How can I improve myself when I am riddled with mental illnesses?
I'll never be perfect and in the age of social media(female narcissism) that's what you have to be, so I give up.

Sort of lightheaded and sound fades out? Me too. I'm glad I didn't pass out.

Do you ever cold approach women?
Go on Tinder for an hour a day?
Try to date people from shittier countries?

There is no reason for you to be alone in 2019. Mental illness is a cope. There are people with severe autism with girlfriends.

>I'll never be perfect and in the age of social media

Everything you see about "happy" people on social media is fake. They don't show you their lows, only their highs. It's easier to give up than to keep swinging.

>you will probably be too old and it won't be the magical experience you thought it was going to be.
I might be too old, but that doesn't mean she has to be.

>There is no reason for you to be alone in 2019.
Having a chubby 4/10 latina gf does not count. I'd rather have my dick fall off.

Yeah, I got lightheaded too. I was also anxious as fuck because I saved my virginity so long because most girls in my town are fat. I was a disappointment for her, but I couldn't stomach losing my virginity to fat white landwhales of my city.

4/10 Asian grill is best. At least they are skinny.
If you can get an ugly Mexican girl who isn't fat, it's probably the best you'll ever get. Too bad Mexicans can't stop eating.

>Do you ever cold approach women?
I'm too scared user, I've never done it before and it's not going to do anything for me anyway. The thots will just tell me to fuck off cause I come off like a creep, so what's the fucking point? I couldn't handle the rejection.
>Go on Tinder for an hour a day?
Fucking lol, are you serious? I don't have social media for starters, I have no idea how to take photos or how to dress and I'm not witty and good with words, this is absolutly pointless for me.
>Try to date people from shittier countries?
Maybe, how could I do this?

>There is no reason for you to be alone in 2019
Oh there absolutely is because women have hyper-inflated egos due to social media, so even the ugliest tramps think they are superior to me.

>There are people with severe autism with girlfriends
Yep, and they have good jobs that pay well,or are highly educated or just plain lucky.

> They don't show you their lows, only their highs
No one in the first world, especially these cancerous normies who use social media have lows.

>I might be too old, but that doesn't mean she has to be.
You bring up a good point, tho if you want to have a teen girlfriend in your 30s you have to be goodlooking and in well shape atleast.

>I'm too scared user, I've never done it before and it's not going to do anything for me anyway. The thots will just tell me to fuck off cause I come off like a creep, so what's the fucking point? I couldn't handle the rejection.
Listen, man. This shit is all in your head. You're definitely going to be rejected your first couple of times. However, I never had a girl that was rude. Most girls are just like "no thanks" and give me a smile. Just be simple, and go up to someone and be like "you're cute, can I have your number". Don't try to be an autistic smooth talker when you can't pull it off.

>Fucking lol, are you serious? I don't have social media for starters, I have no idea how to take photos or how to dress and I'm not witty and good with words, this is absolutly pointless for me.
I would recommend buying clothes from Uniqlo and A&F. They tend to be pricier, but they are in style. You can really boost your appearance up by a lot by wearing nice clothing. Ask your mom to take a couple of photos for you when you go on a trip or something when you dress nice.

>Maybe, how could I do this?
I would save up money (at least $4k usd), and pick a third world country that has attractive women for you. Try to be in a relationship with like 3 girls in a general area for a few months, and go to the country and meet them. Google and Roosh V forum is your best friend when it comes to shit like "Moldova how to get girlfriend online".

>No one in the first world, especially these cancerous normies who use social media have lows.

They're not actually happy, user. They just want people like you to believe their lies.

>"you're cute, can I have your number".
I love the way you normies think this is no big deal for everyone, I have extreme social phobia especially when it concerns females. I just can't bring myself to do this and even if they say yes, I live with my parents, I'm not fun, not educated, have a beat up piece of trash car. There's just no way a modern stronk independent woman would move things further after seeing what a complete loser I am.

>I would recommend buying clothes from Uniqlo and A&F. They tend to be pricier, but they are in style. You can really boost your appearance up by a lot by wearing nice clothing
But what clothes do I buy? I don't have a clue about fashion and how to look good. Most men don't have an issue with this because their girlfriends or wives dress them, I don't have such luxuries.

>Try to be in a relationship with like 3 girls
Aren't these women all gold diggers? I have almost 40 grand saved up but is that enough? and how can I guarantee they won't just divorce my ass when they get here?

>They just want people like you to believe their lies
Compared to my life, these people do not have it shit.

Your dress isn't a big deal. Especially in the summer. T-shirt and shorts. It's going to be more about your hair, skin, and weight.

doesn't have to be a teen gf, lmao wtf do I want an immature retard for?
also If I'm being honest for love/relationships to be "special" they don't have to happen when you are young.

the magical experience you are talking about, the one I'm actually jealous off, is where you marry your high school sweetheart and spend the rest of your life with her. That right there is magical, not the meaningless pump and dump most teenagers do.

I mostly wear sports clothes like Everlast and lonsdale and shit because I don't know what else to wear and I don't want to look like a tacky faggot.

>wtf do I want an immature retard for?
Who cares? you watch anime, don't you? I think teen girls I cute, I don't care if they are annoying.

That's cool. Buy a polo shirt to go with it.

Another bonus with teen girls is she's more likely to be a virgin.
>plus, 18 year olds are still teens fbi so fuck off

>That's cool.
It is? I thought I kind of look like a white trash bogan(ausfag)

I would like to remind everyone this right here is a self hating female larping as an incel.

>marry your high school sweetheart and spend the rest of your life with her
no thanks
you're fetishizing something that rarely happens
literally all of the "sweetheart" couples from my high school filed for divorce within 2 years
when you're that young you aren't ready to think that far ahead much less make that kind of decision

congrats on the pussy, OP!

Why would you say that? how the hell does anything I posted indicate that?

>is where you marry your high school sweetheart and spend the rest of your life with her.
when you finish high school youll discover this is meme retarded shit

>you're fetishizing something that rarely happens
I'm not fetishizing shit, if anything I'm idealizing it and romanticizing it.
>rarely happens
but it happens
that is what I'm idealizing and wishing I had in my life. I'm well aware that most HS relationships are just there for the sex.

It is what you make of it I guess.

holy fuck! the level of cope is astounding.
god bless you user. you unfortunate bastard.

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>Can't dress
>Isn't good with words
>Not witty
>Bitter outlook
>Muh superiority complex but is still a doomer virgin
Yeah, those ugly tramps probably are better than you.

And I bet you are the same who guy who would say everyone is equal while at the same time being a massive bigoted ableist and classist.
More classic normie hypocrisy, thanks for fueling the fire and creating more rage-filled virgins, the more people the opt out of society the better.

It's pretty much exactly like the inside of your cheeks but tighter and tunnel shaped. Glad you enjoyed yourself fren.

And you're a commie too, interesting. Keep being pathetic and miserable without trying to help or better yourself dude. Seems like its really working out for you.

>OP subtlebrags about first sexual exp
>it wasn't even sex
lmao when will he learn?

Oh a facist, well there's no difference between you and most "progressives" really. It's all fake virtue signalling. They go on about minorities and women(as if women are "oppressed" hahah) and completely disregard people with mental illnesses and disabilities. I would know just how much normies are full of shit when it comes to this stuff. All these so-called "progressives" are fascists and your best friends really, if they had it there way all of the mentally ill would be euthanised.

I'm glad about you user! It is a firsts day for all of us, it seems. I, for instance, managed to put my pee pee inside my poo poo for the first time!

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Post more hot cute chicks like that with hair, fucking beautiful
Short hair like that+nice tits+some pit hair and bush is as good as women get.

I'm definitely not a fascist because I don't support communism user. My family happen to come from a communist country and have experienced that hell first hand. Anyway, blaming everyone else for your faults will do nothing for you except lead you into a downward spiral of self pity and the things you desire, like love, will be things you will never get. You need to break the cycle, you need to better yourself and your life if you want to be happy. It's hard work, but people do it every day, in worse situations than you're in, so you have no excuse for not trying. I'm both mentally ill and disabled but I strive everyday for a happier life and to fulfill my goals. There are people in much worse situations doing the same.

>blaming everyone else for your faults will do nothing for you except lead you into a downward spiral of self pity and the things you desire
I tried to adopt a positive mindset, I changed my views, stopped hatting women, stopped hating everyone and nothing happened. The universe did nothing to reward me for giving up the hate that I previously had and for embracing all that hippy shit because people like me are just universally despised by most of society just for the way we were born, people treated me the same after this "journey" of self improvement and reflection(like a lowlife). I'm sick of all these memes and lies, maybe it's just better to be hateful and bitter because then no one will try to use me.

He's not saying truth. That's liars roux she does escorting and is from San Francisco. She doesnt even guarantee sex. I've gone on some dates with her and bought her gifts because I'm a loser.

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>I've gone on some dates with her and bought her gifts because I'm a loser.

Please be joking user

Not joking. She costs a lot of money. But OP is lieing. I can afford it.

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Liararoux even has a website and her calendar if you want to book her.

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Okay, I'm going to tell you something you probably don't want to hear, but it's vital. Hating and keeping negative mindsets are a projection of your depression , it's a way to keep control of your situation (in which you feel out of control of).
When you go on these self improvement and reflection journeys, you're going on them so you can get an external benefit such as money or friends or love or sex or whatever, instead of doing them to actually better your mental health. When I started looking at self improvement as something I could do for myself to make myself happy, rather than something I can do so other people will accept me, it made the transition into a healthier mindset (and I stress healthier, not healthy or perfect by any means, I still struggle with mental illness of course but practicing better thought patterns vastly decrease my episodes) a lot easier and more natural.
You can't do it for outward validation, and when you're looking for girlfriends and sex for validation more than an actual connection (which you tend to do when you're a virgin at a later age, trust me, I've been there), then it's going to feel harder to obtain it and every rejection/missed connection is going to hurt so much more. You have to do self improvement for yourself, for your own mental state. Fuck what other people think, if they think you're a lowlife who has to start from the bottom to work yourself up. Once you're in a better place in your life, out of genuine love and respect for yourself, then you'll start paving more opportunities instead of self sabotaging, and THEN people will take notice and flock to you.
And if people don't? Then who gives a shit, at least you're happier with yourself and in a healthier thought pattern. People are using you because you're letting them, because you want the validation of someone wanting you enough to use them. Because you feel that's what you're worth.

Your blogshit is going to kill this thread

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Damn user does she really turn down sex? There are others in SF that look better and won't cuck you out of your money.

If you've seen others in the bay area I'm slightly worried we may be eskimo bros

I don't give a shit about the thread, man, I care about trying to help this user.

Yeah, but I don't really care. I'm not trying to have sex. It's cool just to hang out with someone sometimes. Just lonely a lot and it gets to me. Probably will off myself in a few yeats.

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>cold approach women
dont. heres how to do it. this can work for everyone.

all you need to do is make eye contact and smile. her reaction will tell it all. does she ignore you? not interested. does she smile back? she's being nice, but you need more info. wait a bit and then make eye contact again, and smile again. what is the reaction? if its less enthusiastic, she was just being nice. if she blushes or looks affected and smiles genuinely, she thinks you're cute. do this back and forth (i call it "playing eyes") until you're confident that she thinks youre cute and appreciates your advances.
then just say "hi".
of course this won't work in every situation. but its the best way from being in a place with a stranger to gauging whether to initiate conversation and know if she's interested in you. if she is, your dick will swell and youll feel emboldened and confident, because you have visual confirmation that a female is attracted to you and appreciates your attraction to her

from my experience most people fuck shortly aftter meeting or they are never gonna fuck

the traditional dating/relationship is mostly a meme

>I want more
thats the thing real virgins don't understand. getting laid once doesn't change our life. you've gotta do it regularly to get the benefits, or you just revert back into a lonely loser jerking off every night.

Too bad I look like a rapist when I smile.
I might as well kill myself now.

if someone is serious about trying to get an e-gf i have lots of experience in this field. i've never had disposable cash laying around though.
you can tell who is genuinely looking for companionship and who is looking for immigration or money. they are pushy and impatient.

So this is the sort of guy that writes long posts

>"no thanks and give me a smile"

Girls have never rejected me in a decent manner like this. Ever. They just say no and awkwardly move away from me

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Fuck off you fucking bastard you don't fucking deserve pussy. I deserve it more you fucker. This is not fucking fair! Fuck OFF!

>every rejection/missed connection is going to hurt so much more

As older and slept with hundreds of girls, I can say that a lot of them will you reject you at first because they're not into it, but they also want to see how you'll respond. If you sulk or give up, then you're dead. If you carry on normally, maybe change the subject then propose something else later, they'll actually start liking you.

then dont show your teeth, and groom
express confidence and pride
if you dont have them no women will want to sleep with you anyway
at the very least clean yourself up and dont wear sloppy clothes

what is it like hanging out with her
does she talk a lot

Exactly. Because that shows security, while throwing a tantrum or sulking shows insecurity.

i think you're seeing stuff the wrong way. it's not that you didn't sulk or give up, it's that you approached them in a moment they were free and open to talk to other people and you didn't talk about wanting to hook up

You normies are insuferable.

>then dont show your teeth
My teeth are fine, it's the shape of my mouth and the fact that I'm depressed and bitter that gives of the rapey vibe because it's clear that the smile is fake.
>groom yourself
I like even worse without the beard.
>express confidence and pride
So fucking easy for you to say. How can I be confident when I have nothing to back it up with also be proud of what? one can't just put these things on, if you are depressed you can't fake confidence.
>if you dont have them no women will want to sleep with you anyway
And this is why I despise women with a passion.
>at the very least clean yourself up and dont wear sloppy clothes
I'm OCD and shower every day and my clothes are neat and tidy.

Well it varies with each girl but many aren't open to at all at first

To elaborate, you shouldn't be afraid of rejection. People who fail or succeed risk failure. To not risk is the worst possible place to be. All those girls, none of them made it easy and I had a beach full of waves of rejection with each of them in different ways until I did get them.

well that's ok, but you probably also tried to hook up with them at first, which is just plain wrong and nobody likes that, that's probably why they rejected you and then you thought maybe i just need to try again later so i don't look like i gave up

No my usual MO is talk for a while then arrange a time to meet later, not necessarily for sex. Why are you badly trying to interpret what I'm doing