The real black pill

There are no good people. At all times, every single person acts in a manner in which they perceive to suit their best interests given the circumstances.

We're all just animals and the only reason "morality" even exists is because it was selected for in a bunch of evolutionary processes.

Knowing this changes nothing.

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ITT: Thoughts of edgy 16 year olds

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He's roleplaying...
Let OP feel wise & edgycool.

I've been black pilled for several years, but I came out of my shell and was astounded by how nice people are to me. However, I later realized it's because THEY benefit from it, any possible good interaction makes THEM feel better, or gain something. Even good deeds for the hell of it boost their mood. Sure I'd rather them choose me to grind out their good karma points but it really is sad to think about

It's easier to dismiss an idea by giving it a meme label than to face the possibility that it is very true

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I don't understand this line of thinking,
Every animal feels good helping other animals.
The helper feels better yes, but that feeds off the helped feeling better as well, so they play into each other.
Where is the malice in this?

>my 8th grade teacher made me stay after class there is no such thing as morality

The great truth is that there isn't one and it only gets worse since that conclusion

When will you realize that the bullies were trying to do you a favor by forcefully correct your anti-social behaviors that would harm you later in life?

but cant people be good despite these selfish actions? Even if we are all just animals, us animals created this moral system to follow

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Yup, everybody has an angle whether they are aware of it or not. Society as a whole is the complex interplay of

There is no malice per se. It would be more accurate to describe the interaction as one between two individuals whos best interests happen to suit each other's. That's all. The issue is when people label such behavior as """good""" which implies that the doer of said """good""" deed did it for completely unselfish reasons.

I guess it would be accurate to say, all actions are ultimately self serving.

My argument is this.

For something to be "good", it has to be done purely for the benefit of others. No such action exists, because even the most seemingly self sacrificial action has a benefit for the doer of the action. Therefore, there are no inherently "good" actions or people.

>There are no good people

Read the new testament

This is about as useful as econfags who do backflips to prove theres no such thing as a free lunch because you spend time eating. The issue is differing values and your desire to impose yours.

Actually, the fact that we can suppress our primal instincts and rage and work together is amazing. People arent genuine all the time, so what? They care enough about you to fake being nice, thats pretty cool. Stop spinning anything into a negative, emo.


>there are no good people
> At all times, every single person acts in a manner in which they perceive to suit their best interests given the circumstances.
>We're all just animals and the only reason "morality" even exists is because it was selected for in a bunch of evolutionary processes.
>Knowing this changes nothing.
ok, thanks mr. frogtachi.

So you just like playing with semantics?
In your OP:
>Knowing this changes nothing.
The reason it changes nothing is that you're not thinking of anything insightful, you're just playing with semantics for the sake of nothing.
It's actually pointless.

You can try to say people aren't really good if their good deeds are motivated by the pleasure of doing good - but if doing good makes them feel pleasure then thats because they're a good person.

here a highly relevant video.
are you trying to preach stirnarian egoism or existentialism?

false, i am completely harmless even though i'm a physically dominant male. even when i try to force malice i can't make it happen, it's just not within me

i am still a lazy, pointless piece of shit but i genuinely have a heart of gold that even through great pesonal effort i have failed to turn black

This user is right, the fact that we are inherently wicked and still try to be good is amazing.

We get it, you watched that one episode of Friends, how profound


Except I'm not physically very big. People literally just laugh at me when I attempt to be malevolent.

It's just not us, man. I'm depressed.

the thing about self-interest is, the "self" can either be said not to exist or to be the whole universe; there is no separate self.

To act in your own self-interest then, well understood, is to care for the whole universe. We understand that we are not an isolated unit without thinking. That's why we act morally. Of course, it is also the result of evolutionary processes, but that only means that as evolution causes the universe to better understand itself, it's treatment of itself improves.

>The real black pill
right here, friendo.

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yeah it sucks

i was playing sa:mp the other week, driving around san fierro. saw a new player stranded on the north bridge, miles from any other players or missions. would've taken him like an hour to run to los santos, no peds so no cars to take. i parked up and offered him a ride

he stole the car and just drove off without me

these rare pepes are so fucking awesome. keep up op