Hey user can you give me a spot while I squat and let me know how my form looks?

>Hey user can you give me a spot while I squat and let me know how my form looks?
>Guy looks like this and is shorter then you

What do you do Jow Forums?

Attached: cake.jpg (1920x2378, 2.23M)

Other urls found in this thread:


yeah no problem bro

Attached: sniff3.webm (854x480, 1.63M)

Try to hide my smile, nod and enjoy the show

Wrestling confirmed best sport

unironically no homi. i have a question. what kind of routine and conditioning do wrestlers run usually, apart from obviously wrestling? no olympic sport produces as aestethic physiques.

>s-sure user

Great webm, saved

Attached: 1536522346068.webm (720x720, 1.28M)

Im a welterweight MMA fighter with my base in wrestling and I do your basic gym routine 5x a week (chest day, arms, back, legs, traps) but right after I work out I do abs and then roll/spar/wrestle for an hour and a half. I also run 3x a week additionally and on the weekends ill generally have a day of just straight training/sparring. I try to only hard spar once a week to preserve the small bones in my hands and to not get too hurt.

When I only wrestled I pretty much lifted wrestled, and ran. Back day is the most important day and I did that twice a week

Does anyone have the webm of two men washing each other? One of them is just gliding his hands over this dudes pecs and it’s just amazing to watch. I’m not gay I just really want to see it again. I hate women.

y-your form looks great

>'you bro, spot me?'

Attached: spot.gif (500x280, 1.97M)

W-Will you teach me how to wrestle later?

Attached: 1343485836409.png (1344x1267, 623K)

>Tfw gymbro and wrestle partner

Attached: meandmysnugglebear.jpg (1920x1920, 2.06M)

Turkish oil wrestling when

Attached: A935767B-C0CC-4AFC-8378-DCD7F62DB8ED.gif (400x228, 469K)

This seems slightly gay bro.

Unironically how do I get glutes like this? Or bigger..

Well it is wrestling after all

Attached: wrestlin.gif (475x261, 915K)

Touch his ass with my crotch to assert my dominance, no homo ofcourse
>be 5'6
>he even smaller

We lift a shitton, getting strong on the basic movements. Squat, bench, and deadlift heavy. Do your rows, pull ups, and overhead presses Get strong on big lifts AND their variations. Get powerful. Jump, sprint, do olympic lift variations. Do some basic bodybuilding work after your big lifts. Do loads and loads of conditioning. Wrestling itself is conditioning, but you have to do even more. You do this while bulking hard during the off season. When you're in season, you cut hard and get shredded. On the day of a match, you dehydrate yourself, which makes you look even more shredded.
Basically get strong as fuck and then get lean as fuck. Oh yeah, and start doing all this when you're six years old.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-08-06 at 8.19.46 PM.png (722x711, 447K)

Is that ass natty?

It's photoshopped, I searched through my goal body fitness folder and found the original

Attached: 1400323236524.jpg (490x700, 77K)

I would break my dick off in that ass.


That's still a nice butt tho

It's ok to be gay user. We accept you. Your desires aren't unnatural or wrong

Is it too late for me? I'm 24

It was a good enough ass to be put in my goal body folder, surely it's good enough for you

Attached: 1376394223522.jpg (500x493, 339K)

More butts

Attached: D6F7145C-228B-485D-81A3-7A31DBD265E4.png (500x700, 501K)


Is it too late to get jacked as fuck? No. Is it too late to be a good martial artist/fighter? No. Is it too late to be a good wrestler? Maybe

post hardness % when you reached
>he said if I wanted his cock I would have to beat him at a wrestling match
personally I hit about 60%

>Goal butts
user saving pics of male butts is kinda gay

I'm not gay though
It's like watching an F1 race, it's cool to watch but you'd never try it in real life

Attached: 1494939970906.jpg (535x534, 113K)

haha imagine holding that firm butt really tight while he pounds your ass in lusty display of manliness and testosterone
that would be really gay

This is great, just fantastic. If you don’t have the webm, you could always post more of what you do have.

Attached: AF4C0362-7DE8-45C9-92AB-0037BF0E21AE.jpg (1024x801, 145K)

I'm on mobile, no webms
>tfw you will never be a gay male

Attached: 0B53F5CF-8CCE-47DD-98D4-8AB5B0DA824C.gif (466x241, 3.05M)

>this faggot wouldn't drive an F1 car given the opportunity

traps day ? really ? lmaooo what do you do on fucking traps day

he has a woman's ass and now my penis is confused

Im 100% straight and I would fuck the shit of these ass.
It's fabulous.

You're not 100% straight bud

Attached: hammchuckle.jpg (209x200, 8K)

Mostly cause you'll never ever find a wrestling place after highschool.

>no way fag
>turn 360 degrees and walk away

Based Cassarposter

Man ass.

Attached: 1566524430957.jpg (402x504, 98K)

Squat and deadlift variations, hip thrusts. But also if you have a way and some space, some kind of prowler/sled/resisted spints will blow up your glutes.

based coom poster

Jesus, you guys are so gay
Now post moar

Why am I wet ?

You either make it on nofap or live long enough to see yourself become a coomer.

Accidentally shove my face into his ass, grab his hips with both hands and rub my face all over his butt and his asshole too

>It's like watching an F1 race, it's cool to watch but you'd never try it in real life
this is the real homosexuality in this thread

>sorry bro, I can only squat 205 so I'd be of no help if you really needed it.

I do a full back workout then i do 4x farmer's carry bar shrugs followed by holding 45s with walking then sets of bridges and then i practice wrestling shrugs. Good luck trying to make me tap because my neck is fucking huge.

your neck is really important in wrestling, head position gets you takedowns

ever since i stopped wearing headphones people constantly asking me for form checks and spots.

not sure if ive made it or not

Attached: sweating.jpg (234x216, 13K)

It makes no sense that you could look at a dude's back and think to yourself
>"wow I'd really like to put my dick in that"
Does god really h8 you bros?

when it clenches hard

> have pics of man butts = gay
nothing wrong with that

sexuality is a spectrum my bro, now post asshole

No, but autism is and im sure youre familiar

Hot, is the bigger one the bottom and the manlet really hung?

0% because I only want to fuck feminine boys like Arvie Madison

S-sure lemme spot you with my face between your legs

Attached: dia_sweat.jpg (644x422, 69K)

The fuck

Oldie but a goodie

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 10 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_06.39_[2018.06.16_22.27.23].png (344x322, 145K)

why are you like this

>we give advice here on fit
faggots on fit? shocking.

Attached: 1480569427188.gif (455x344, 989K)

i am kinda into ass play and had my gay fantasies but I still wouldnt plow a dude, so its highly doubtful that youre 100% straight

holy moly

i love this board, the confidence we all get from lifting and being strong turns us into better men, maybe even the incels will turn into good guys

Isn't this the story of how scooby got turned out?

Its Its okay he whispered no homo in his ear.

? I hope he's not fucking the dog

Attached: 811KEbZlORL._SY355_.jpg (355x355, 29K)

user, you mispelled hope

