To be successful:

To be successful:

>study a marketable skill like programming
>read “How to win friends and Influence people” and self help books of the like consistently for social gains

Prove me wrong

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Don't read self help, it's literally just tidbits of philosophical texts turned into shallow mantras you're supposed to chant until your problems vanish. Read philosophy.

Except Plato. Fuck Plato.

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Why are there so many people on Jow Forums that share my love for growing bellies?

This is true so long as you don't go on a self-help binge. Too easy to read a bunch of books and do nothing with it.

HTWFAIF is a good book for the most part, but some parts of the book preach being non argumentative and a bit of a beta- to be a people lover essentially and never stand up for yourself( those were the heavy vibes I got while reading it)

The points in the book are very good however u must always remember that it is important to stand up for yourself and, be aggressive at times (the book wants you to not be aggressive at all).

If you need help with women, read "Models - How to attract women through honesty" and "The Rational Male" is also very good. "No More Mr. Nice Guy" is another classic. Read those, take notes, and internalize the beliefs and you are set to making it. This is your life bro, give it everything you've got

high test board

high stress board

Oh my god...
Those bellies.
My willy.
I can feel it in my willy.
I want...put my willy in...

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We hate ourselves so it's great to see it on them.

Left on is pretty hawt

>Learn programming
Shut the fuck up we don't need more fucking piranhas in the pond, it's already pretty crowded. Anyway you're right in those points there.

you're cooming? let's coom toGETHERRRRRRRRRRRRRR

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The book is about how to make people like you, if it has to get to the point where you need to be aggressive with someone then they’re gonna end up not liking you that’s how I like to think about it, I follow the steps image book when I want to be liked by a specific person but if it gets to a point where I don’t care anymore and they’re being an asshole or extremely retarded then I do become aggressive.

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Just occupying time and making yourself feel tired to alleviate guilt of having free time. You should be training instead.
>study a marketable skill like programming
Learning to code is a fucking meme. Most skills have been made completely disposable by the concentration of power into a few firms. You should dedicate yourself to an art instead. It will lead you to be miserable but you will be free.
>read “How to win friends and Influence people” and self help books of the like consistently for social gains
That book and many self help books are written by people with skills that enable them to more easily impress and seduce the guileless to rob them of their money. Spending time honing your talents involves working and communicating with others which will improve your ability to connect and relate to your social groups. It is important to be observant and curious in all aspects of life and to approach your interactions with others with the sensitivity and care you would reserve for how you treat your own body.

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>you should be training instead

What if we’re not trying to train for anything and just want to workout to look and feel good, not all of us want to compete in the olympics

>learning to code is a meme
>learn an art instead

You’re substituting a meme with another meme, although I do agree with you I did miss out on the 4th point which would have been “study and practice an art to become a producer instead of a consumer”

>books made to rob people of their money

I download all of my books absolutely free from pdf’s I found online and while a ton of self help books are indeed useless money grabs, there are a lot of gems that I can say legitimately changed my life, one that I can promise you isn’t a money grab is meditations By Marcus Aurelius which indeed changed my whole outlook on life.

Oops forgot belly

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>What if we’re not trying to train for anything and just want to workout to look and feel good, not all of us want to compete in the olympics
Why does Olypmics need to be the end goal? The goal can be to lift a little more every session or every week. The feeling good part doesn't require training with increasingly difficult exercises. You can get the same neurochemical rush doing the same calisthenics exercises daily but you won't get any better until you push yourself. Looking good is submission to a control system. The goal should be freedom. If you're strong or fast as hell does it matter how you look?

>I download all of my books absolutely free from pdf’s I found online and while a ton of self help books are indeed useless money grabs
You're a sucker who kept his money. Still a sucker.

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No more mr nice guy is great. I think the title is cringe, but the book itself is great.

>How to win friends and Influence people”
Is this book legit?
All these social books always boil down to "ask people about themselves and look really interested in what they say".

based stuffer posting. gentleman scholars ITT

>read "the ego and his own"
despook yourself.

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Ah fuck look at that ugly fat bitch.
This is exactly the kind of girl I went for in high school and they were fun as fuck. Big fat pussy dripping wet and huge wobbling ass and tits to grab on to.
I wish I'd knocked one of them up and ended up stuck with after graduation, would be better than this gay existence at 27 with just lifting and jerking it to memories. Fuck.

>learning to code is a fucking meme

nigga I make 4 times the average wage after 3 years in the field.

4 times nothing is still nothing

>bagged my first fat girl at the beginning of the month
>motorboated her stomach while she rode me
Was a experience lads

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How do I do this
I have managed to fix literally every other problem that has occured in my life and every personal flaw, but studying is my Achille's heel. I could never sit down and fucking study like all the other kids, ever since I was little. I always lose interest and my mind wanders off, or I'll literally start feeling sleepy even if I'm well rested and it's the middle of the day. It's like I'm actually fucking allergic to this shit.

I somehow managed to get myself in uni and I've failed every class. I don't know how to fix this. Forcing myself doesn't work and it's fucking frustrating.

>ask people about themselves and look really interested in what they say
that is exactly what the book is about
if you already learned or taught yourself how to function like a human, then you don't need to read it

by the time i read/listened to it, i already was comfortable larping as a normal person
so it might have been good for me if i read it earlier in my teens, but it wasn't useful to me in my 20s

Is a college degree worth it, guys? Started my first semester at Uni and I don't know if I'll be able to make it. I glided through high school with no issues, never needed to study, had a good group of friends, etc. Now that I'm here I feel like none of that matters. I don't have many friends, I have extremely low energy, I don't do anything up here, and I lack the motivation to do my work or even get food for myself.

I didn't want to go to college, I wanted to start working as a welder, and keep working on programming and networking to get a position as IT somewhere, but my family pushed me to come here (and they're paying for some of it, too). Is it really worth it to get your degree?

Well that's the point of the book. It's main message is the fact that you must realize that other people have an ego just as big as yours. You can try to impress people all you want but they won't like you unless you appreciate them in one way or form.

I notice you have no ideas of your own on where to learn life skills.

user is trying books. You improve through the process of.....

And that process is replicated how....

how much is too much

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Jow Forumscels all get fat fetishes because being fat becomes the forbidden fruit. It's the same reason why girls fuck dogs and black guys.

My experience with the self-help industry is that it's pretty trash. The only books I'd recommend are Robert Greene's "Mastery" and "48 Laws of Power". Even the goodies like those can easily be overdone if you spend your time reading self-help instead of gaining knowledge of the world and working toward your goals.
But yeah work out for sure.

>Fuck Plato
ok brainlet

Ooooh yyeeahhh!!
Shake that disgusting, saggy, cellutite covered, cottage cheese looking ass!

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ah yes start with the Greeks.

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Haven't read that dialogue yet. But I'm pretty sure that Plato tries to show a false line of reasoning here.

>"yes, I myself saw him mounting the bitch"
T.Plato of Cuckassus

this guy dumb

No, get a trade instead. College is a meme.

T. PhD student in STEM.


Reading a book doesn't increase your max, lifting does. Reading a book doesn't increase your social skills, fucking talking to people does.

If you want to get good at something, you have to fucking do it. The irony is not lost on me that the board that has the most fucking difficulty understanding this is Jow Forums.

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>study a marketable skill like programming
Seriously, FUCK PROGRAMMING, I should have studied something better like finances or engineering, a few years ago a lot of people said that if we should focus on IT/Programming college and we were be ready for the bests jobs out there because AI technology is the future and some others non-sense. And what we got? An over saturated market that can be easily replaced by pajeets. I need to keep thinking and stressing myself with a lot of shit and I don't receive anything for learning new ways to deal with programming shit all the fucking time.

The memories are a lot better than the actual outcome of knocking her up and having been together for 10 years. You'd be tired of that cow by now. What you *really* want is a groundhog day-esque scenario where you can fuck the same dumb fat high school broad silly without a care in the world. I don't blame you, but don't fly too close to the sun.

>studied something better

Nope. That's all been automated now by people like you. Fucking asshole.

I was pretty lonely in college and though about killing myself everyday but the salary I get now is worth it.

Holy shit not even gonna coompost about this. The longer I nofap the more these goddesses make me want to spread my seed across the god damn world. They were made for me. How do I architect my gf into this mode, for the love of god how

>normie friend tells me to "smile more often"
>do it
>it actually works
it's a shame that I have a semi-facial paralysis from years of drug and alcohol abuse or else it would be even easier

>increase your social skills
you autistic weebs think you "level up" like an rpg or some shit hahahaha

I little girl told me to smile more and I couldn't do it because I never had braces and my teeth are kinda small and my face looks fatter when I smile and my mouth is kind of small and I just don't have a good smile. She also told me to have more emotion in my voice.

A little girl once told Lincoln to grow a beard
Best decision he ever made

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Professor of semantics

why do little girls bully me. The same one asked me where my kids were so she could play with them. When i told her i'm only in my 20s and don't have any she thought I was lying and then started calling me daddy because she felt bad, but if I called her my daughter she would make fun of me and say she's not.

this will only turn you into a wageslave

>How to win friends and Influence people
this book sucks

>What an idiot, he thinks you get better at something by doing it, what is this, a video game?

Tell me about how you plateaued at 120 on your deadlift because you're a natty and everyone else is on roids.

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You know, you're not wrong, but posting smug animu pictures to prove a point only makes you look like a retard. Please refrain yourself from doing it again.

No one takes you seriously if you post anime pictures dude. You clearly have a very shallow worldview and think the whole internet is /a/. It's seriously just sabotaging any chance you would have at effective persuasion.

That's not bad but like, at the end of the day you only achieved above average wageslavery and some decent social skills.

IMO being really successful means escaping the drone life without resorting to desperate means. It's about having free time, having hobbies, having a life that is socially and sexually active until old age, with adventures and some projects of your own. And raising a good functional family.

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Social skills come naturally. Doing something and doing something effectively are not equivalent. You don't get better at speaking by speaking to normalfags in normalfag situations unless you are a literal autist who slurs his words and can't read basic social cues. Your speech will improve if you do a bunch of job interviews or make conscious efforts to get rid of all the "ums and ahhs" in your speech. If all you do is play sports against your shitty friends you aren't going to improve, doing shit in itself is less effective than the sheer theory of how to improve if you aren't doing things in ways that actually facilitate growth.

You have no idea how many retards fall for the "just lose hundreds of times in a row and you will eventually get good at fighting games so long as you play them bro" meme.

>How do I architect my gf into this mode, for the love of god how
get her in to lifting and make her think she has to bulk constantly+anavar in proton to achieve true patrician taste
>pic related

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impregnate her dummy

shut up retatd

>Plato, don't make me get the gladius

If only they could stay that round and smooth without the cellulite setting in.

Is your point literally that you cannot get better at speech by talking to people?
Are you that much of a smooth brain

wtf is happening to me? i'm starting to find this beast attractive. fack im gonna COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM

Everyday speech won't improve your oration no matter how often you do it. It is only helpful as a rehabilitation tool for literal autistic's. You can't just grind out skills, you need to intelligently and consciously try to improve things to have any improvement. if anything the idea that speaking improves your social skills is an illusion caused simply by having more anecdotes to talk about by participating in those social situations where you are speaking in the first place. There is a reason people send their kids to school to learn received pronunciation and etiquette, you don't get better at something by just doing it without any direction.

Everyday speech can be used to get better at talking, I know what your saying, but being concious about word choice and energy/emotion in every moment should be the focus. Eq is a real thing

>Eq is a real thing
No it isn't. EQ is just a word roasties prefer over pattern recognition and a basic understand of psychology.

The only philosophers who provide good self-help books write them as self-help books (Robert Solomon)


Oh you must be a truly educated man to be able to dismiss such an established term.
Where did you study for your doctorate?

maybe she was flirting

Get your degree, and then trade after if you dont like your profession. Dont half ass it, get out and make some friends. Dont ask anonymous losers for life advice

It's crazy how literally every person on fit is either a rich engineer or rich computer programmer, literally every single one

she's 9

>know that i come off as very unfriendly
>don't really say hi or bye to people, don't smile at them much, maybe a head nod
>because my life is god awful and i cant fake it
>know that is negatively impacts my chances to make friendships but still do it anyway

Autism is strongly correlated with an interest in programming and engineering.Those jobs also pay well, on average. I don't say this to be mean or critical, but this board needs a higher level of cognition per post and your lack of research is bringing that statistic down.

That's definitely a thing everyone here claims and not something you saw maybe twice and are overreacting to because you're an idiot

are you implying that people on fit have autism


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I felt like I was being explicit with what the data suggests about the population of this board.

People advise everyone to learn programming like it's easy. The reality is that it isn't, and only 2% of people that follow through with it are able to land high paying jobs and become successful. People seriously underestimate the amount of no lifing required to get to a high paying, high performance job. There were so many kids out the gates of uni that didn't even have a job, while I had already been working full time while doing school

Many of the people I have worked with in my career are incapable to the point where the team would have more velocity if they weren't there. They don't even try to compete, and are satisfied with being the bottom feeders. The only reason they're there is because they got through probation at some large dead end company. The successful people are only successful because of their innate intelligence - that they have been born with. The unsuccessful often work much longer hours than everyone else.

There's a reason software engineering is predominantly male dominated. Honestly, there are better options for most people. Get into trades, project management, or sales if you aren't one of those kids that breezed through advanced classes in highschool without trying that hard.

t. highly paid software engineer

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I would wager that people on Jow Forums are more on the spectrum than people that don't browse here

roids are expensive bro, you can't afford cycles if you are a chef at wendys

>bro i'm a highly paid software engineer and I LOVE anime!

High correlation between animephillia and strong engineers

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>The only reason they're there is because they got through probation
A guy in my team is a bottom feeder and the only reason he passed probation was so his hiring manager could receive a $10k sign-on bonus.

well that's pretty much what I'm doing and I'm not really feeling that hopeful but I'm doing it

>Alienating a group of engineers for a measly 10k
Lol, non cs grads amirite

nope. it's just anime fags think this is the ideal profession to larp as, where as normalfags would lie and say they are a doctor or own their own business or are some sort of celebrity/athlete.

Fox grapes etc