What would women rate this man out of 10?

what would women rate this man out of 10?

Attached: 1542870083840.jpg (720x724, 95K)

NGL, they'd probably say you're about a 2

Hmmm who to trust. I'll go with 2/10 because he said he wouldn't lie.

Tbh he's not too bad looking maybe about a 6/10. He should just shave the rest of his head though I think it would fix him up

Just buzz off the back hair and he'd be golden

>questionable haircut
>sunken eyes
>pursed lips
rlly checkin the boxes here

Found the incel.
Fuck off to reddit and stay there.

grow out all the hair on your head and face and youre up 5 points at least

still mogs me originangalo

actual woman here, he's a 3/10 but his hair makes him a 1.5/10

what's with all the hostility?

Is this guy shoving you in a locker or something? Why you keep posting and roasting. Seems to be like he owns you

>maybe about a 6/10.

>Fuck off to reddit and stay there.
You should to back, filthy niggerfaggot

being fat is his only real flaw, he's average otherwise

people here are brain fucked enough to not understand that the love for someone is not just about looks


stay subhuman, nigger.

Attached: hitler will rise again.png (1536x2048, 1.23M)

honestly, 2/10. Bad haircut, remaining hair showing looks greasy, he looks like he's scowling and the most unattractive man possible is one that's depressed, and he looks like he's probably chubby. Judging by his haircut he has no style and probably dresses like a slob.

other way around sweatie. actual girl here, he's a 1.5 but the hair makes him a 3.

rate my bf.

Attached: dan1.png (136x168, 61K)

yeah they're ignoring money and social status

Idk but if I were a woman I wouldn't go out with him. Someone who doesn't care to have a horrible haircut (he could have literally shaved his head and looked better) is someone who won't care about his life in general.

very ugly sorry

literally a 0/10