I can feel myself developing what feels like schizophrenia and i dont think i can stop myself. how do i stop...

i can feel myself developing what feels like schizophrenia and i dont think i can stop myself. how do i stop? the only way i can cope is talking to myself but holy fuck i think this is making it worse.

Attached: CFc25YqVIAAfAhR.png (794x1200, 831K)

Talk to a psychologist. IF you have it, the best way to mitigate the damage to your mind is start to treating it as early as possible.

I'm never going to talk to a shrink. Ever. How can I deal with this alone?

some one please help me i dont want to kill my self by the age of twenty nine i just want to be hap py

drop a bunch of acid
if it get's worse then you know for sure you're schizophrenic

Fucking kek do this user

Mental Judo. Use it to your advantage.

>i can feel myself developing what feels like schizophrenia
breh you ain't crazy.

Attached: creep.png (1309x875, 755K)

What exactly does it feel like to be in the process of developing schizophrenia?

I must not be genetically predisposed to this then because my life is terrible, I suffer from depression and I am isolated inside my house for weeks at a time yet I still am sane.

>i can feel myself developing what feels like schizophrenia

the fucking shit some of you guys say to seem "unique"

Why are you so opposed to seeing a shrink? They could legitimately help you.

I smell projection. Some people aren't as concerned with image as you are. Especially on an anonymous image board

>I smell projection
see a doctor
>Some people aren't as concerned with image as you are
OP doesn't have schizophrenia, he has fallen for the "mental illness is cool" meme and is posting about his BS problems here hoping for attention.
>Especially on an anonymous image board
yes because nobody has ever lied on Jow Forums to feel cool

If he is having actual hallucinations then he's got SOMETHING. Doesn't hurt you in any way even if he is lying. Just hide the thread

i have schizophrenia and it is a constant struggle for me and something i have had since i was little. i assume you are just experiencing hallucinations. there is a lot more too it than just hallucinating. i don't recommend researching it as learning it might make you feel like you have it more, just write what you experience and go see a psychiatrist and see what they think. i wish you luck.

lmao OP never mentioned any of that, he said he feels like he is "developing what feels like schizophrenia". If he genuinely has schizophrenia he should seek help, but he doesn't have schizophrenia. He is refusing to seek help because he knows it's all BS.
>Doesn't hurt you in any way even if he is lying
he's a retarded teenager shitting up the board I frequent.
>Just hide the thread
I came here to laugh at him

Yes, that means secretly everyone on this site are well adjusted individuals that are just trying to look depraved so that people anonymously think that they are cool.

Look at how many young people claim to be super depressed, anxious, ADHD, etc. because they want to look special, now look at OP's posts.

I could be wrong, and if he thinks I am he should ignore my dumbposting and seek help. However I am pretty convinced he's just another dumb sadboi.

dont do it user, just look at brian in this pic.

Attached: tumblr_o5dufpesBJ1v473m9o1_500.jpg (500x500, 71K)

>tfw no tall slutty girlfriend to tease me about being a manlet and use me for my huge cock

Why live anons

Where on a death ride into oblivion. How are we not supposed to lose our minds?

Those young people usually have their identities attached to their claim of depression, anxiety, etc. That means they can get brownie points. We're anonymous though. The only brownie points we can get here is information. Now, of course there are underage retards on this site that trick themselves into thinking meaningless reassurance is worth anything and make stupid posts here, but I think the nature of this site means that the balance is in favor of tangible feelings being the source of angsty posts here. OPs post not even being that angsty or indicative of attentionwhoring. "Feels like schizophrenia" is a pretty distinctive flavor, too, as opposed to depression or anxiety. I dunno. Maybe he's just attentionwhoring but it's important to just ask yourself "Why?"

Not that user but there has always been /mental illness/ general threads here where anons posted their self diagnosed mental illnesses, and they treat them like they are trading cards or something. Quite literally akin to the tumblr girls who try to ascribe themselves their own genders

Crying for help is a somewhat more justifiable version of attention whoring.

good post user, but I still think he's looking for attention
>Maybe he's just attentionwhoring but it's important to just ask yourself "Why?"
for the attention

as I said before, if he really does think he's schizophrenic he can go and disregard my last posts.

Think about it this way. These people find themselves coming back to this site. That's pretty good sign of someone genuinely being a worthless piece of shit. So at least they have that right. So anything else on top of that is just icing.
I think an important linguistic clue in OPs post is the words "feels like". It's not a declarative statement of mental illness. It's allegedly a sensation. I mean, what do I know, but if not specifically OP, the population of this websites big enough for at least a few people here to genuinely feel like as OP describes. Maybe they only lurk; who knows. Replying to a post thats only bullshitting and attention whoring could still give real answers to someone who may genuinely have these feelings who didn't themselves make a post about it.

>It's not a declarative statement of mental illness
He didn't make one for the same reason he refuses to seek help. He doesn't understand what being a schizo is actually like and is afraid of being called out for it.

as always, I may be wrong. if OP hurried up and replied to his own thread we might learn more!

I am very ordinary
I do not want to talk to people who pretend to care about me
>just write what you experience and go see a psychiatrist and see what they think
i'm not going to see a psychiatrist but i'll tell you what i'm experiencing
I want you to be right, I hope I'm just a loser desperate for attention.
>I think an important linguistic clue in OPs post is the words "feels like". It's not a declarative statement of mental illness. It's allegedly a sensation.
I'll only be sure if I get diagnosed and that won't happen because I'll never go to a doctor.

I'm writing these posts so I can either confirm or deny my suspicions. I don't know if it's normal to "hear" myself debate over everything, or for my face to look different everytime I look in the mirror. I talk to myself to calm myself down when I feel a little bit off kilter, but have only started this recently, and this has really set off a red flag to me, because I'll be arguing with myself out loud and I'll hear how odd it'd seem if someone else did it.
>as always, I may be wrong. if OP hurried up and replied to his own thread we might learn more!
I'm sorry I was reading

see the final nail in the coffin no bad feelings towards you user, but the OP is a fucking retard lol

Tell me why I'm a retard. If it's because I'm just describing what nornal people do, I can feel a lot better about myself.

I have no clue what you're using to gauge what is attentionwhoring and what isn't. I wonder if you would believe any post making such claims as OP.

>I do not want to talk to people who pretend to care about me
It's irrelevant. If you want help you should go to a shrink and it doesn't matter whether they care about you or are just doing their job.
>I want you to be right, I hope I'm just a loser desperate for attention.
Your "symptoms" may be imagined or caused by something else. Talking to yourself and feeling malaise is quite different from schizophrenia. As always, see a doctor.

i really need some input please come back

Maybe try getting some sleep. A few months ago I thought I was going schizo well and was super paranoid and started seeing things but only at night. I just had insomnia.

Don't listen to this guy, a doctor could institutionalize you and put you on mental lobotomy pills. Realize that theres a whole spectrum of what they call "schizophrenia". Then realize that shrink labels like schizophrenia are just that. Shrink labels for you certain minds work. If you feel like something is off, learn the principles of meditation and try to hone your mentality so that you own it. That's the best advice you're going to get itt. Fully controlling your own mind is not easy, but its the best shot you've got. Go down the rabbit hole but don't lose your footing. Wish you the best of luck.

>Shrink labels for you certain minds work
*for how certain minds work.
Also, don't forget your goal. If something is really off about yourself, the goal is to look as normal to others as you can and remain as functional as possible. Don't forget that.

Some symptoms I have noted:

-believing you can read minds
-hearing people in the other room talking shit about you
-hearing chainsaws at screaming from the buzz of a fan
-extremely persistent delusions involving intricately planned conspiracies against you
-believing that someone is coming to murder you, kidnap, extort, blackmail, experiment, or otherwise bother you
-seemingly random numbers take on very specific meanings like some sort of code
-seemingly innocuous statements from others will be taken completely out of context as if they meant something entirely different

>seemingly random numbers take on very specific meanings like some sort of code
>seemingly innocuous statements from others will be taken completely out of context as if they meant something entirely different
apply to me, op

>i can feel myself developing what feels like schizophrenia
So you're an attention whore snowflake who wants to feel special and unique

You are a loser through and through. Right to your core.