
I'm about to lose my V card to pic related. I'm tire to be a virgin, I want to gain some experience with women. what should I know first? What are your thought on prostitution?

Attached: img-0-gfe-fontaine-asian-escorte-asiatique-anal-disponible-.jpg (600x900, 453K)

Never EVER get asian prostitutes unless they are obviously white washed

Protip: Any Asian supermodel looking women are fakes and you're about to be mugged by some niggers.

why? she is soo hot

Asian hookers almost always use fake pics my dude

shit... good to know

Invite me over and I'll show you how to do it then you can try

1. Forget the gook, get in contact with a few verified white escorts
2. Let them know your situation. Find a girl who really wants to make your first time amazing. Trust me, there are girls who really enjoy nothing more than making cum buckets, especially in this industry. While in contact, if theyre rude in any way, find a new girl. Trust me
3. Once you've found the one, book your appointment
4. Make sure you havent fapped for ATLEAST a week before seeing her. I recommend 2 weeks though, believe me it will be worth it
5. Thats all, happy hedonism user

"Gaining experience with women" by using a prostitute in lieu of your hand is not very effective.
If you think fucking a professional sex worker is going to somehow give you insight on how sex with a partner is going to be, and it'll magically make you more able to communicate with women, then be my guest. But it's not how shit works.

Don't listen to this plebbit faggot op, experience is experience regardless, go get your cummies just try not to get addicted, pussy is like heroin

Fuck off roastie, why are you so threatened by hookers? Is it because sex is your only worth?

>if you think having sex is going to somehow give you insight on having sex, you're wrong
...? show tits please

thanks user! that's some really good advices you got here. I will do a week of nofap/noporn before.

I don't care if he wants to fuck hookers for the experience of fucking a hooker, but if he's using sex with a professional sex worker as a base line for sex with any woman, it's going to lead to disappointment or a complex down the line.

This user has no fucking idea what s/hes talking about. Once youve blown through a few hookers youll have more confidence and know what you want with real women. Once you realize you will always have hooker pussy to fall back on, regular pussy loses its value

don't be surprised when she shows up and is not even the same girl from the picture, probably 20 years older and 3/10. Also don't be surprised when you pay for an hour, she touches your dick, memorizes your name, age, location, and phone number, leaves after 20 minutes, and gives her gangster friends your contact info to send you spam texts about more prostitutes

Yes, devaluing personal intimacy with relationship partners is a great idea and totally not an issue with society, among both genders, already.

lol, why does it matter? Most women have already started having casual sex at 15 and fucked 100 guys by the time they are 25. At least this guy can at least get a chance to experience the sex that most women get to experience in their youth instead of it being wasted LDARing.

>what should I know first? What are your thought on prostitution?
First off I dislike prostitutes and find it pathetic way to lose your V-card.
With that said, you're better off being oblivious to sex user. Don't get me wrong it's great, part from the first time that is awkward as fuck, either you cum to touch or not at all and can't keep it hard.
But the suffering is worse afterwards as you've at that point tasted the forbidden fruit and your body craves more, more, MORE. You'll either create a new expense and become addicted to hookers thus no girl want anything to do with you unless you have some money in between not to mention the hazard for STDs, that hole has had a lot of dicks in it.
Or you stop at one and now know what you're missing out on, what all chads play for and the absolute pleasure it brings, yet you don't get anything and it's worse suffering then being oblivious to it.

Bottom line user, don't do it, find a girl that wants to be with you for you.

depends on the whore
"girlfriend experience" > the average random whore

This. Any attractive or even mediocre looking picture period is fake. The only real "escorts" are obese, methheads, black crackheads or trannies, and the trannies are ironically the most attractive out of all of them.

Wow, amazing how wrong and clueless you are.

Use reverse image search my dude. 100% of women who are even slightly attractive are fake.

I actually lost my virginity this week to a trans escort
She gave me the full girlfriend experience
10/10 would recommend

Dont you think girlfriend experience is incredibly cringe? Just having it in the back of my mind that you paid for this fake affection would make me cringe.

Enjoy waking up in a bathtub without a kidney ;)

You said only obese methhead black trannies are escorts. You're utterly clueless. I have been with plenty of escorts who have been 10/10 and intelligent and classy.

>She gave me the full boyfriend experience
Fixed that for you.

>Implying it's any different with a (((real))) gf, your only value is your money.

You gotta be a special kind of lazy to lose your virginity to a whore.

>I actually got AIDS this week

define "authentic" affection nigger
professional whores usually like sex genuinely more than the average woman if theyre not youre average meth/heroin addict whore and are happy theyre getting payed to just have sex, a roasty wont take your money, but heaven help you if you dont give square roasties your attention, you may as well not pay a whore in front of their pimp

I can go to a legal brother and get laid for 50 bucks. really cheap, I think i am going to do it. normal woman are too much of a hassle with a low chance of payoff

Attached: bj7b1xl2dwg21.jpg (477x474, 44K)

other than whores and nymphomaniacs not yet charging, theres also bisexual/bicurious lesbians

Whores are never classy.

Sex is boring. Girlfriends become boring. This user wants to experience sex. Chances are he will never find a girl who wants to be with him. This is his only choice.

Deal with it.

You're now wrong. Still worth it.
We used condoms, I'm fine

You dumb fuck. Why do you think high class escorts can charge so much?

Shut up with your bullshit. I've been with many Asian prostitutes. No bad experience

If her ass looks bad in that posture it has to be looking like hank's ass when she's standing normally

Nothing wrong with that ass. Stay mad user

well many other anons have said it itt but i just came here to say it's probably not the girl in the picture

I have a addiction to nigresses all white escorts look like shit

Having sex with a prostitute seems like a waste of money. Half the fun of sex is the passion and being close with someone you love and making them feel good.

>t. chick or faggot

OP is a guy women don't even WANT. I'm the same. I'm an escortcel because I don't get laid otherwise.

It's awesome. I'm a regular with a 21 year old girl. I'm in my mid 30s. The next visit will be my 10th and the best thing? We barely talked. Maybe 5 sentences total aside from the "Have a nice day!" afterwards. One time it was "I saw your new pictures. Sexy!" - "Thank you!".
She gives me the full GFE. A few kisses while touching each other. Then I eat her pussy and tongue-fuck her asshole. After that she blows me and then we fuck.
Cowgirl, missionary or doggy. I love to either finish doggy while pulling her cheeks apart and look at her butthole or missionary while kissing and grabbing one boob.
She let's you finish on her face for 30 extra, but I pay 50 in total for 30 minutes so it's not worth the extra money.

That ass is SMALL

>But the suffering is worse afterwards as you've at that point tasted the forbidden fruit and your body craves more, more, MORE.
i disagree 100%

after fucking an escort, i realized how meaningless sex alone is. i was like
>"wow, that's it? that's all the hype? what the heck!"
i later fucked TWO girls who weren't escorts. same thing!

it's good to have sex just to know how overblown it is by normies. normies act like it's the greatest thing in the world and feels better than any drug or anything. that's 100% wrong on every single count. smoking crack is more pleasurable

maybe it's because i'm cut, but i even fucked a girl raw once, it wasn't even better than fapping really well

It's fine. But at this point porn and 2D have done so much damage that I won't piss my money away on a literal rostie.
Plus I have no idea how to ask what's acceptable to do to a whore

That's because meaningless sex with a stranger is basically the same tier as masturbation

i had sex with two girls who were not "strangers" but it wasn't any better than fapping. i didn't love them (i have never loved a girl before) but it sitll wasn't as great as it's made out to be by normies

as for "meaningless" you could argue the only meaningful sex is that which is for procreation

regardless, OP needs to learn this less. normies LIE LIE LIE all the time, claiming sex is the best thing ever. it obviously isn't. you agree! so it would be a learning experience. OP will go, be underwhelmed, and no longer feel bad about not getting sex

it's a win-win