What is the connection between intelligence and mental illness? Nearly everybody I've talked to who was "gifted" as a child has been to a psych ward at least once
What is the connection between intelligence and mental illness...
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The mentally ill are stupid and stupid people think they're smarter than they actually are.
It was more of my teachers trying to diagnose me with everything rather than a climax of mental illness.
Intellect is a supposed commodity, when you find out that on it's own it's virtually worthless without other assets, namely work ethic and sociability, it's like watching all the stock you've invested your life savings into bottom out.
>[ . . . ] for all of its advantages, being highly intelligent is associated with psychological and physiological "overexcitabilities," or OEs.
>Psychological OEs include a heighted tendency to ruminate and worry, whereas physiological OEs arise from the body's response to stress. According to the hyper brain/hyper body theory, these two types of OEs are more common in highly intelligent people and interact with each other in a "vicious cycle" to cause both psychological and physiological dysfunction.
>For example, a highly intelligent person may overanalyze a disapproving comment made by a boss, imagining negative outcomes that simply wouldn't occur to someone less intelligent. That may trigger the body's stress response, which may make the person even more anxious.
Seems pretty accurate to me. I suffer from this myself. It's why I'm up now posting on this worthless shithole.
>Intellect is a supposed commodity, when you find out that on it's own it's virtually worthless without other assets, namely work ethic and sociability
Not really, it's just work ethic and sociability (aka nepotism) are valued more than competence in the current climate. Autists with high ability but zero social skills will have a hard time in this new age of diversity quotas, open offices and "sleep over" weekends at the office.
What monetary value does being smart have on it's own
i shit you not i was about to make an iq thread to see if its true 4channiggers were tards
1000% right. high iq doesnt mean shit if you dont have a strong work ethic. i have a fucking 145 iq (actually tested) and im failing every aspect of my life and dont feel extraordinary at all bc im a lazy worthless fuck
Thinking too much I guess
Kinda what this guy said. There's a whole generation of people now who were raised with the idea that they'd do well in life because of some talent they showed when they were still a kid. And they're discovering that's not the case.
>"sleep over" weekends at the office
Excuse me what gay shit is this? Is that an actual thing now? Fuck I hate corporate culture.
I have been told I am intelligent by other people. But, I am also really reclusive and I might be a high functioning autist. I dont derive any pleasure from being intimate with women and I am generally indifferent to other people. If anything, i get anxious around strangers and find it difficult to look them in the eyes without freezing up. I prefer to spend time on the internet reading stuff and watching documentaries. I also like to write music and make experimental recordings. I live a pretty solitary lifestyle outside of socializing with my parents and people at my local church. I also talk to my coworkers at my job. Lets just say that I am much less shy and much more outgoing these days then I was in the past and thats thanks to working different jobs and being involved at the church. Outside of these functions, I spend a lot of time alone other than hanging out with my parents.
we have lose the age of when smart people got jobs, then did those jobs and had no need to fuck with normies (50-70s was the highlight of this time, 90-10s is the downfall, 20s will be the end)
this and high iq ppl are more likely to feel isolated bc they intellectually don't fit in. that sounds faggy but it's true
>Excuse me what gay shit is this? Is that an actual thing now? Fuck I hate corporate culture.
Welcome to Silicon Valley
this is it
I had a 143 IQ when I was 19 and just last month I got sectioned for being suicidal
the psych said my IQ would have been higher if my depression weren't slowing my processing speed
>be young
>be intelligent, aware, curious
>notice the vast majority of people are completely irrational
>notice there is no logic to the way we live our lives
>ask people about it
>they tell you that you're wrong
>assume you're missing something
>waste your life trying to uncover answers that were never really there to begin with
>realize you were right all along
>try to communicate what you're experiencing
>people tell you that you're wrong
>have to interact with and rely on these people on a daily basis
>no escape
>lose your mind
It's perfectly understandable when you're the one experiencing it.
the world is maddening if you aren't braindead nigger cattle
Some mental illnesses are correlated with high intelligence like anxiety and some with low intelligence like schizophrenia. I have both and my IQ used to be around 120 but could be lower now due to the schizophrenia.
Saying "What monetary value does being smart have on it's own" makes it sound like you're talking about some mute super autist who can perform fast arithmetic in their head but can't funnel that ability into something of value. That's a rather extreme example as most smart people are just socially awkward or don't conform to trends.
I'm a savant on NEETbux because I can't work due to mental illness, I just do nothing but make art all day.
I already posted another comment on here but I will chime in again.
The modern age is just shit. I dont know what it is. The music is shit, the culture is shit, everything is so cheesy and lame unlike the past, which seems more eventful and much different overall. America in the 21st century is a weird place. People are very fat and now there are widespread movements of people rallying against science backed medical breakthroughs like the inventions of vaccinations. Kids these days think its cool to fuck around and smoke weed. Superficiality and short term entertainment is the norm.
I dont know. Maybe its me. It probably is. I am cynical bastard sometimes. I do have depression and anxiety problems.
lrn2code. You'll do better than you think
Thanks man I will, if you have time check out this song I made. It's my first time doing metal vocals I'm this user:
Forgot the link