Starting to get a bit distraught over my low back rounding in deadlifts. I cant seem to fix it

Starting to get a bit distraught over my low back rounding in deadlifts. I cant seem to fix it.

Hello all, I have been posting here a while now about my deadlifts and I have been told I need to drop the weight so my back doesnt round, but I was looking at some 135lb training footage and the back still rounds a bit. I have watched so many videos and have trained the ques up to what I think is proper, I drop my stomach between my legs until I feel the hamstrings tighten and lift and its still round. I know my core is incredibly weak, but that is why I am deadlifting, to try and make it stronger. Here is todays footage, I was doing 185lbs for 5 reps, as I dropped the weight by 20lbs and it still is bad. What can I do guys? I really want to have an amazingly strong core just for my life in general, but if I am risking hurting myself on deadlifts, what else can I do? Rows?


Attached: dead.jpg (800x500, 80K)

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This isn't "rounding"
Are you bracing/contracting your abs as well as holding your breath?

Your starting/pulling position is all wrong. You're doing bastardized romanian deadlifts from the floor.

stretch your hamstrings to gain mobility and when you deadlift imagine pushing your belly between your legs to straighten the back

your form is good you are over thinking this shit heavily. Just train and get stronger homie

Do you mean the bar is too far away from him?
My bad habit is also not squeezing my lats and dragging the bar against my body

yeah i would lower your hips a little op

>daniel jones

Lowering hips makes ROM longer, but who cares at 185lbs.
It would allow a flatter back if it's a hamstring flexibility issue

You think its a hamstring flexibility issue? I feel like my hamstrings are incredibly flexible, I can touch my toes easily

Yes I am, I make sure to do that.

No I don't think so personally, but I won't speak for the other anons

Okay but adding to this you need to squeeze your lats more and drag the bar up your body. They need to be solid. We can see the bar is quite far away from your thighs when you get past your knees, this distance creates a moment arm which is wasted effort.

Also when you put the bar down get your knees out the way first or you'll hurt yourself in the future. You should be able to put the bar back down quickly in the exact same starting position. Flatten your knees and break at the hips to put the bar back down.

You could use a hex bar, it forces you into a correct position and it's very difficult to do it wrong.

Does the back round less when doing hexbar?

Your arms should be fully vertical here. Don't stand so close to the bar, or roll it away a bit right before you lift. Imagine that you're a ragdoll on a string and you are being pulled up by your shoulders.

Attached: 20190824_032614.png (1714x1062, 1.52M)

OP ignore this post. Fuck off retard

There is no lower back rounding in your vid OP

No, he's correct on the left.
Shoulders should be in front of the bar, scapulae over the bar

Yes, it's very difficult for it to round because of how the lift is done.

I literally just did 185 lbs yesterday like that with zero (0) curling (although my lower back hurts now and I have lumbar lordosis which may affect things somehow). I'm an absolute dyel and a manlet so if I can do it he should be able to as well

lol, this is terrible advice

both of you are retards. shoulder and arms should be 90 degree perpendicular to the bar.

best advice i have ever received. pinch your last and push through the ground with your heels. as long as your lats remain tight you wont round.

and idk this works for me but thrusting my hips forward as i lift up usually mantains a neutral back

>shoulder and arms should be 90 degree perpendicular to the bar.
No, this is wrong. Every deadlifter worth their salt will tell you this also

Is pic related right? Should you engage your glutes?

Attached: Deadlift advice 2.png (1224x170, 66K)

It just really seems like there is rounding and it is messing with my head. Doesnt it look round to you? I have uploaded several videos lately of my deadlift form and there seems to be noticeable rounding. I dont know if it is in my head or what

It could be your spinal erectors contracting. They're not straight.

That is an interesting point. So maybe im not rounding at all?

It's possible

Your hips are way too high when you start. Almost looks like an RDL. Sit lower

Really? I just was watching tons of starting strength videos with Mark Rippetoe and he is always telling people to keep the hips high. I felt they were in a good position but I could be wrong

the problem is youre almost doing stiff leg diddys. Dropping the hips adds legs to the equation. But generally there's not even much rounding to worry about, your problem is the starting position

So you think dropping the hips a bit and incorporating more leg into the movement will help the back angle? I always read mark rippetoe saying that if you lower the hips its like you are squatting the weight up and thats incorrect.

Stop deadlifting and stretch bro I lift about the same weight you lift doing deadlifts and my very very very slight lower back rounding fucks me up and annoys me I can't imagine an universe where that level of rounding won't put you on a chair. Careful, man.

Btw my form got much better when I started putting the bar only one inch or so from my sheens. Also put the bar under your armpit/shoulders, not completelt aligned. Also when I'm doing warm up sets I try to do pause deadlifts to make sure I'm contracting my glutes and using them so my lower back is safe, also knees out, like once you get in position "push" your knees against your arms, something like that, watch all alan thrall videos on deadlift and also maybe candito training too on yt. My form is not that good but it's far from being that bad, you don't seem to be using your glutes at all.

How does it fuck you up? Like it hurts later in the day?

Didnt read pic but yeah you should be using your glutes bro, specially at the start.

>just roll the bar away and add needless strain to your low back

Thats not what im saying idot

this is literally the best response in the thread, the deadlift is a true compound movement that uses a lot of muscle groups, and gluteal amnesia is a real thing, especially for those with desk jobs, warm up properly before performing deadlifts, also deadlifts are fucking garbage for hypertrophy, I stopped at 495lbs because it felt like too much of a risk

Post body then I bet you are dyel

i agree with this anons prognonsis drop your hips a bit more so your back is flat, other than that your form is gud


Attached: 85042.png (720x740, 164K)

Your back is fine. But get your ass lower, you're halfway between deadlift and rdl. Your legs are supposed to work too but yours basically don't move.

Watch back angle on

Also read

Attached: Figure-1-Top.jpg (620x349, 48K)

You have to pucker your asshole a bit as the plates leave the floor. As the weight moves upward, you should begin to relax your asshole, relative to the height of the bar. Your asshole should be hanging wide open at the full height of the lift. Now, logic would tell you that you should pucker immediately as you drop the weight(technically, this method can be used for all pulling movements, but never a pushing movement!). However, your asshole should remain open until the plates hit the mat again. This method will ensure that your lower gut is inflated with enough air to stiffen your lower back, which as you pointed out, is your trouble area. As an added benefit, the rectum is capable of capillary exchange. What this means is that you can actually absorb oxygen and expel carbon dioxide via the cilia of your colon. You may be shaking your head, but I've had great success and increased my PR on ALL lifts using this one secret. Pic related; that's me.

Attached: 40400855_10101346573463142_3676103654433095680_n.jpg (720x960, 119K)


I think the way you approach the bar and setup for the lift is not the greatest, but the actual form during the lift looks ok.
if you want to strengthen core search Stuart McGill big 3, he also has some books.

Shity advice

The starting strength book disagrees with me having to "lower my ass"

lower your hips. also make sure to exhale fully before taking a deep belly breath and make sure to use your lats by covering your armpits


join a real gym that has a reverse hyper. or do hyperextensions in your cookie cutter gym to strengthen your low/mid back
hope this helps

lmao he fell for the ss meme

Deadlift with a wider feet stance.

Weak hamstrings 100%